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When the boys got home, Jenna was happy to report that she didn't get a call from the school saying that they skipped their classes, and Michael was home who only smiled at the two boys. After dinner the boys said their thanks and washed their dishes before retreating to their room. George was still a bit jealous of Techno of course, only because of how close him and Clay were, he knew there was more that Clay told Techno than him, but he didn't want to poke at sensitive stuff like this. When they walked into the room though, George closed the door and almost instantly pulled the blonde into a kiss.

The blonde kissed back, then pulled away with a small chuckle and placed his hands on the smallers hips gently. "Woah there Georgie, what's got you so lovey dovey recently?" The boy asked, causing the other to become confused with what he said. "Well at lunch you were latched onto me, then you insisted on holding my hand throughout our last classes, and now you're attacking me with kisses ever since we got home." The blonde said, but he noticed a sad look starting to form on the others face, so he acted fast to cheer him up again. The blonde leaned down into the crook of the brunettes neck and blew raspberries, almost instantly hearing laughs escape the smaller.

"Clay! Stop! It tickles!" The smaller laughed out, and after a few more times, the blonde stopped and kissed the brunettes cheek. "Jeez, and you said I'm all lovey dovey today, just look at you, you attacked me with small pecks during lunch, and all the way home you carried me on your back and said nice things to me." The boy said, and earned a dramatic response from the blonde, but then they both started laughing. The two picked on eachother a bit more as a joke before going over to the bed to watch a movie. Clay of course took care of their cats first and played little games with each of them, a smile on his face.

Soon enough though, the taller joined the other in the bed and gave the brunette a kiss on the forehead before wrapping his arm around him. "So what are we watching tonight George?" He asked, looking at the laptop as the brunette snuggled closer, trying to pick a movie. Of course the brunette was picking an animated movie, and Clay had zero issues with it since he liked these type of movies. Eventually George turned on yet another Pixar movie, Luca, he's heard hood things about it, so why not?


The teens ended up staying up late watching movies, it was around midnight, the time Clay had to leave, but the brunette was still awake and he didn't want to leave him. The blonde started to get little impatient waiting for the brunette to fall asleep, so he just got up and kissed the other boys head. "I have to go, I'll be back in a few hours okay?" The boy asked at a whisper, and the other boy only nodded, but then sat up a little.

"Can you uhm, can I have your hoodie while you're gone?" The smaller asked, a small blush on his face, but the blonde nodded with a smile and took his hoodie off before handing it to the other. The boy smiled and took it with a small thank you before slipping it on, then he sat up more and gave the taller a soft kiss goodbye before laying back down. The blonde smiled and grabbed another jacket before walking out of the room and heading downstairs, he then slid his shoes on and walked out.


"Did you bring it this time? He really wasn't happy last time I saw him."

"Yes I have it, but I told you to stay away from him from now on, it's not good for you, plus he doesn't even know you."

"That's not true! He knows who I am-"

"No he doesn't! He was drunk out of his mind when you were born!"

"That doesn't matter! He's still my dad!"

"Yeah?! Well he's my dad too, but he didn't give two shits about me! What makes you think he gives any for you? Hm?"

"You know how I know he cares about me?! He didn't beat me for thirteen years!"

"Oh fuck you! I saved you from that life! After you were born I brought you to grandma so she could take care of you!"

"You only did that for yourself! You wanted to be a hero Clay! But you were the villain! You left me!"

"I didn't leave you Drista, I brought you to a safer home, you really think I'm the villain because I saved you from countless black outs, countless ear bleeds?"

"I needed my big brother Clay, why didn't you just come stay with us? Let us report them? Why?"

"Drista, I tried to come stay with you guys, but he found me everytime I tried to hide, and I couldn't let you report them, they're assholes but they were the only two people I could live with."

"But what about grandma? Why couldn't you live with her?"

"Because she hates me, she only let me come see her a few times to only check up on you, then she'd throw me out the door, I'm sorry okay?"

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault...I should've done something, I knew what was happening, but I didn't do anything, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry Clay..."

That was finally his breaking point, seeing his little sister cry and blame herself for what happened to him pushed him over the top. He sighed though since he wasn't able to do anything yet, however, he did pull Drista into a tight hug and rubbed her back. "Drista...what happened wasn't because of you okay? I was too scared to do anything, so this is on me alright?" Clay said in the most comforting tone he could pull together. He felt his sister nod against his chest as she cried, unable to get any words out. "How about we go get you some food alright? And you can stay with Techno for the night, grams probably isn't happy that you keep sneaking out huh?" The taller blonde joked, causing his sister to laugh a little and shake her head. "Alright then, let's get going." Was all he said before starting to walk.

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