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After last night's events, everyone went to bed at around one in the morning since they wanted to be up early-ish, but the only two who actually woke up early was Clay and Sam. The two didn't pass one single word to eachother, rather just stayed in a very awkward silence, but eventually Sam was the first to say something. "Look Clay, I'm sorry about what I said, it wasn't cool and Ponk gave me an earful after I got out of the nurses office." Sam admitted, a bit embarrassed about apologizing to the other boy, but he knew he needed to at some point.

Clay laughed a little, but stayed quiet and shook his head. "No it's alright Sam, I'm just not used to being around so many people at once, believe it or not, it took a long time for me to get used to Nick, Karl and Alex." The blonde reassured the other who nodded, a small chuckle leaving him.

"Y'know, I've never seen George this happy in all our years in highschool together, you're a really good guy for him, so please don't fuck it up and shatter his heart like the other prick did." Sam said, looking over at the taller after a few minutes, and let out a small sigh.

Clay nodded with a small smile as he looked down at the brunette who was still asleep, using his lap as a pillow. The boy soon looked up and over at Sam before speaking. "I won't ruin this, I promise, I really do care for George, but, who are you talking about?" The boy asked, referring to the so called prick who broke George.

Sam's eyes widened a bit, and he rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a big sigh. "So they haven't told you about Justine then huh?" He asked and noticed the blonde shake his head confused. "Alright, well, it isn't really my place to tell you, but since he's hosting tonight's party, I think you deserve to know." Sam said, seeing the blonde nod his head slowly. "well in sophomore year, Justin and George got together, and everyone though it was a good and healthy relationship, but as months went by, George started to avoid everyone and he stopped speaking to all of us for awhile." The boy stopped and showed he meant everyone in the room currently and the blonde nodded.

"Long story short though, Karl took George out for lunch and got him to tell us what was happening and it turns out, Justin was an abusive boyfriend and whenever George stepped out of line the slightest, like talking to all of us, Justin would invite him over to his house and yell at him, he would never hit him though, so that was a relief hearing that part, but Justin was also really manipulative, and forced George to do all sorts of things, like wear revealing outfits, drink and smoke, leave school about three times a week, a few times he even tried to force himself on George, but everytime either me or Nick would show up and take George before anything happened." Sam explained to the blonde who just fell silent.

"I just don't understand why George wouldn't leave Justin he was such an asshole to him a-" Sam started, but Clay cut in, letting his thoughts come out.

"It's not an easy thing to get out of those type of relationships Sam, trust me, I would know first hand." Clay said, not even bothering to filter himself anymore, if Sam was going to be his friend, hell, if all of these people were going to be his friends, he decided he was going to open up more.

"What do you mean Clay? Did something like this happen in a previous relationship you were in?" Sam asked, actually a bit worried he may have triggered something for the blonde, what he didn't expect though was to hear the boy scoff.

"No, I wasn't allowed to date, so I've never been in a relationship besides George, no it was actually my parents, they hated me so much, that they just beat, and screamed at me for thirteen years, turns out, me and George met when we were four, but my parents didn't like the fact I was so close with a boy, they also didn't like the fact George found out what they did to me, so they kept me hidden, only recently I've been free, both my parents went to jail and I went to live with the Davidson's, then last night, my mother died of an overdose in the women's bathrooms." Clay said, forcing a sad chuckle out and this time, it was Sam's turn to fall silent.

Minutes passed, and those minutes felt like hours to Clay as he waited for a response. Soon enough though, the blonde watched as Sam stood up and carefully walked over people and over to him. He held out his hand with a small sigh and Clay gently set George's head down on the pillow before taking Sam's hand. The boy pulled the taller up and into a hug, which surprised the boy, but he hugged back. "Clay...I'm so sorry that happened, no kid should have to suffer through all of that, and I'm sorry about your mother too, I'm here for you now man, if you can't talk to anyone else, just come talk to me okay." Sam said, patting the tallers back.

"Thanks Sam, really, now lets wake up all the others in the loudest way we can yeah?" The blonde said, pulling apart from the hug to look at Sam, who eagerly nodded his head. The two teens chuckled a bit and made their way to Nick's kitchen, both smiling like children as they grabbed pots and pans. As soon as they had two pans/pots they started smacking them together, yelling wake up as they marched their way to the living room, bursting out in laughter as they watched all the other teens jump up from the couches and floor in a panic.

After a second all the once resting teens looked over at the laughing maniacs that were holding onto eachother for stability. "Good to see you're both on good terms." Nick grumbled as he pulled a pillow over his head before letting out a loud groan. This caused almost all the teens to start laughing and George and Ponk got up, sharing a simple smile towards eachother before going over to the other two boys. Ponk playfully punched Sam a few times before giving him a small hug, the brunette on the other hand just immediately hugged the blonde and Sam could see that Clay was even more protective when he hugged the smaller back.

"Well, now that we're all up, I guess let's get some breakfast." Nick suggested and Darryl almost instantly stood up, dragging Zak up with him.

"Give us like an hour and we'll make you all muffins!" He's said super excited and almost ran into the kitchen, practically dragging him. Ant chuckled a bit while watching the two disappear into the kitchen.

"So much for being known as 'BadBoyHalo'" Ant commented, earning some laughter from the other teen boys, even Techno snickered a little at the comment. After a little while, the duo came out of the kitchen with a tray of muffins and set them on the table. Everyone gave their thanks to the two teens before starting to eat their breakfast, watching a show in the process.

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