Chapter 11

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Without waiting, she entered her home. It was in Adyar, tucked away in a quiet place amidst the happening city streets. This place had her heart, wherever she was ... this is where her soul was.

Devi ma and Venkat pa hugged Sakthi, and the day went by so fast. Sakthi was talking about her movie project. When asked about her Bombay trip she just brushed it off saying it went well. She did not mention meeting her brother as it was going to be a surprise for her parents. 

After lunch, she went to meet with Anu and then reached the studio after dinner with a plan to work all night. With her favorite playlist on the background, she started sketching a few designs and was interrupted by a call. It was from an unknown number and it was around 2 AM. She thought it might be mis dial did not pick and then she got a call from the same number in 10 minutes.

Sakthi: Who is this?

Unknown: Hi Sakthi! Can you please on the line, I will connect you with Mr.Devarakonda.

Sakthi thought she was dreaming. He was one of the hot sensations across India setting some serious trends amongst youngsters.

Devarakonda: Hey Sakthi! Is this a good time?

Sakthi: Hi Sir.. yes it is.. It's such a pleasant surprise.

Devarakonda: I watched a music video and was amazed by the costumes. Got to know that it was your work. Just wanted to say Kudos. Keep up the great work...

She remembered the song produced by her brother which she had styled before she started working with Anu. She was a free-lancer back then and was working on experimenting Indian designs on western outfits.

Sakthi: Thank you.. it means a lot coming from you. I admire your sense of fashion.

Devarakonda: I am doing a new Tamil movie next. Would you be open to styling me for that?

It was more than a dream come true moment but she was already packed with styling and helping with Art direction for Gautham's movie. This is an impossible situation she thought.

Sakthi: It would be a dream come true. As much as I would love to style for you, I have already committed to work on a movie. I am so sorry.

Devarakonda: It will be just for me. So just think about it. My shoot does not start for 3 months from now.

Sakthi: Sure Sir... I will think about it. But thank you again for taking your time to call. It motivates me to do better and try innovative ideas.

Devarakonda: I will text you from my number so that you can call back when you make a decision. I do look forward to working with you. And call me Vijay. Am not that old. Take care.

Sakthi: Sure Vijay... You too.

Once the call was over, she was over the moon. Not because an uber cool hero called her but because her work was recognized by people she had looked up to when she took up designing and styling as her career.

She wanted to share this news with someone right away and she knew Anu would be asleep. She was still hesitant to initiate a conversation with Aadhi after she had left with him no answer on his dinner invite. After a lot of thinking, she decided to text him.

Text message In Italics

Sakthi: Hey Aadhi! You up?

After dropping her, he was feeling empty at heart but did not want to influence her decision. He asked and she said that she needed time. So, he was giving her what she asked for. It was impossible for him to sleep with thoughts of the last couple of nights still fresh in his memory. Her presence was addictive. He was trying to distract himself by playing video games. Next to cooking and music, that was his way to relax. He was busy trying to score a goal when he received the most unexpected text and he responded almost instantly.

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