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George looked up at the taller, absolutely terrified at the sight, not because Clay looked scary or anything, but because he looked like he had just gotten into a bar fight. "Clay...What happened? You look terrible..." The brunette said since he wasn't getting any explanation from the other male.

The boy reached out and gently placed his hand on the blondes face, feeling a small flinch, but he didn't want to pry just yet. He was genuinely concerned and worried for his new friend that all his other worries had washed away by now.

Clay finally snapped back in reality and pushed George's hand off before backing up, looking scared that someone had spotted him. "Nothing happened! I just got into a little bicker with someone! I'm fine!" Clay yelled by accident, but the other male wasn't even phased by it.

So Clay turned around and started walking away, not wanting to talk about anything at the moment, but George didn't like the answer he received. The brunette followed after the taller before reaching out and grabbing the others arm, angry to say the least with the boy.

"Hey, your face tells me that you're lying, not to mention that you flinched even though I barley touched you." George started and this time Clay just stood still, looking down at the ground.

"So, now that I have you, you're coming to my house and we're going to talk about this alright? And don't worry, you can go through my window so my parents don't see." The brunette finished and started dragging Clay all the way to his house, having no problems since the blonde was following behind, looking at the ground as his mother's words played throughout his head. Her simple words she told him when he was four years old.


Now, Clay had successfully climbed through George's window without being caught and the duo were sitting on George's bed now as the brunette made sure Clay's wounds were taken care of. "So, you're gonna stay here tonight, maybe even a few more nights kay? Then I'm gonna stay at your house with you." George said, looking at Clay, making sure the blonde knew he was being serious.

"We'll be rotating houses till the end of the school year okay, then we'll go from there." The brunette had come up with this because he got the truth out of Clay on what actually happened,  but he only got that night, he had no knowledge of all the other years.

"George...I appreciate the offer, but it's a terrible idea, your parents don't even know me, and my parents are tereible..." Clay spoke up finally after George finished cleaning his face up.

Surprisingly, the brunette already had a plan in mind for this exact situation. He began to explain that they would introduce the blonde to his parents and tell them the plan, then for Clays house, George would find a way to sneak in and out of the house to make sure nothing happened at all. Again, the blonde appreciated it, but he didn't want to be a burden, nor did he want to ruin the brunettes family.

The blonde didn't want to argue anymore and he just wanted to sleep, so, getting the nod of approval from the other, he laid back and looked at George. There was a small smile on both of the boys' faces and all the sudden, Clay opened his arms a little bit. "c'mere..." The boy whispered, pretty embarrassed, but he just wanted a hug at the most.

George heard what the other said and tilted his head a little, still smiling. "Just until I fall asleep please? I don't wanna be alone right now..." He whispered yet again and this time the brunette set the cleaning stuff on the floor before laying down closer than the blonde expected.

George was the first to latch onto Clay, he wanted to make him as comfortable as possible, not to mention he wanted to relax him enough to get him to sleep long, so he started to slowly pet the blondes hair.

Clay enjoyed the attention more than he thought, and when his eyes became heavy, he snuggled closer before starting to fall asleep. After a few minutes, the blonde was fully asleep and the other boy thought about leaving, but he wanted to stay with the other so he ended up taking a nap as well.


Both the boys were still asleep, but George had a quiet alarm set since he knew that the both of them would end up falling asleep, so when the time came, it started ringing. Of course, George was the one to wake up and only a few seconds later Clay was awake as well, and the boys had to process everything going on, especially the way they were laying.

The boys were still snuggled up together and George's cat had wondered into the room at some point. The brunette was up higher on the bed and Clay was slightly lower with his face buried in the other boys' abdomen, he was also holding Cat close to him since it was calming.

Both the young, almost adults sat up quickly and had light pink dusting their cheeks, but they decided to keep this silent for the time being and let it slide. "Well...did you sleep alright Clay? Was the bed comfy enough?" George asked, wanting to make sure the other was okay.

The blonde smiled as he nodded, but that was quickly replaced with panic as he got up quickly, after putting Cat away. The boy went straight for the window and began to climb out, but George caught him and looked at him confused. "Where are you going? I though we were introducing you to my parents?" The brunette said, a little confused.

Clay looked up at George, on the verge of tearing up. "Let me go, I have to go home for something really important!" The blonde yelled by accident and George quickly let go and climbed down. He was about to run off, but he was stopped yet again by the other boy.

He was going to question him, but George walked ahead of him and said he was coming whether Clay liked it or not. The blonde tried to protest, but ultimately he failed in that and just faced it, George was about to see his personal hell.

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