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Since the dance was over, George and Clay took Drista back to the siblings grandmother's, and Clay explained what happened to his mother in prison, for once this time, Clay's grandma didn't blame the boy for what happened and she ended up puller her grandson into a hug before apologizing over and over.

Soon enough though, the duo made it back home and said a quick hello to the brunettes parents before going upstairs, not wanting to talk about the dance at the moment. The two boys hurried and got changed out of their suits into more comfortable clothes, but looked nice enough to go to a party. George wore black boots with black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt that was tucked in and a belt with a chain.

The blonde on the other hand wanted to push himself out of his comfort zone, so he wore a long sleeve turtle neck one piece and what he'd call black 'wild' cargo pants with pockets on the sides, and black boots. He's had this outfit just sitting in his closet for awhile now, and he figured now would be a good time to wear the pieces of clothing. He also figured wearing all black would help them hide in the night when they did the senior prank.

When the blonde walked out of the bathroom in his outfit, he felt a bit nervous on what people would say, especially since part of the boys' hips were showing on each side due to the swim suit like shirt. His hair was all styled in small poofy curls, and of course his emerald green eyes sparkled like always. So, when the brunette turned around to talk with the blonde, he was almost instantly at a loss of words when he caught sight of the taller, mostly because of the muscle he's never seen before because the blonde really only wore hoodies.

"Uhm, I-I can change, if you don't like it, I have oth-" The blonde tried to get out, but the brunette pulled the other male into a kiss, which the other boy kissed back. The two stayed like this for a few seconds before pulling apart and looking at eachother.

George smiled a little before letting a small giggle escape him. "You look amazing Clay, don't doubt yourself on that." The brunette said, seeing the taller blush a bit. "Well, if we're going to make it on time, then let's get going." The boy said, making two dummy people on the bed before turning the room lights off and going towards the window, the blonde following behind.

Once the two boys successfully snuck out the window, George took hold of one of the blondes hand before the two started to run, laughing a bit. Clay followed the smaller male towards Justin's house where the party was being held, and when they arrived, the blonde became very protective over the brunette. George didn't seem to notice though, he just thought the blonde was a bit nervous about the party, so he stayed close to the taller. Eventually, the group all met up with eachother, Nick, Alex, and Zak already drunk with Ponk a bit tipsy.

They were all pleasantly surprised to see that Clay actually showed up and didn't stay home, and Ant was very surprised to see that the blonde took his advice on the outfit choice. The group all had drinks and made fun of eachother and none of them worried about being a designated driver since all of them were going to Nick's house that was only about a block away from the school. As the night went on, the teens were getting either drunk or high, even Clay had a drink or two after awhile, but he refused every drug that was offered to him considering what happened to his mother only yesterday.

At around one in the morning, Clay took his eyes off George for a second to talk to Sam about the prank and how everything would play out. When the blonde looked back at George though, he saw some guy grabbing at him with a smirk, but the smaller looked uncomfortable as he tried to get away. "Shit, Clay that's Justin, you need to get George out of here now, I'll go get the other guys." Sam told the blonde who was already making his way to the two, and Sam went to round up the rest of the group.

When the blonde reached the smaller and Justin, the brunette looked like he was about to cry when he saw Clay. So, the taller forcefully removed Justin from the brunette and shot him a deadly glare before gently grabbing the smallers hand and started to walk away. "Are you okay George? He didn't try anything did he?" The boy asked, looking down at the other who shook his head, and when he tried to answer verbally, he was stopped when Clay was ripped apart from him.

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