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The end of the day soon came and when the two boys were out of the office, Justin tried to get in Clays face, but the blonde was already one step ahead and shoved him into a wall, side death glaring him as he continued to walk out of the building. When the blonde walked out, he was surprised when the brunette jumped on him and attacked him with kisses to his cheek. The blonde laughed a little as he held the boy up, and kept him close. "George, did you miss me that much?" The boy asked even though he already knew the answer.

The smaller nodded and gave the boy a squeeze before hopping down and taking hold of the blondes hand before walking to the car. "Let's just hurry and get home, I miss my bed too." The boy whined, causing the other to chuckle a little. The two soon reached the car and got in, starting in their way home. This time there was conversation filling the car instead of silence. "So I was thinking that we could stop by the store real quick and get a lot of snacks, and I mean a lot, then go home and turn our phones off before watching movies all weekend y'know?" The brunette said, looking over at the taller who nodded with a smile.

"That sounds like a great idea Georgie, what movies were you thinking?" The boy asked, figuring he knew the answer, but when the other answered, he was pleasantly surprised.

"Well, we've practically watched all the animated movies we can, that are good anyways, so I was thinking we could just put in one movie and let the laptop decide what we watch next." The boy answered, looking out the window as he heard an almost excited hum from the taller blonde.


Soon enough the boys get home, both carrying a bag full of snacks for them to share. When they headed inside, they said hello to both adults, Clay putting the keys away before heading upstairs to their room. When they got there, they put their phones on silent and away before closing the curtains to make the room darker and laying down on the bed. The blonde sat in the bed, leaning back against the wall while the brunette snuggled close to him and rested his head on the tallers chest.

The brunette put on a movie before opening up a little thing of M&Ms amd cuddling up to both Clay and the blankets. The two stayed like this for awhile, the laptop on the blondes lap with the brunette snuggled up close while the taller rubbed little patterns on his back. Jenna had brought supper up to the two teens since she could already tell what their plans were for the weekend, but eventually the time came where the brunette could barley keep his eyes open.

Clay smiled and kissed the smaller on his forehead before laying down in the bed fully, taking the brunette with him. "We can watch more movies tomorrow, so get some rest Georgie." The boy said, moving some of the smallers hair so he could look at him. George smiled a little and nodded, leaning up and placing a small kiss on the blondes lips. The two pulled apart after a few seconds and just looked at eachother lovingly. Soon enough though, the blonde looked away and snuggled up with the brunette as a new movie started. "I'm pretty tired too, so I'm gonna head to bed with you Georgie." The male said closing his eyes as he let out a gentle sigh.

That sigh was quickly replaced with a small chuckle since the brunette had kissed the blondes bare side, knowing damn well that the kiss would tickle the taller. "I'm not tired anymore, you moved me from my comfortable spot." The smaller said, moving and repositioning so he was straddling the blonde with crossed arms. "We should do something, or go somewhere." The boy basically whined as the blonde sat up on his elbows with a raised brow.

"Oh yeah? And what exactly do you want to do hm? It's almost midnight, so everywheres closed." The taller said, and looked at the boy. He wasn't really tired either, but he was correct, almost nothing was opened, and the places that were, were either gas stations or twenty four hour fast food places.

"Well, we could go out with Karl, Nick and Alex and just walk around town." The boy suggested after a moment of thought. He watched as the other boy thought this over before speaking again. "Maybe we can even do a little get away weekend, Nick's parents are gone for who knows how long, so while we're out if town, we can just tell all of our parents that we're staying at his house." The brunette said furthermore, this time catching the blondes attention.

"It sounds like a nice idea, but where would we go?" The boy asked, sitting up fully and pulling the brunette on his lap as he waited for an answer.

"Well, since you and Nick both have cars, we could just go on a road trip? Back a couple bags, get some money for food and gas before just leaving?" The boy suggested yet again, noticing the blondes thinking face return to him. "Or, if you don't like that, we could-" The boy started, but he stopped when he felt his face being cupped by the blonde.

"No no, I like your idea Georgie, I'm just trying to figure out how to convince Nick since, we'll, it's midnight." The taller said, a bit puzzled in the while situation.

"Oh, I already have that covered, if we get Karl and Alex in board, they'll bug and poke at Nick till he agrees, which is usually only a few minutes." The smaller states in a sweet innocent tone before smiling. This caused the blonde to chuckle with a small nod before getting the brunette off his lap and headed over to their phones.

"I'll call Nick, and you call Karl?" The boy asked, tossing the brunettes phone over to him as he noticed a nod come from the boy. After seeing the brunette call Karl, he walked into the bathroom so Nick wouldn't hear George talking and dialed his number. After a few rings, the ravenatte picked up.

"Hey! Clay! What's up man?" The blonde heard his friend greet, making him laugh a little.

"Nothing much Nick, me and George were talking a little bit ago, and we though a group road trip would be pretty cool." The boy said, hearing a hum from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah that does sound pretty cool, what time would you guys want to leave tomorrow? That is if we get the okay from parents and what not." The boy replied.

"Well, actually we were going to tell all of our parents that we're staying at your house this weekend since your parents aren't home, and we were thinking about leaving, now, actually..." The blonde admitted hearing little scoffs and groans from the other side.

"There's no way we could leave tonight, it's so late, and no ones going to believe we're staying at my house."  The teen said back, but Clay and George already had their backup plan in action since the blonde heard Alex and Karl calling for Nick. "One sec Clay, they're calling for me, I'll text you in a minute." The boy said before hanging up.

The blonde chuckled and walked out of the bathroom, putting his phone in his back pocket and looked at the brunette. "Karl and Alex are both talking to Nick now, how did you convince those two?" He asked, sitting down on the bed next to the other boy.

"I told them that we'd stop and get their favorite food, so now that they're talking to Nick, let's pack our bags." The boy said, way too excited for how late it was, but the blonde only smiled and got back up, taking the brunette with him as they headed to the closet, grabbing some clothes, and getting a few bags.


Ello, just wanted to let you all know that I will not be posting for about a week, I'm going on a vacation with my family and I don't have data, nor service out there.

I also wanted to thank you all for the votes and reads, it's really cool to see this book turn into something. Oh, and all the comments you all are leaving have me dead sometimes, so thanks for all the laughs.

So, while I'm gone, make sure to drink plenty of water and eat some food, sit outside for a little but even, but as if now, see you later.

Lastly, sorry if this chapters a bit scuffed, I didn't have time to reread it.

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