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After a while of hanging around and watching movies or playing games, it was time to get ready, meaning a bunch of teen boys running around a house, putting suits on, or their shoes on. The boys also ran in and out of the bathrooms to do their hair, or brush their teeth, but soon enough, Wilbur left to go pick up Sally, and George, Clay and Techno all left to go get Drista ready.

It was around eight when the group of highschoolers, including Drista all met up in the parking lot of a different building where prom was being held. Everyone in the group was wearing black suits aside from Sally who wore a black dress, and Drista who wore a white shirt and a black skirt that went over her knees since Clay was being protective over her and wanted to make sure no highschooler went up to her besides this friend group. Techno promised Dream that he would stay by her side at all times and made sure nothing happened, in which Clay thanked him.

Eventually the group circled around Drista and walked inside the building, all giving their tickets to the man who checked in the students, and Clay gave two tickets, one for himself and one for Drista, but the man didn't even bother asking, he just let them all in. Once in, the whole group all started cheering quietly and Clay grabbed at his sister's shoulders before shaking her slightly. "How's it feel being at a prom Drista?" The older brother asked, looking down at the girl who only giggled slightly before looking up.

"Well it's super exciting considering I'm only in middle school." She started, then waited for the rest of the group to go in different areas before she pulled Clay, George and Techno all into a group hug. "Thanks guys, for scraping up enough money to let me come too, I already know I won't be able to go in my junior and senior years, so this means a lot that I get to spend it with all of you, especially you three, my two big brothers and my brothers boyfriend, it's seriously a great day." She said, making the pink haired male scoff after being referred to as an older brother.

Clay laughed a little and ruffled her hair, but not too much as to not ruin her curls and smiled. "Well I'm glad your happy Drista, so how about us four go get some food, then join the others on the dance floor hm?" He asked looking down at the girl who smiled and took hand of her brother's before dragging him to the buffet, George and Techno following behind the siblings.

"Big brother huh? That's super cu-" The brunette started, trying to tease the taller male accused of being another brother to Drista, but he quickly stopped when Techno side glared him. George kept his smile though, watching the two siblings talk and laugh with eachother up ahead, it was just nice seeing Clay happy, even if it was only temporary.


After awhile of eating and mindless dancing, everyone's attention turned towards the stage as their student president, who went by Minx, did a small cough. "Alright, listen up, we got all the votes tallied for our prom majesties, and let me just say, I was quite surprised." She stated, then moved people out of the way to make a straight line to the stage, starting from Clay and George who were oblivious to the whole thing, just chatting as they drank some water. "Our prom majesties this year are George Davidson, and Clay Collins! Can we get a round of applause for these two?" Minx said into the microphone, this time catching both the boys' attention as they were pushed forward to walk to the stage by Nick.

George was in shock by the outcome, but then again, him and Sam were friends and he knew Sam was a very convincing person when he needed to be. Clay on the other hand was shaking ever so slightly noticing all the eyes on him as the two walked up on the stage. Minx congratulated the two yet again, shaking both their hands, and soon enough, two girls walked out on stage, Niki and Puffy, who placed crowns on Clay and George's head, quietly congratulating them as well before they went to Minxs side, then Minx sent them the the dance floor for their slow dance.

Techno noticed as the two held hands that Clay was getting nervous, so he got the group's attention and nodded his head. The previous night when both the blonde and brunette fell asleep, everyone made a plan just in case the two were the majesties of the night since they all knew Clay had a hard time with too much attention. The whole group split up in different directions of the building and started to create diversions, catching the attention of almost all the students there and when the duo who were supposed to be dancing looked at Techno, he just gave them a thumbs up through the crowd.

George laughed a little knowing what their friends were doing now and leaned against Clay, who was already holding him close. "Our friends are such idiots." The brunette stated, earning a small chuckle from the blonde who wasn't that nervous anymore.

"Yeah they're idiots, but they're good ones." The blonde added, hearing a small giggle from the brunette as the two danced with eachother. After a few minutes the diversions slowly came to a stop since the group members were getting threatened to be kicked out, but by the time everyone returned their attention back to the duo, they just finished their dance and pulled away from a kiss. As the boys separated and just held hands, they walked back over to their friend group and Clay was actually the one thanking them for doing what they did, in which they responded with no problems, or our pleasure, something along those lines.

Soon enough the group split up again, everyone going on the dance floor to slow dance with their partners or just a friend, including Alex, Nick and Karl who made a slowly dance between the three of them work. The four people remaining were Clay, George, Techno and Drista who were sat at a table, a comfortable silence filling the air between the four of them. That silence was soon broken when Clay stood up and brought his sister up as well. "Cmon, we snuck you in here, the least you can do is give your brother one dance." The taller blonde said, to which the shorter one chuckled a bit before walking over to the crowd of teens with her older brother.

As the siblings started to dance, both making fun of eachother, Drista let out a small sigh. "Once you, and your friends graduate, are you going to leave me behind with grams?" She asked looking up at the taller blonde who looked a bit hurt by that question.

"You know damn well that I'm not leaving you again Drista, once I get enough money to get an apartment, you can come stay with me as long as you want okay? I'll even make you your own room if you want." The boy said, getting a small chuckle from his sister.

"I don't think I wanna be a third wheel between you and George." She started, noticing her brother start to blush. "Yeah I know your plans already Clay, you're gonna ask him to move in with you, don't think I'm dumb now." She said before bursting into laughter seeing Clays face go bright red before he looked away. "But, do get me a room, I wouldn't mind coming over and making fun of you two for weeks at a time." She finished and the both of them broke into a small fit of laughter. For the rest of the dance, the group would sometimes all dance together, or some would pair up and go solo. Sometimes a few of them would be at the buffet while others just sat at a table. Needless to say, all the teens had a lot of fun together, and the party would only make thing more fun for the night.

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