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"Technos? Why are we going there? And why do you have clothes?" The boy asked, gaining no answer from the taller for a few minutes.

"Just, wait alright, it'll make sense when we get there alright." The boy said, continuing on his way to his friends house which wasn't too far from his old house, thankfully.

Soon enough, the two boys were met with a slightly larger than average household and Clay knocked on the door as he walked in. Him and George were both greeted by Technos parents, then they said that the other two were upstairs. "Other two?" The brunette questioned quietly to himself as the duo made their way to the other boys room. When they entered, Clay was immediately tackled in a hug by a girl who George didn't know, but he noticed the taller smile and hug back. Before George could do or say anything though, Techno pulled him back and sighed.

"Just wait, it's not what you think okay." Was all he said before letting go of the brunette. After he was let go, George looked over at the other two and almost instantly, he felt like an idiot since he could see the similarities the two shared, showing George that they were siblings. When he looked down at the floor embarrassed, he heard Techno behind him hold back a laugh.

When the two blondes look George's way, the girl walked over to him and raised his head, studying his face before looking back at Clay. "This is George right? Not Michael?" Clay nodded with a small laugh and George just looked at her with a raised brow. "Holy shit, I didn't actually think he'd bring you today, well let me introduce myself, I'm Drista, Clays little sister." The girl said, holding out her hand with a warm smile. The brunette smiled back and shook her hand.

"Well it looks like you already know who I am." The brunette said, then looked at Clay with a confused face. The taller only chuckled and handed the bag with clothes to Drista before he told her to go change. When she was gone, George threw out his questions. "Clay, what the hell?! A sister?! And you didn't tell my parents?! You didn't tell me?!" The brunette almost yelled, but it was more of a whine. He felt a hand push down on his shoulder firm and when he looked up, he was met with Techno, glaring at him, most likely telling him to shut up, so he did.

Clay let out a huffed chuckle and told Techno it was fine then looked at George. "Don't worry, Drista didn't go through what I did okay, she went and lived with our grandma after she was born, and my parents don't even know that she's their kid." He started, then noticed the brunette silently asking for more of the story. "I didn't tell you or your parents because, she was, and still is safe, and I'm enough of a burden to your parents already, and before you say I'm not, don't, I can tell your parents changed a lot of things since I started living there." The blonde quickly finished, and the smaller couldn't get any more questions in since Drista walked into the room.

"Well, they're a little big, but a comfortable big." Drista said, holding her arms out to show the hoodie hanging off her more than how her usual hoodies do. After the boys noticed she put her arms down, then walked over to Clay. "You know what middle school I go to right?" She asked, gaining a nod from her brother. "Alright! Then let's go, I don't want to be late." She exclaimed and walked out the door, picking up her backpack and the three highschoolers followed after her. When they went downstairs, Clay showed his license to Technos father before he handed the keys over.

"Wait, you have your license Clay?!" The brunette asked out of pure surprise. Both blondes looked his way, Clay nodded and Drista looked confused as to why George didn't know that already. Soon enough, all of them filed into the car, George and Clay up front, Techno and Drista in the back. Drista was unaware of the relationship between Clay and George, so she was a little confused when she saw the two hold hands as her brother drove. Techno noticed her confusion and laughed a little bit, getting Clays attention.

When he looked in the rearview mirror, Technos eyes guided Clay over to Drista, and he noticed her confused look towards the hand holding. Instead of explaining anything to her, he'd just solve all her confusion with one simple moment. When they hit a red light just before Dristas school, Clay gently squeezed the brunettes hand with a small smile, causing the boy to look his way. The blonde then leaned in, thank the brunette for understanding his sister situation and kissed him gently before returning his eyes to the road.

He heard a scoff from Techno, but when it clicked in Dristas head, she let out a squeal and started talking a whole lot more to George, asking him some questions the the rest of the way to her middle school. After another minute or two, Clay parked in front of Dristas school and she got out of the car, but instead of going into the school, she went over to Clays side and forced him out of the car and into a hug. "You are so going to tell me everything after school Clay." She said, looking up at her brother who nodded with a small chuckle, then he let her go and watched her meet up with her friends before getting back in the car.

"Nice one Clay, real nice." Techno said right as the blonde sat down. He earned a little shoulder punch from the brunette as he faked being angry.

"I can't believe you didn't tell her about us." The brunette said, but almost instantly broke character when Clay reached over with one hand and tickled him. The duo up front smiled and laughed, but they soon stopped when the heard Technos drawn out 'ugh'.


Soon enough the trio got to the school and right when they walked out, Alex, Nick and Karl ran over, smiles on their faces. "Okay okay okay, hear us out before you say no, including you Techno." Nick started, earning a groan from the two taller males in the group, but the smaller brunette listened. "Okay, so, even though George and Clay are going to prom together, we thought we could all get, like themed matching suits!" The boy exclaimed, and Karl, Alex and George were all on board with the idea, but the two tallers just shook their heads walking together inside. "George you have to convince Clay, I know if we convince him, then Techno will do it too! I already have Darryl and Zak on board with the idea! I'm pretty sure Ant and Velvet are going to do it as well! It would be so fun!" Nick said, and George only nodded.

"Yeah I'll try, just give me till tomorrow." The brunette said, walking into the school with his friends to go meet up with the other two, who were surprisingly talking to Zak, Darryl, Ant and Velvet. When the rest of the group joined them, George went over and hugged the blondes side with a smile. The blonde smiled and wrapped one of his arms around the brunette as he spoke to Zak about something random. Soon the bell rang and everyone said their goodbyes before splitting up and heading to their classrooms.

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