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After a half an hour of wrong turns and chatter, the boys soon arrived at a small pond surrounded by weeping willow trees and fire fly's lighting up the area. George smiled to himself when he saw the landscape, but let out a small giggle seeing his boyfriends face. The blonde was in complete awe at the sight, but he soon put his attention on the brunette before hugging him from behind. "What is this place Georgie? And how do you even know of it?" The boy asked after kissing the smallers cheek.

George smiled a little bit and held both of the tallers hands before looking up at him. "It's just a place I ran away to when my parents would start arguing when I was little, I never knew why they did, but now I do, it's because my dad wanted to go take you from your parents and bring you back to our house." The smaller said, earning a small smile from the taller. George soon turned around in the blondes arms and hugged him. "There would always be a little fuss between them about you, I'm just sad we didn't get to you sooner." The brunette admitted, hugging the boy tighter.

Clay sighed softly, and hugged the boy tight before kissing the top of his head. Soon enough though, the blonde broke from the hug, confusing the brunette, but his questions were answered before he could even ask them. The brunette watched as his boyfriend stripped from his cropped hoodie then the fishnet shirt, his shoes and socks already kicked off to the side. The smaller just stared in awe, feeling a small blush form on his cheeks as he watched the blonde take his jeans off and look his way with a small smirk. "What? Am I too hot for you to handle." The boy said, already full of himself at the moment.

The brunette instantly looked over to the side, his blush growing brighter, but his attention was brought back to the blonde when he heard a small splash come from the pond. When the smaller saw the other pop back up from beneath the water, he laughed a bit and walked over, sitting down on the grass. "You're such an idiot Clay, you still have to drive home." The brunette said sarcastically and smiled as he watched the taller swim over to him and rest his arms on the grass.

"I know I have the to drive, that why I took off all my clothes besides my boxers off so I have something to sit in that's dry." The boy said, looking up at the other who sat peacefully on the grass. "Why don't you come in Georgie? The waters warm and you don't have to drive." The taller spoke again, and earned a head shake from the smaller.

"I don't want to swim in dirty pond water, plus we have school tomorrow so I don't want to smell all weird." The brunette pointed out as he crossed his arms.

"Oh come on Georgie, we can take a shower either tonight or tomorrow morning." The taller stated and got a raised brow from the brunette in return. "Please Georgie." The boy whined, and this time the smaller stood up and kicked his shoes and socks off, starting to walk over to the water, but he didn't get far. "What are you doing?" The taller asked, raising a brow.

"What do you mean? I'm going swimming?" The brunette asked, genuinely confused. He watched as the blonde pointed to his clothes, then looked at him. As soon as it clicked in the brunettes head, he blushed and shook his head. "Nope, nope, nope, I'm not- nope." The brunette said, sitting right back down and crossing his arms.

"Georgie~" The blonde whined, earning a head shake from the brunette. "Please~" The boy whined again, using some sort of puppy dog eyes which for once worked on the brunette.

"Just...look away okay?" The brunette asked, fiddling with the hem of the skirt and Clay could tell he was a bit uncomfortable, so he nodded and turned around in the water.

"You don't have to if you don't want to George, I don't want to push you to do something you don't want to." The blonde said, but as an answer, he heard a small splash from beside him and looked over to see the brunette popping up from below the water with a small giggle.

"You're not pushing me to do anything Clay, I just don't want your eyes on me the whole time we're here." The brunette joked, swimming over to his boyfriend before kissing him gently.

After pulling away, both boys just swam around, splashed eachother like little children and all around just enjoyed one another's company. After about an hour of swimming Clay sat on a little dirt hill in the pond, George sitting on his lap and leaning back against him. They'd be lying if they said they weren't getting a bit tired, but neither of them wanted to move first. "Clay, were you being serious about fixing up your house? And letting me live with you?" The brunette asked, turning his head to face the blonde.

Clay looked down at the other boy and smiled at him, kissing his forehead before he spoke. "Yes I'm serious George, you're definitely the best thing that's happened to me." The blonde said, then leaned down, nuzzling his face into the brunettes neck. "And...I don't want to be apart from you." The boy mumbled, earning a giggle from the smaller boy.

"Well I don't want to be apart from you either, but I'll move in on a few conditions." The boy stated, hearing a hum from the blonde, signaling him to continue. "I want to help clean up and move things in, we both need jobs, not just you, and lastly." The boy started before turning around in the blondes lap to face him properly. "I want a gaming room for the both of us." The boy finished, getting a small chuckle in return from the blonde who nodded.

"Anything for you Georgie." The taller teen said before pulling the brunette closer and kissed the top of his head, causing the smaller to blush a bit. The two sat there for a bit longer before Clay finally stood up, picking up the brunette bridal style and got out of the water. When they were on the grass, the two both started shivering due to the small breeze, but the breeze helped dry the two of them off enough to put their clothes back on.

Once they were dressed, Clay picked up his wallet, phone and car keys and sighed softly seeing a few missed calls from Michael and a few messages from Jenna. "You have them too huh?" The brunette asked as the duo headed back to the car. He saw the blonde nod so he sighed gently. "We're both almost eighteen, they don't have to be so protective." The small said, as he felt the taller hold his hand.

"Well we did just leave out of nowhere George, it's a good thing they're wondering where we went." The taller said, facing the other boy, but he looked away, a sad sigh leaving him. "At least your parents worry, so don't talk down on it, okay?" The boy asked, and almost instantly he stopped walking, feeling the smaller hug him and whisper a small apology to him. The blonde said it was okay and soon enough, they got back to the car and started to drive home.

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