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When the duo got home, Clay parked the car and got out, George getting out as well, but a little shakier. The blonde had already noticed how spooked the smaller seemed, but he didn't want to ask about it since he figured it was something personal. So, instead of overwhelming the boy with question, the taller just pulled the other into a protective, but gentle hug, holding him close. "I won't ask, but know I'm here for you and I'll listen okay?" The boy said, feeling a nod he from the smaller as he hugged back.

Right when he hugged back though, the smaller broke down and quietly let out sobs into his boyfriends chest, way too overwhelmed by all the cruel memories from when him and Justin were together. The two made their way down to the ground, the blonde having the smaller boy sit on his lap as he cradled him, softly shushing him as he rubbed his back. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here...I'm here, just let it out." Clay said gently, resting his head on top of the smallers.

The two sat there for a little while, George sobbing in the blondes arms who patiently sat there the whole time, whispering little things to brighten the brunettes mood. Eventually though, George's sobs turned into little sniffles as he held onto the taller tightly, thinking if he let go, the blonde would leave him. "I'm sorry..." George mumbled out after another few minutes, thinking he was being annoying, or acting too much like a baby.

Clay almost instantly tightened his grip around the brunette a shook his head. "Hey, hey, there's nothing to apologize for Georgie, you were upset and that's okay, don't apologize okay?" The boy said, gently kissing the top of George's head, who only nodded in return. Eventually, the blonde stood up, carrying the smaller in his arms as he headed inside. "How about I run you a warm bath and make you your favorite snack hm? Would that help make you feel better?" The blonde asked, looking down at the smaller who looked up at him.

"Only if you add bubbles and sing me a few songs after you make me a snack." George said, a little smile on his face when he saw his boyfriend smile and nod his head.

When Clay got inside and in the bathroom, he set George down on the closed toilet before starting the water and adding bubbles like the boy had asked. He made sure the water was the right temperature before turning the faucet off and standing up. "Alright, you get in the bath and I'll be back in a few minutes with your snack and your songs." He said, earning a smile from the brunette before he left, closing the door behind him as he made his way down to the kitchen.

The blonde knew that the other really enjoyed breakfast foods, and he also knew that the brunette liked his cooking, so he decided to make the boy a small plate of mini pancakes with chocolate chips. After a little bit of cooking, the blonde made his way back up to the bathroom, entering before closing the door. He didn't walk passed the little closet that was before the bathtub since he knew how the other boy was, so he just sat down, his back resting against the closet door as he handed the plate over to the brunette.

The smaller took the plate with a smile and thanked the blonde before reaching his hand out, Clay already knew what he was asking for, so he took hold of his hand and rubbed his thumb over his knuckles gently. He knew what the brunette was waiting for, so he smiled a little, resting his head back against the closet door and started to sing the song Lemon Boy by Cavetown, the background music playing off his phone.

George smiled, feeling a sense of safety as he ate the mini pancakes while listening to the blonde sing to him. He loved how caring the taller was towards him, he always felt so loved and comforted when he was with Clay, unlike how he felt when he was with Justin. The brunette also always had this little warm feeling in his chest whenever Clay respected his boundaries like right now. He was still uncomfortable with the blonde seeing him get changed in the morning for school, so he was obviously really uncomfortable whenever the blonde even glanced his way when he was in the tub, but he never did once.

The blonde never looked at George when he was in the tub, he never walked in the bathroom when he was in the shower. Yes, technically Clay has seen George in only his boxers when they went to the pond, but George noticed him keeping his eyes on his face instead of even glancing at his body, even when they were getting changed, the boy faced away. Justin never did this though, he took every chance he got to make the brunette uncomfortable, break his boundaries, in the brunettes eyes, he was a borderline pervert, but there was no way he could've said that to him, otherwise he'd get yelled at.

At some point while he was thinking about all of this, he had finished his food, set the plate on the floor and started to cry quietly. This time it wasn't tears of sadness, it was tears of joy, he was overwhelmed with happiness as he put into thought about how good the blonde treated him, about how he always tried to brighten his day when he was sad, how he protected him at all costs, comfort him when he was scared. "George? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He heard the blonde ask him, pulling him out of his thought.

Before he answered, he took note on how the blonde squeezed his hand gently and he could tell the boy was worried. "No I'm okay, I was just thinking about how great of a person you are, and how great of a boyfriend you are to me." The boy said through his sniffles, and felt the blonde kiss the top of his hand. Before he got scared though, he noticed the blonde using his free hand to hide his eyes from the brunette who sat in the tub. "See, there you go again, being so nice to me, respecting everything I've said, you're just so nice, you don't deserve any of all the hate and harm people have done to you, it's not fair." The boy said, getting a little worked up again.

The blonde smiled a little and rubbed his thumb on top of the brunettes hand, making little soothing circles. "George, you're the one who's nice around here, you practically saved my life, you got me out of my house and away from my parents, you helped me make friends, heh, you showed me what love was actually like." The boy started, his own eyes tearing up slightly as he continued. "George, everyday you're so nice to me, your nice to your friends, you're even nice to strangers you see walking by on the sidewalk, you're the sweetest person I know." The boy admitted, giving a small chuckle.

The brunette smiled hearing the other talk, so he worked up enough courage to let go of the blondes hand and stand up. He asked the other to look away really quick, in which he did, so George stepped out of the tub, dried himself off some before wrapping a towel around his waist and sitting down next to the blonde. Before Clay could do or say anything, the brunette leaned against the taller, wrapping his arms tightly around him and closed his eyes, a little smile on his face. "I love you Clay." The boy said, feeling the taller wrap his arms around him a little hesitant since he didn't know if he was aloud to.

After a second though, he realized the brunette was okay with it, so he pulled him close, kissed the top of his head before resting his own on top of the brunettes. "I love you too Georgie."

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