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"Clay, we need to get you out of here." The taller barley heard someone say to him. "Clay please, snap out of it let's go." He heard someone say yet again, but he didn't do anything, he just stared at his father. On the third time though, the blonde felt small hands cup his cheeks and turn his head. "Clay! We need to leave, now let's go!" The blonde heard the brunette this time and he snapped out of his little world and nodded. George smiled out of relief the boy heard him this time, and grabbed his hand before trying to run away.

The duo didn't get too far before Cyrus grabbed Clay by the back of his shirt and pulled back, throwing him to the ground. "Where the hell do you you think you're going boy?!" Cyrus yelled, turning to look at his son, finally getting a good look at his outfit, which was the same outfit he wore to the party. "What the hell are you wearing boy?" He asked, marching towards his son who was still on the ground, but before he could lay a finger on the blonde, another boy jumped on his back.

While Cyrus was distracted for a second, Clay stood up, but when he looked at his father, he witnessed him through the boy off his back. "George!" Was all the blonde could managed to get out before ducking under his father's fist and falling to his knees besides the boy. "H-Hey, are you okay? What hurts?" He asked the brunette, holding him up a little to check his head to see if he was bleeding.

"Clay, I'm fine, I just got the wind knocked out of me, but you need to leave, now!" The brunette yelled, but he was too late, and Cyrus was dragging the blonde by his hair across the field. George tried to get up and help the blonde, but he was stopped when Techno and Schlatt took hold of him. All he could do was yell out to his lover as he watched him get the living shit beat out of him. All the seniors tried to get Cyrus to stop, but he would shove, or throw them out of his way. People had called the police, but it would take them awhile to get there due to where their building was located.

"I didn't raise a faggot! So why the hell are you with that stupid brunette hm?!" Cyrus yelled as he hit his son, he only knew about Clay and George because he noticed how close they were, he noticed them hold hands, he noticed how protective they were over eachother, and not to mention a little birdy told Cyrus that Clay was dating a boy. Hearing how Cyrus talked about the brunette really pissed Clay off and he got enough strength to get his father off of him, before he got on top of him to start hitting him.

All of what he was doing was out of complete built up rage, and some hatred. "Don't you ever speak bad about him! If it weren't for him I'd be dead because of you!" Clay shouted, tears starting to build up as little images started to flash through his head of all the possible outcomes if George didn't come into the picture. "And for your fucking information, I didn't kill Rose, you did Cyrus! You did! You were her problem! If it weren't for you, she wouldn't have turned to drugs! If it weren't for you, we would've been happy on our own!" The blonde yelled, and at some point, two police officers had to drag the crying blonde off his father.

Cyrus on the other hand was being cuffed, way too weak to even fight back, but he did shout curses. Both males were both badly bruised, but this time, Clay left his father way more injured than he left him. As the officers took Cyrus back to a car, George elbowed both Techno and Schlatt off him before running down to the blonde. The boy fell to his knees and pulled the blonde into a tight hug, placing his hand on the back of his head. Clay held onto the brunette for dear life as he sobbed into his shoulder, hearing the brunette shush him.

As the two boys sat there, George had the rest of the friend group keep the rest of the seniors away from them and soon enough, Clay was being brought to an ambulance, George tagging along since he didn't want to leave the blonde, nor did the blonde want him to leave. When the two got into the back of the truck, they held onto eachother tight and one of the paramedics contacted the brunettes parents, telling them to meet the other two at the hospital.


After awhile, Clay and George were laying on a hospital bed, the blonde holding the other close to him while playing with his hair and whispering sweet nothings. George had his face hidden in the taller boys chest since he was blushing so much after every little nice thing he heard, but he never once told the blonde to stop.

Another few minutes went by and the brunettes parents walked into the room, getting both the boys' attention, but instead of shooting up and separating like they usually do, Clay just held the brunette closer. "Hey boys, the doctors said that Clay was good to go home, but they don't want you going to school tomor- er, in a few hours, George you can stay home as well if you want, but for now, let's get going." Jenna said as she walked out of the room, Michael following after her. The two boys let out a small sigh and got up from the bed, Clay letting out a small grunt since he had to get some stitches on his back because of the glass cuts, but he managed and the two boys left the room holding hands.

When the boys got home, they went straight to their room noticing Jenna not in the best mood currently and closed the door behind them. Patches and Cat both ran over to them and rubbed their legs, both meowing like crazy. Clay chuckled a little and leaned down before picking Patches up and sitting on the best and petting her. "I'm so sorry George, I didn't want you to get hurt because of him, but I couldn't get to you quick enough..." The blonde apologized, but the brunette shook his head and walked over, moving Patches onto the bed before sitting down on the blondes lap and gently wrapping his arms around the boys neck.

"Clay, look at me, I promise you none of that was your fault, your dad's a bad guy okay? Even if you had gotten there quick enough, I still would've ended up hurt since I wouldn't stop until I had been." George said and only got a nod from the blonde before he pulled him into a hug. The two stayed like this for awhile, just enjoying each other's company, but soon enough, George pulled apart and kissed the blonde for a few seconds and rested his forehead on the other males. "I love you Clay." Was all he said to the boy with a gentle smile.

"I love you too George."

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