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A few blocks away lived another boy, but his life was much different than the others. He had everything he ever wanted, no he wasn't and isn't rich, but he has a loving family who try and give him what he wants.

The boy doesn't actually ask for much, nor does he want much, he's happy with what he has. His parents are both supportive over the boy after recently coming out as gay to them, of course like any parents, they had their suspicions. He also has a cat, who was the snuggliest cat he's ever met in his life, not that he didn't love the snuggles he got from her. 

At school, the boy lived like a king, ruling over many of his subjects who attended to each and every one of his needs, even though he didn't like it. The boy actually liked when it used to be him and only one of his friends, but sadly, he hasn't seen or heard from him since they were little.

He's tried looking for the boy, but even with his name and his child face, no results ever came up, it was like he fell off from society. The boy missed his friend, but he could never ask his parents about it, they never answered him directly which angered and confused him at the same time.

The boy had no real routine, everyday was like a new adventure for him, and that may seem childish to say for his age, but it's true. Sometimes he'd wake up late, sometimes he'd wake super early, then he'd be greeted with breakfast, or he'd just walk right out the door, saying goodbye on his way out.

His way to school was no different though, he walked the same route to avoid being late to any of his classes. When he'd arrive at school though, everything changed, his posture, his mood and his attitude. He'd start off by meeting up with two of his friends, Nick and Karl, before meeting up with Alex on the way into school.

This group consisting of four was know as the popular squad to the whole school, a stupid name in George's opinion, but his friends seemed to like it for some odd reason. Whenever they'd roam the halls, George would hear people whispering, girls giggling, but he didn't like it, all he wanted to do was give his position as a popular kid to someone else and live a normal highschool life.

He just wanted to be that one kid in school who had their one true friend group, and not as noticeable as the popular kids such as the jocks and cheerleaders. He figured coming out as gay would get people off his back, but all it did was bring even more attention to himself, and drive him mad.

Everyday as he walked into his maths class, he'd take notice of a tall male go in before him to sit in the back, he always wore black clothing, but he didn't look emo, he looked numb, but comfortable in George's opinion. He's wanted to ask if the guy was okay, but everytime he'd get close, a mob of people would get in his way, asking if George wanted to be their partner for the next project and stupid question like that. He even tried to ask at the end of class if the boy was alright, but he always seemingly disappeared even though he was really tall.

It bugged the boy not knowing who the other was, or even if he was doing alright since he looked so, meh? everyday during school. Even at lunch, he'd see the blonde sitting by the window alone, not eating or doing anything besides watch birds fly by.

George thought it was sad, but he also didn't want to judge the other male for doing something he liked, so he decided to keep his thoughts to himself. It's not like George could just walk up to him and start a conversation, he would end up being bombarded with people surrounding them and asking questions.

When the boy would return home, he'd give his parents both a bright smile and a small conversation before going to his room. For hours he'd study and do his homework, he may be popular, but he made sure to keep his grades up and stay somewhat smart on all his subjects.

After those hours, he'd take his shower, get dried off and change into comfy clothes before joining his parents for supper. Instead of sitting at their dinning table, the small family sat in the living room to watch a movie or show together while they ate. Even Cat joined them for her meals out in the living room.

After dinner, George would make sure to be helpful and take everyone's dishes and wash them before going back to his room. He'd spend the rest of his awake hours in there, either on a call with his friends, or simply just watching a movie on his laptop.

Soon enough though, the boy would end up plugging his phone in, turn on a long show to fall asleep to after a few minutes. He found it relaxing to just watch some random show before falling asleep, he'd often even dream about different scenarios to end the episode he was watching before falling asleep.

Of course when the boy would wake up, his new adventure started and his head filled with new goals for that day. Today was Friday, but it was a different Friday than usual, today George wouldn't be the king, today he'd be a simple, average student who wanted to make a new friend.

He would wear his baggiest black clothing he owned and sit with the tall stranger, even if they just sat in complete silence, he wanted to make sure the other would be okay, even if he didn't know him. He was determined to just spend a day as a normal kid to do normal things, so he told Nick to become the leader for the day and drag everyone away from him. The other boy happily agreed.

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