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When morning came, the blonde didn't wake up early like he usually did, rather him and Nick both slept in quite late, later than the other three boys. When the brunette woke up, he was confused at first, considering he could hear birds and he was on an uncomfy mattress, but after glancing around, he realized that he was in a tent with a sleeping blonde spooning him. The brunette stayed there for awhile, enjoying the warmth and cuddles he was receiving, but eventually he heard another tent zipper noise that caught his attention.

The smaller carefully got himself untangled from the blonde and slipped his shoes on before opening the tent and looking out. He was a little surprised to see Nick's backyard, but he also wasn't, and when looking around, he saw Karl and Alex walking over with little smiles on their faces. "Ello Gogy, is the giant still sleeping?" Alex asked, whispering just in case. He noticed the brunette nod with a small giggle as he stepped up, closing the tent behind him. "Well, so is Nick, and I'm pretty sure they set this up for us." The boy exclaimed, a little louder now since the three had walked away from the sleeping boys.

"I think we should do something for them, I mean, we made them get up in the middle of the night and pack little bags for us, and we just passed out super early in the cars, and then they made a little campsite for us." Karl stated, talking like it was an obvious thing as he looked between his friend and his boyfriend, who both nodded. "But what? They did everything a campsite needs already, and not to mention, we can't take them out to brunch since they're sleeping." Karl pointed out, but the brunette had some sort of idea.

George looked at his friends before explaining his thoughts on something, and when he was finished the other two boys agreed with him almost instantly. So the three of them got dressed and left the house, walking instead of taking the cars since neither of them had their license.


At around one, the blonde and the ravenette had woken up and had a little conversation on their missing boyfriends. They were concerned since the three didn't leave any message, but their worries were soon set aside when the three walked into the backyard. Both Clay and Nick ran over to the boys, the blonde pulling the smaller into a tight hug and the ravenette pulling the other two boys into a hug. "Where did you guys go, why didn't you wake us up?" The blonde asked, looking at George, then over at Karl and Alex before returning his gaze back to the brunette.

The three boys who mysteriously left and came back all giggled and didn't answer the question, rather they just sat the boys down before heading inside. Clay and Nick shared a confused look, and before they could say a word, Karl and George walked back out of the house with little trays of the blondes and ravenettes favorite snack foods, Alex also holding a projector and a bed sheet following closely behind. "What's all this for?" The ravenette asked, the blonde nodded in agreement.

The boys set the trays and makeshift movie theater down and Karl answered for all of them. "Well, you both literally got up in the middle of the night to drive us around for a half n hour, then instead of coming back here and sleeping inside like we always do, you guys went out of your way to make us a little campsite despite the late hour." Karl started, getting a bit embarrassed since no one else was talking, but the brunette spoke up like he was reading his mind.

"Plus you guys are just great, despite your little fights and sneaky tattoo getting, so we decided why not to make you guys some snacks and watch some movies." The boy said with a little shrug, hearing a few chuckles at his comment. The smaller just smiled at the blonde who was looking at him before standing up from his seat.

The boy smiled and pulled the brunette into a gentle hug and swayed them side to side slightly as he thanked the boy. The brunette nodded and hugged the other boy back, staying in the warm embrace for as long as he could before he heard Nick do a little cough to get their attention. "Not to ruin the moment or anything, but like, I'm hungry, and I'm going to eat all of this without you two." The ravenette said, looking quite hungry, which caused the pair to laugh a little and separate.


For the rest of the weekend, the boys ate, played games, told stories, watched movies, hung around the little fire and most importantly, they had fun spending time with eachother, but their weekend had to come to an end when Sunday night came around, meaning everyone had to go back to their homes. When the pair got home, they got a little scolding from the brunettes parents before they were let free to do whatever with no punishments.

Of course, the boys ended up going, and staying in their room, taking showers, taking care of the cats and getting a movie set up on the brunettes laptop. Right when they laid down and got comfortable however, they passed right out since they bed was much more comfortable than the air mattress they were sleeping on the last couple of nights.


The next day, the boys woke up to their alarms and both groaned, not wanting to go to school that day, but nonetheless they got up from their bed and began their morning routine. The two wore hoodies and sweatpants again today and made their way downstairs. They grabbed some toast and left the house, deciding to walk that day instead of drive that day since Clay could barley even keep his eyes open.

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