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George was sat in his third period now, thinking about what the other boy said to him, he knew that wasn't true because of his tone, so why lie? Usually when George asked if someone was okay, they'd spill their whole day and problems out, so how come this boy wouldn't.

Did he start off the conversation wrong? Or was there something else? George just thought about everything all throughout his third period up until lunch where he found himself in a lunch line. While in line, the boy noticed the other male sitting by himself with no food, so he decided on sitting next to him after he got his own food.

After a few minutes, George made his way over to the almost empty table and sat down next to the rather quiet kid. He smiled at the boy, this time just a little one and not the same one as earlier when he was way to excited. "Sorry about earlier, I was just excited to talk to you." He said in a much softer tone before looking down at his lunch, visibly cutting it in half to share.

"I noticed you don't have a lunch, so you can have some of mine if you'd like." The brunette said, looking back up at the other, same smile on his face, even though the other boy had narrowed his eyes on him.

"Why were you excited to talk to me? You don't even know me, and now you want to share your lunch? Are you doing some sort of prank on the quiet kid? Cause no thanks." Clay said, sounding angry as he stood up, shaking his head, but he was stopped, frozen in place when he felt something grab at his sleeve.

George slowly stood up and looked at the blonde yet again, but this time he looked kinda sad. Clay looked back at the other boy seeing his look and let out a sigh, before looking down. "Sorry..." The boy said, sitting down and pulling the brunette down with him.

The brunette smiled a little bit and stayed silent for a little while, while he ate his lunch, now sat closer to the other male. Once he was done with his half, he scooted his little boat over to the blonde who just stared at it.

"I'm not pulling any prank on you so don't worry, I just wanted to make sure you're doing okay and that you eat your lunch." The brunette said after a moment and the other boy just nodded, and started to slowly, but surly eat the shared food. At the moment, Clay was very thankful towards the brunette since he was pretty hungry after this morning events.

In only a few minutes, the rest of the lunch was finished and Clay had his head resting on his palm, leaning on the table. George just smiled a little, happy he accomplished one of his goals that day, but he wanted to talk with the other more, so that's what he did.

"So I was thinking, maybe I could sit with you more often if you were okay with it, I kinda like no one walking up to me every waking second to talk or something like that..." George thought out loud mostly, but it caused the blonde to laugh ever so slightly, resulting in him feeling some discomfort on his bruised ribs. 

After moving a little, and playing it cool, Clay just looked at the other as he shrugged. "I mean, if you want I can't stop you, just don't drag attention to me okay, I don't really like people if you couldn't notice." He answered, earning a small laugh from the other boy who smiled afterwards.

Clay could feel the smallest of smiles starting to creep its way onto his face because of the brunettes determination, but he turned his head away before standing up. "Well, fourth starts soon so let's go, dunno if you noticed but I'm in your fourth and sixth." He said, grabbing his bag and started walking away. George quickly got up picking his bag up and the trash before following after the taller.

Throughout the rest of the school day, George had gotten Clay to open up a little more and the duo just spent their classes together making small talk. The brunette even manage to get Clay to let them exchange numbers, not that George expected them to talk every second of the day since he knew they weren't at that friend level yet.

At the end of the school day, George insisted that they go get a soda or something, but what he didn't know was that the blonde had a schedule he had to follow otherwise things would be pretty bad at home.

But now, the duo was sat at a park, George eating some sort of sweet while Clay just stared at the sky, mentality preparing himself for when he went home. 

"I never gave you a real answer to your, 'how's your day' so I guess I'll give it to you now." Clay started, looking back down at the brunette who looked up at him. The blonde sighed softly before he began again, figuring out what he would say next. "After you bugging the shit out of me in first period, my day got a bit better since you stuck around I guess." The boy finished, a small chuckle escaping him as he noticed the sour face on the smaller boy. Soon enough though, they were both giggling, and nobody seemed to notice, which was perfect for Clay.

Earlier, he may have said he hated this attention, but now, he was glad George started to bug him and poke at him till he answered his questions. It was nice to know that he had at least someone there that wasn't his parents, and it was a good feeling since he figured he'd be able to trust this guy after a little while.

It felt like he's known the guy for his whole life, but that may be because he doesn't actually know anyone besides his parents. As more time passed by, the more the two talked to eachother, the more Clay was late home, and of course, this wouldn't go unpunished in his family.

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