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When morning came, the blonde woke up not to his alarm he previously set, but to his sister smacking his face gently. "Clay! Clay wake up! I need clothes and a ride to school!" She whisper yelled at her brother, being careful not to wake the sleeping George that currently laid on top of the taller blonde. With a few more small smacks, Clay woke up and opened his eyes with a small groan and noticed his sister, then he picked his phone up at looked at the time before letting out a small sigh.

The boy nodded and gently pushed the brunette off him and stood up, Drista standing up beside him as well, as the siblings made their way other to Techno and Schlatt. "Hey! Idiots! Wake up! I gotta take Drista to school and I'm taking you two with me." Clay said in a normal voice considering they were further away from the group. When the two didn't open their eyes, both blondes shared a knowing nod to eachother and poked as hard as they could into the unconscious boys' side before they sprang up. "Good, you both are awake, now let's get going, meet me outside by the car." The blonde said, taking his sisters hand and guided her through the house to his room.

"Can I wear one of your smaller hoodies again? It was a little big, but it was like you were there the whole day, y'know? And I can wear my jeans again, so don't worry about that." Drista asked, watching as her brother went to the closet. She also saw two cats come running her way, which caused a smile to form on her face, especially when the jumped on her lap, showing affection almost instantly. Soon enough, Clay came back over with two hoodies for her to choose from then said to go out to the car when she was done before leaving the room.

The taller blonde headed to the backyard again where he proceeded to go over and wake the sleeping brunette with almost no problems. "Hey Georgie, I'm gonna take off for a bit, I gotta drop Drista off at school and take Schlatt and Techno to their houses so they can get ready." The boy said as the tired brunette sat up rubbing his eyes, a small yawn escaping him in the process. "I'll be back soon, also, your outfit for the day is in the bag on my side of the closet." The blonde said before giving a quick kiss to the side of the others face and standing up, making his way through the house to the car.

"Damn, for being in a hurry you sure took you time huh Clay?" Schlatt said in a sarcastic tone, earning him a punch in the shoulder from the blonde. "Man I was just kidding, good to know your the same old Clay though." The boy said getting into the car as everyone else followed. The blonde just rolled his eyes and got in, too tired to deal with his friend and started the car before driving off. He first dropped Techno off with a see you soon, then he dropped Schlatt off with a fuck you, then when he pulled up at Dristas middle school, both blondes got out of the car.

Due to the red mustang and tallness of the boy, they dragged attention to themselves, but the siblings were too caught up in conversation to care. "Can you pick me up after school too? You can drop me off a block away from grams if you want, I just don't want to take the bus anymore, knowing my brother has a cooler looking transportation now." Drista joked, but she got a nod from her brother who also let out a small chuckle. The two shared a brief hug and Drista gave her thanks before running over to meet up with her friends. Clay smiled a little and got back in his car and just had to make an exit for himself, so he sped off a little, but not too fast.

When the boy got home, he noticed people walking around, so he was glad they were getting ready for their school day. When he walked inside, he put the keys up, but was instantly met with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. "Clay, care to explain why you took the car without asking?" Michael asked raising a brow the blonde who slumped down a bit and sighed softly.

"Sorry, I also took it yesterday too, but I had my licence with me both times, but this morning was because I need to take Schlatt home since he goes to a different school, I needed to take Techno home so he could get ready, and I had to take my little sister, Drista, to school, and the quickest way was the car." The blonde said, forgetting he hasn't told them about Drista yet, but when he realized, his face went pale and he immediately walked passed the adults who stood shocked. "I'll pay car rent if I really have to, but I have to get ready for school." The blonde said before rushing up the stairs and into his room.

When he walked in, he was met by the trio sitting on the bed, annoyed looks on their faces. "What did you buy George to wear to school today? He won't come out of the bathroom, claiming it's too embarrassing and he'd rather die than be seen in public." Nick grumbled, looking over at the blonde who had a smirk on his face. When he didn't answer, Nick stood up and walked over to him. "Clay, what did you get him? I'm tired and I have to get ready as well, so get your boyfriend out of the bathroom." Nick stated, his tone slowly changing, which the blonde noticed, causing tension to fill the air.

"You'll see in a second Nick, so how about you go sit back down and wait your turn yeah? Other wise this isn't going to end pretty." The taller said, looking down at the other boy, taking great offence to the way Nick said 'boyfriend'. Nick didn't back off however and took a step forward, getting in Clays face which also caused Alex and Karl to start freaking out on the inside. "I'm not doing this right now Nick, so go sit before we both regret this." The blonde said, trying to gain control over his anger, but it slowly started to seep through imaginary cracks.

Nick was already angry, he was used to being respected and feared within their small group still, but with the blondes new found confidence that he started getting about a month ago, things started changing. He felt like he had to prove something to the taller male, but everytime they got into a fight, he felt as if they weren't stopped, he'd lose to the other, the once known quiet kid. As the tension got to their heads, they boys started shoving eachother and saying insults, causing the other two on the bed to scoot back, but soon enough, the brunette ran out of the bathroom and over to the two fighting boys. He shoved them apart and looked quite angry, that was until he noticed Nick looking at him shocked and Clay looking at him with a smirk.

It was only then that the brunette realized what he was wearing and quickly hid behind Clay and gripped the back of his shirt. He was embarrassed, angry and flustered, a terrible combination in his opinion. "Clay, I was actually nice to you, why would you do this to me?" The brunette asked quietly, receiving a small chuckle from the taller who turned around and placed his hands on top of the smallers hips, a smirk on his face.

"I thought you'd look cute, and I was definitely correct, but if you want to chicken out and wear something else, I'll understand." The blonde said, almost in a teasing voice and kissed the brunettes forehead. The smaller shook his head quickly and told the blonde he was up for the challenge before handing the blonde his clothes for the day and sent him to the bathroom, a little smile on his face as he got more used to his own clothes.

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