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It was Friday now, George and Clay both went and stayed in school, but the brunette had given away his spot as king of the school since he hated that spot. What surprised him though was that Nick, Karl and Alex all stepped down from their make believe thrones and joined the brunette and blonde at their table. At first, Clay kept himself quiet, but after a couple days, he was talking to them, but he had an immediate friendship click with Nick. It was hard to find the two separated from one another, which caused a certain brunette to get a bit jealous since he wasn't having all the attention he oh so desired from the blonde.

Today, George was extra clingy towards Clay and he thought it was just a normal friend thing, so he didn't say anything, nor did he mind it. "Okay, okay, so I was think, we're like a group and all, so I have come up with a name, so drum roll please." Alex started, and he in fact received a mini drum roll from everyone, and just to be extra, he hopped up on the table to declare their group name. "In honor of us all being so fucking cool, I now declare us the feral boys, any objections? No? Then it's settled, we are now known as the feral boys!!" Alex said as happy as ever before sitting down, getting compliments on the new name.

Nick was next to stand up on the table, everyone turning their attention towards him this time. "Alright feral boys, how about we have a feral night out tonight then crash at my place? My parents are on a business trip." The boy taunted and almost got all yeses but Clay didn't say a single word. He was worried that he'd run into his parents even though they were gone, he was worried about betraying trust that he's built up with the brunettes parents over the last week, but he was mostly worried about the people. They may all be friends now, but Clay has only known them for a couple weeks now and it just worried him something might happen.

Nick didn't seem to notice the blonde not saying anything, so, him, Karl and Alex started making plans, but the brunette who was practically sitting on the boys lap turned his head slightly and looked into his emerald green eyes. "Is everything alright? If you don't want to go we can stay home." The boy offered, not wanting to overwhelm the boy who was just now starting to open up more. Clay smiled down at the other boy and wrapped his arms around the smaller ones waist.

"I'll be fine as long as you're there, so don't worry okay?" The blonde said gently, moving one of his hands up before softly playing with the brunettes hair. He earned a blush from the boy before he leaned back into the blondes chest and just soaked up everything he could before their lunch was over.

"Yo love birds, go get a room." Nick joked, turning his attention over to the two boys who were showing more affection than what normal friends would typically show. They both looked over, both turning into tomato's as they let go of eachother and sat with a few inches between them. They muttered out a quick sorry before the table burst out in laughter. "I was just joking guys, do whatever you want, no judgement here." Nick said to reassure the two boys who only nodded.

For the rest of lunch, the group talked about plans for the night and Clay and George reframed from hugging, talking, cuddling, but they did hold pinkies under the table. Soon enough the bell rang and the boys said their goodbyes before heading off to their next class. Of course, they stopped holding pinkies and didn't show any sort of affection for the rest of the school day. George did however text his mother to let her know that they'd be staying with Nick for the night, and she didn't seem to have a problem with it.


School was over and the group was currently sitting in Nick's living room, a movie playing on the TV as they talked about their night out. Clay and George were in their own world yet again, but the blonde was also tuned into the rest of the group's conversation for the most part. "Are you sure you'll be okay out there? I know, I know, before you say it, we went out and about a few weeks ago, but that was just us, but with them, things get a bit crazier." The brunettes asked, genuinely worried something would happen and either trigger a memory for the blonde or just over all overwhelm him.

The blonde smiled down at the other boy sat beside him, he was glad that somebody was worrying about him for a change, but he was also a bit frustrated since he didn't want to cause trouble. "George, listen to me, I'll be just fine okay, and if something does start to happen, I'll let you know okay? I promise you that." The taller said, wrapping one of his arms around the brunette and pulled him close resulting in the boy to lean against the taller and nuzzle his head into his side. Clay held him close and turned to face the rest of the group to listen in, also to figure out their plans for that night.

Time and more time passed, it was night now, the perfect time in Nick's mind to go out, and that's just what the group did. Right now, Nick, Alex and Clay were leading the pack into different stores and little food areas as George and Karl talked a little further back. "So is there something going on between you and Clay? You kinda just dropped everything at school to hang out with him, and now you guys can barley go ten minutes without a simple hug?" The taller brunette quizzed the shorter, actually curious about the answer he'd receive.

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