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As the rest of the week went on, March was coming to an end, which meant that the students within the district had their spring break right around the corner. Currently, the large group of friends were sitting at their usual lunch tables, it was Friday, their last day before their week long vacation from school. "Me and Ponk have already planned out our whole week, he's coming to stay with me for a few night's so he can finally meet my parents, then we're heading out with Ant, Velvet and a couple other people to go on a little trip." Sam stated, the whole group sharing their plans with one another.

"Sounds like you guys will be busy all week, unlike me and Sally, we decided since her parents are in Ireland for the first two weeks of April, were just going to watch a few movies, go out on a couple dates and sleep the majority of the week." Wilbur said before taking a bite of his grilled cheese, Sally quietly sitting next to him.

"At least you two get to hang out, Zak is leaving me alone all week, his parents are going to Disneyland and he has to watch his siblings while they're there." Darryl complained, taking a little bite out of his sandwich as Zak chuckled beside him.

"At least we can face time at night still, I get my own room remember?" Zak reminded his boyfriend who smiled a little, leaning against him as he continued eating his lunch.

"That all sounds fun and all, but me and my boys are doing something even better." Nick exclaimed, putting one arm around Alex, and the other around Clay, both boys grumbling in annoyance since they were just trying to eat in peace.

"Oh yeah? And what are you guys doing?" Sally asked, speaking up for the first time that day.

"Well since you asked, me, Karl, Alex, Clay, and George are all going out camping, since this time we planned for it and got the okays from our parents." The ravenette stated, glancing between Karl and George when he spoke the last part.

"Oh, that actually sounds like a nice little week, I hope you all have fun and stay safe." Sally stated sweetly, Wilbur giving her a little side hug as Nick gave her a thumbs up.

The rest of lunch was spent with most of the group finishing their lunches, but there was a few small conversations happening. Soon enough, the bell rang and everyone threw their trash in the bin and separated to their classes.


As sixth period came to an end, Techno and Clay both made a protective type wall around the smaller brunette, knowing Justin was let out of detention only a few doors down. Clay was being protective for obvious reasons, and Techno was only there because he's hated Justin from day one and if an opportunity came up to fight him, he'd take it in a heart beat. He was also there because Clay had asked him to be, and he wasn't going to decline, knowing the small brunette meant a lot to the blonde.

Just like the two had expected, Justin walked out of his detention classroom and noticed the brunette before making his way over. Before he could even get a good look at the smaller, the two tall boys got in front of him, both glaring daggers down at the slightly shorter male. "I think you need to leave before things get out of hand again Justin." Clay stated in a stern voice, trying not to get into anymore trouble this year.

"Tch, as if, George spends spring break with me every year, he knows it too, so if he knows what's best for him, and you, he'll come out here like a good little boy and come with me." Justin said, sending painful memories back into the brunettes head. The smaller scooted closer to Clays back, clenching onto his shirt, shaking a little.

Last year George decided to spend spring break with his parents since Justin never let him hang out with them when they were dating. So when he returned to the school after a week of no Justin, he was pulled to the side of the school into an area where there was no people and no cameras. The smaller was roughly shoved into a concrete wall, easily leaving a few bruises on his frail body, but that was just the beginning. Justin soon started yelling at the boy for not being with him, he gave out threats directed at the brunette and his parents and a couple of his friends before he started to play victim towards George.

These memories were always in the back of the brunettes head, he could never get rid of them no matter how hard he tried, they were always there, waiting for the perfect moment to show up. "Justin, get the fuck away now, your little threats aren't scary, and there's no way in hell I'd let George just go with you." The blonde stated, his fists already clenched by his sides. The taller felt a smaller hand wrap around his own and he knew it was George trying to calm him down.

Techno was also getting a bit worked up hearing how this guy talked thinking he owned everything or some shit, but before anything happened, the boys' attention went towards a door, hearing the principal do a small cough. "Is everything okay boys?" He asked, knowing he was stopping a fight before it happened. He took notice to how scared George looked hiding behind the tall blonde, so he assumed that Justin was attempting to do something. "Justin, I'd like to have a few words with you before you leave, Clay, George, have a nice spring break, and Techno, don't cause too much trouble." The principal joked, but he motioned Justin into his office.

The boy was going to protest and say something stupid, but before he could, Techno walked passed him, bumping into his shoulder hard. At the same time, Clay had taken hold of the brunettes hand and walked passed Justin, mumbling a small threat. "Leave us the fuck alone, or I'll take matters into my own hands off school campus." The blonde said with a small growl as the duo left the building, and Justin going into the principals office where he proceeded to get lectured on everything he was doing.

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