Chapter 30

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Rating: 16+ - I think adding just before that part ruins the flow.

Author in Kulu Kulu land after Chellama Spaces and Lonely Hearts update. Smiling like a fool all day long. 

Let's get into the story now. Super long update ahead. 


It was about 2 AM and there was no call or text from him yet. Sakthi was done waiting and decided to find he was. She saw that he was at the beach on the Friends and Family location sharing which they had enabled when he left to meet his parents at Coimbatore. He had insisted on it, to make sure they can atleast know where the other person is, in case of emergencies. Though she never thought there would come a situation where she would use it, today it came in handy.

Sakthi took one of Aadhi's cars and started driving, her memories flooded with how just a casual statement of hers had completely ruined a beautiful day. Did she deserve to be left alone for that? No. But, at this point she was not going to let her ego overpower her. She started this and she has to make it right.

In 30 minutes, she was there. He was sitting at the same place as the previous night. His face was tired and dull, and he looked weak. She walked as fast as she could and kneeled before him to cup his face inside her soft and small palms.

They just looked into each other's eyes and did not say a word. There was just so much conveyed in the silence between two hearts. She hugged him tight into her arms and whispered, "Don't you know that I cannot sleep without you next to me?".

He was silent for a couple of minutes before he started talking.

"I don't expect you to be vocal about you needing me but the least you can do is not make me feel like it's just my need." His voice broke as he said those words to her. She never thought that he would feel that way. 

She needs him as much as he needs her, why would he think otherwise? She could not bare the thought that she made him feel weak and alone.

"Aadhi I need you as much as you need me. We are together in this relationship and maybe sometimes I get what I need or even more from you even without asking for it. Just because you initiate it does not mean that you are the only one who needs it. It just means that you understand our needs even before I can think of it."

She felt his tears on her neck which made her quickly move away to see his face. She wiped off his tears. "I am right here. I will be here. You are not alone." She mumbled in a low voice.

"Sorry Sakthi. I should not have left. Not after I asked you to come with me and promised to stay with you. But when you said that, ennala thanga mudila. I did not want to say something that would cause more damage"

"I started it, although I did not mean to I did end up hurting you. You are human too. But going forward, I want you to stay. You may not want to talk to me or even look at me. But, don't leave me alone."

He pulled her into a tight hug. He missed her warmth and her presence so bad, and now that she was here, he could not control himself. He placed his hands on her waist to pull her closer on to his lap and started to place wet kisses and gentle bites on her neck making her body shiver. "Should I stop?", he whispered. "No", she confirmed. He progressed to kiss her earlobes and cheeks making her moan.

Before she could recognize, his lips were kissing hers. It was not neither slow nor gentle like their first one. This was passionate and deep filled with need, yearning and desire. He bit her lower lips which made her moan and she buried her hands in his hair to pull him closer. He explored her mouth with his tongue until they both were gasping for breath.

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