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After about three hours, or, three years in George's opinion, the blonde came back home, driving in the red mustang so it wouldn't be at the school before parking it in the garage, knowing it would be staying there from now on. He walked inside, head down, but before he could even close the door all the way, he was tackled down to the ground by the brunette who squeezed the life out of him. "Clay you're such an idiot! Why would you do that? Why did you put so much on the line?" The boy asked as he started crying into the tallers chest.

Clay sighed softly and let his head fall back on the ground as he wrapped his arms around the smaller and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry George, I'm so sorry, but I couldn't just do nothing, he's hurt you, he's manipulated you, and he thinks he can do whatever without consequences, and I just, I snapped." The boy said, not knowing how to word it and let tears silently fall out of his eyes. He knew that he'd get suspended, at best from school and he'd get kicked out of the Davidson's house, and knowing how protective they were, they'd probably make George stay away from him.

Both teens laid on the ground, George crying into his boyfriends chest, thinking the same things as Clay, and the blonde just held him as close as he could. Soon enough though, they had to separate and stand up when the Davidson's came over. They looked at the adults, waiting to be yelled at, but nothing came besides disappointed looks for a few minutes. After a little though, Michael raised his hand and reached over to Clay, causing the boy to flinch, more noticeably than all the other times. Michael took his hand back for a second, but then placed it in the blondes shoulder before pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you Clay, the principle called us a little while ago and told us what happened, thank god for cameras right?" The man joked, but his tone was sad before he looked at the blonde. "I know you were protecting George, but to go as far as to get dragged away by the police? Was it really worth it?" Michael quizzed the boy, looking for a specific answer as the blonde looked at him. Mr. Davidson could see the little spark of rage behind the boys emerald green eyes as the question processes through his head, so he knew he was getting the answer he wanted.

The blonde got out of Michael's arms and glared at him, forgetting the adult liked to test him. "Was it worth it? Are you joking right now? Of course it was worth it! That prick treats George like he's his little play thing and I'm done just standing back and doing nothing about it! He seriously crossed the line this time, and yeah, I snapped, so what? He deserved it, so do what you want with me, but I'm not just going to hide and be your average quiet kid anymore." Clay almost yelled, the same growl behind his voice like last time as he walked passed Michael, bumping his shoulder hard. "I'll go pack my fucking bags for your satisfaction and leave before dinner." The boy whispered, venom lacing his words which caused the adult to stand still, a shocked expression on his face.

As the blonde disappeared into George's room, Jenna and the brunette both turned towards him, death glares on both their faces. "I know you like testing him Michael, but going as far to ask if doing what he did was worth it?! That just crosses so many unspoken lines!" Jenna yelled at the other adult and George nodded in agreement before walking passed both his parents and up the stairs.

When the smaller walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind him, he caught Clays attention. The blondes whole mood changed from angry to pure happiness when he saw the brunette smile at him. "Clay, you don't actually have to pack, you know that right, he was just testing you." The boy said, walking over and taking the clothes out of the blondes hands before pulling the boy into a hug. The taller hugged back almost instantly, a small smile on his face as he looked down at the other.

"I know he was testing me, well, now I do, but maybe it's for the better that I move out y'know? Give you your space back, and cause your parents less stress." The blonde admitted, his smile fading ever so slightly. The brunette shook his head and nuzzled his face into the boys chest.

"But I don't want my own space Clay, I want to be with you, and see you everytime I turn around, I want to go to bed with you hugging me, then wake up next to you and make fun of your bed head." The boy said, adding a small joke at the end, but it didn't land properly since his voice was quiet and sad. Clay held the boy close with a small sigh, and kissed the top of his head, trying to think of something.

After a few minutes of just hugging and swaying side to side, the blonde finally spoke up, but didn't let go of the smaller. "We'd have to run it by your parents first, but maybe, just maybe, we could turn my old house into a livable area, there's three room, so there could be two guest rooms, well, one guest room since Drista wants a room for herself, but we'd have a house to ourselves, and I wouldn't stress your parents." Clay started, continuing to ramble on before the brunette shut him up with a small kiss.

When they pulled away, the smaller looked at the other with a small blush. "Clay Collins, are you asking me to practically help you make a home for the both of us?" The boy asked, raising an eyebrow as he waited for an answer. He also successfully held back a small laugh seeing how red the blondes face got before he nodded and looked away. George smiled wide and nuzzled his face into the blondes chest. "We'd definitely have to run it by them, but that sounds like an amazing idea Clay!" The boy almost yelled out of excitement, but contained himself just enough to hold back.

Clay stood there completely shocked the boy actually said he'd do it. He knew his father was going to be gone for a really long time, and him escaping that night definitely didn't help his sentence, so he knew it'd be safe for them and Drista, but of course, there was the little price of him that worried that this may be a terrible idea. Both of the teen boys had that feeling actually, but they didn't want to admit it to one another, so they just hugged, smiles taking over their faces.

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