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Soon enough, the boys received a message from Nick and Karl, both stating they'd be ready in a few minutes and to meet them by the school. So, the boys picked up their bags, two filled with clothing, and one with snacks and drinks. As the boys walked out, the made sure their cats were well fed and that they each had a pillow and a blanket for the car ride, which they did.

When the duo walked out of the room, they tiptoed down the stairs and to the front door where they slid their shoes on and Clay grabbed the car keys. "Now before we leave, are you sure you want to leave tonight?" The blonde asked, stopping the smaller from opening the door quite yet.

George smiled and looked up at his boyfriend before nodding. "Yes I want to go tonight, but I'll most likely fall asleep within a few seconds." The boy admitted before moving past the blonde and opening the front door before walking out. The taller smiled and followed behind, already coming up with a plan for the night, and closed the door behind him quietly.

The two made their way over to the car and Clay unlocked it before they got in smiles on both their faces. The blonde tried to be quiet when he started the car, but, it's a car so of course it wasn't quiet, but before the brunettes parents could show their faces, the blonde drove off. He went to the school like Nick had asked, and he noticed the brunettes eyes getting heavier as the drive went on.

After arriving at the school, Clay got out of the car and told the brunette to just wait since he wanted to talk to Nick, George had zero problems staying in the car with his blankets. The taller smiled a little and headed over to Nick's car, in which Nick was already getting out, being quiet so Clay figured Karl and Alex were falling asleep too. "Those two falling asleep too then huh?" The boy asked, leaning against his car looking at the ravenette.

"Yeah, they were out right after we left actually." Nick said, going over to join his friend. "Pft, they drag us out here, claiming they were too excited to sleep, yet here we are, them asleep, and us awake." The boy quietly laughed out, hearing the blonde chuckle a little too.

"I figured they'd fall asleep within the first half n hour, so I came up with a plan b you could say, if you wanna hear it." The blonde asked, looking over at his friend who nodded. "Well, since they're all asleep, let's head back to your place and since you have a big ass backyard, pool and a fire pit, lets just do a little backyard camping?" The boy suggested, and to his surprise, Nick actually seemed happy with this plan, so the boys shared a silent agreement before getting back in their cars.

Karl and Alex were passed out in the backseat of Nick's car, and George was passed out as well, his seat slightly reclined to make it more comfortable. Both boys smiled at their boyfriend, or, boyfriends before starting to drive back to Nick's place. When they arrived at the large house, the teens parked in the driveway and got out. Clay picked up all the bags him and George had brought, and picked the sleeping boy up bridal style before locking the car up. He walked over to Nick and took a few things from the boy, but not much since his hands weren't too free before heading to the front door and entering.

The blonde placed the smaller on the couch, then set all the bags down before heading back outside, knowing the other boy would need help. "Hey, I got Karl, can you get Alex and his blanket and pillow?" The ravenette asked, looking over at the taller who nodded. Yes, they could've just woken up the three unconscious teens, but Clay and Nick both knew first hand how rude they could be when woken up.

Eventually, Nick was holding Karl up like he was a toddler, carrying his bag and blanket before closing his car door. The boy looked up, seeing the blonde holding Alex up, tree and Koala style, with a blanket wrapped around the "Koala" and a bag and pillow in the "trees" free hand. The blonde nodded to the other boy, basically telling him to lock his car as he headed towards the house, soon hearing the car lock.

When the two boys got inside, Nick shut the front door and had Clay follow him to his room where they ended up laying the two down, along with their pillows and blankets. They set the bags down as well and the two quietly walked out of the room before beginning the process of turning Nick's backyard into a little campsite, despite it now being one in the mornings. By the time they finished it was around two now, and they were both happy with how the results looked.

There was two tents set up, air mattresses already in each of them, and there was also small fairy lights wrapped within the tree branches, acting like stars since you couldn't really see any from Nick's backyard, due to the amount of trees around. The two had also blew up a few pool floats before putting them in the pool. They were missing the campfire, but that was only because they were tired and didn't want to stay up any longer than they had to.

After admiring their work, Clay went back inside grabbing his and George's pillows and blankets they brought before setting up their bed in the tent, Nick doing the same thing. Soon enough, the both of them transported the sleeping teens into the correct tents before saying goodnight to one another. "Don't wake me up early tomorrow okay? I need my sleep, unlike you and your weird two hour perfect sleep." Nick joked hearing a little chuckle from the blonde.

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you in the morning Nicky" The blonde responded, purposely using the nickname Nick despised the most, but before the ravenette could do anything, Clay escaped into his tent and zipped it up. The blonde smiled a little looking at the sleeping brunette, but he wasted little to no time taking his shoes, and shirt off before laying next to his boyfriend and pulling him close, easily drifting off into slumber as he listened to the smallers calm breaths.


Ello mates! Your author has returned from his camping trip! And I wrote many chapters while I was camping since I stay up til the sun comes out.

I want to say thank you yet again for all the reads and votes, it was nice having my phone go off for a few minutes due to all the notifications!

Also, some of your comments were hilarious, one of the ones I laughed a lot at was when someone said "Rip that rose ayy" So whoever you were, that was amazing.

Lastly, I'll be posting a few more times today, so look out for those, bye!

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