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When the school day came to an end, all the seniors had cleaned up the entire place, some of it was thrown away, some was donated to the schools theater department for props, and other things were taken home. The principle was pleasantly surprised to see that the seniors had actually listened and picked up their messes, so he granted them tuesday off school. All the parents heard about this and some were apposed to it, but the majority didn't care since their children were either eighteen or almost eighteen so they could make their own choices from now on. Jenna and Michael were more than happy to let the two boys stay home from school the next day as long as they didn't get into trouble.

Clay and George were both happy and surprised that the brunettes parents let them stay home the next day, so they thanked them during dinner before escaping to their shared room. When they shut the door behind them, Clay almost instantly went over to the cat side of the room and sat down, Patches and Cat both showing themselves before making their way over to Clay and showing their love for the boy. The blonde smiled and started to pet both of them, making sure they had enough food in their dishes, which they looked like they were just refilled.

Soon enough, the brunet came over to and sat on the other boys' lap, their chests facing towards eachother as the smaller rested his head on the blondes shoulder. He felt on the blondes arms snake around him as he pet his own cat Patches, so George nuzzled closer and pet his own cat, Cat. The duo stayed exactly like this for a while, just enjoying each other's company, and the two cats loved the attention they were receiving from their owners. Eventually though Clay picked George up as he walked over to the bed and the brunette latched onto him with a gentle smile. The blonde sat down on the bed before leaning back against the wall and George turned his body so his back rested against the tallers chest and he reached over, grabbing his laptop.

The two watched movies for the rest of the night, mostly animated kids movies, but there was the occasional comedy movie. At around eleven is when George started to get sleepy since he and Clay only got a few hours of sleep earlier, so he moved the laptop of his lap and set it off to the side before getting off the boy and laying beside him. The blonde smiled a bit as he laid down as well, wrapping his arm around the smallers waist as he nuzzled his head into the other boys' back, spooning him. He felt the brunettes hand hold one of his own before snuggling even closer to the blonde, leaving the rest of the bed, which was a lot of space, open.

"Goodnight Georgie, I love you." Clay whispered into the boys back, but he made sure the other heard him, which he did.

"Night Clay, love you too." The smaller said before pulling the blondes hand up to his mouth and kissed the top of it gently, then set his and the blondes hand back down by his chest.


The two boys slept peacefully throughout the whole night, Clay spooning the other boy the entire time, and since they weren't being forced to go to school on Tuesday, they set zero alarms and turned their ringers off, not wanting to be disrupted by notifications. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davidson decided to let the boys sleep for as long as they wanted, and do whatever they wanted today, so they planned both a lunch and dinner date for themselves. As the adults were getting ready, Mr. Davison heard a knock at their front door, so he went to answer, not expecting company. When he opened the door, he was pleasantly surprised to see Karl, Alex and Nick there with smiles on their faces.

"Good afternoon boys, to what I owe the pleasure of seeing you all?" Michael asked, and almost instantly Karl answered, his smile growing a bit.

"We were wondering, if you guys didn't send them to school today, if we could hang out with Clay and George today, at your place, Nick's parents came back last night and they wanted to be left alone." The boy said, and Michael chuckled a bit before moving to the side, letting the three boys into his home.

"We let them stay home today, but I'm pretty sure they're still in bed, either sleeping or watching a movie, they were pretty tired last night, so I'd say they're still sleeping." Michael explained, shutting the front door before facing the other three boys, who now had devilish smirks on their faces.

"Okay, that's quite alright, we'll wait for them to wake up, also, you're looking dressed up, are you going somewhere Mr. Davidson?" Nick asked, noticing the older male in a nicer outfit instead of a casual one.

"Oh, please call me Michael, and I am in fact going somewhere, I'm taking Jenna out to a movie date, and then out to dinner since we haven't been out in awhile aside from work." The male said, letting out a small chuckle afterwards. The three boys nodded about to talk again, but they were cut off noticing Jenna walking down the stairs.

"Oh, boys, I didn't know you were coming over today, do you want me to make you anything? Sandwiches? Soup? Little snack tray?" She asked, walking up to her husband's side, looking equally dresses up as him.

"No no, that's not necessary, you two just have fun and relax today, you deserve it, especially after all you've done for both Clay and George." Nick said, earning a nod from Jenna.

"Well, if you boys need anything, give us a call, but we'll be on our way." She said, a small smile on her face as her and her husband opened the door and started to walk towards their car.

"Will do, and remember, don't get into trouble, and call us if you need anything, have fun!" Alex said, acting as if the two adults were teenagers and he was the adult. He earned a laugh from both the brunettes parents as they got in the car and drove off. Once out of sight, Alex shut the door and the three boys hurried upstairs, their devilish smiles returning to them.

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