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The whole school day, the duo received looks from people, either they were giggling and smiling, or they looked disgusted, but Clay always made the brunette feel better about himself when he was upset, when sixth period came to an end however, all hell broke loose. Currently, two boys were fighting to the death on the football field, the whole school circling them, the students actually blocking the staff from reaching the two angry teens. "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Take the god damn hint already!" A boy shouted at another as he landed a punch on his left eye before they flipped over.

The new boy on top punch the other with no boundaries. "Fuck off! He can't just drop everything for some beaten daddies boy like you! Nobody in their right fucking mind would date someone like you!" The boy shouted, way too angry for anybodys good. "So why don't you drop him, pack your fucking bag and leave the rest of us to a happy life! Nobody wants you! Nobody! You're just here to ruin everything!" The boy yelled again, this time striking the other boy in a tender spot, causing him to stop fighting back and just resort back to what he's been his whole life, somebody's punching bag.

As the boy laid still on the ground, the other took full advantage and punched as hard as he could. A boy on the sidelines though caught his attention. "Get the fuck up right now! Beat his fucking ass Clay!" A small brunette yelled, tears spilling out of his eyes as two other boys, known as Nick and Sam, held him back. Seeing this was enough to light the fire back in the blonde as he turned his attention back to the person on top of him, Justin. The blonde put his hands on the others shoulders, confusing him for a second before he felt a knee right to his crotch. Justin immediately fell to the side as the crowd started cheering Clay's name, the blonde only had a short period of time though before Justin recovered enough to sit up.

The boys glared daggers at eachother for a split second before they tackled eachother, Clay ending up on top, not holding back anymore since he even heard the brunette yelling at him to beat up the guy below him.


"Well at least you survived throughout the whole day Georgie." The blonde said, looking down at his boyfriend as they headed towards the door since sixth period just came to an end.

"I may have survived the school day, but there's no way I'm wearing this skirt out in public again, people just stared at me a-." The brunette started, but instantly came to a stop feeling something, or someone, grip his ass.

"Who wouldn't want to stare at you George, you're drop dead gorgeous." A voice said from the other side of him, and when the smaller looked over, he saw someone he feared, Justin.

Clay instantly pulled the smaller back, behind him and shot a death glare at Justin, a small growl leaving him as he snapped at the boy. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" The blonde shouted, getting some attention from people in the halls.

The brunette stayed as close as he could to the blonde, scared at the moment and tried to calm the taller down, but nothing worked.

"What are you going to do blondey? George was, and will always be mine, he may say that he's with you now, but he's going to leave you, then he's going to come crawling back to me, practically beg-" Justin tried to retaliate, but he wasn't able to finish his sentence because the blonde punched him square in the face.

Everyone started yelling fight as the two started to shove eachother all the way out to the football field, leading them up to where they were now.


Minutes rolled by like seconds, both the boys were bruised bleeding messes, but soon enough the cops showed up and dragged the two teens off eachother. Both Justin and Clay shouted insults, threats and curses at one another, but eventually they were cuffed and brought to separate police cars. George somehow broke free from the hold Sam and Nick had on him and ran over to the car Clay was taken to and tried to get to him, but the cop stopped him. "I'm sorry sir, but you'll have to wait until he's let go to have any sort of interaction." The officer said and before George could do anything he'd regret, Techno ran over behind him and picked him up, walking backwards as the brunette yelled out of frustration.

"Hey! Pull yourself together! Clay just jeopardized a lot of things for you just now! And this is how you're going to repay him? Acting out like a toddler who didn't get their favorite sweet from the grocery store?" Techno confronted the brunette who slowly went limp in the pink haired males arms and started crying quietly. The boy set the other back down with a sigh and the two just watched as both cars drove off, Clay peacefully sitting with his head down, but Justin was acting out by yelling and thrashing around.

Karl was the first to run over to the brunette and fall to his knees before pulling him into a hug. "Hey, it's okay, Clay will be out in a few hours, then you can give him all the hugs, cuddles and kisses you want." Karl said, trying his best to comfort the boy. The taller just held his friend close, rubbing the side of his arm, but instead of a nod, Karl felt the smaller shake his head no.

"When Clay comes back, my parents aren't going to welcome him with open arms, he'll be lucky to even stay there, he's been on thin ice with them a few times now, and this? This'll just push them to kick him out! I'm going to lose him again Karl!" The boy sobbed out and Karl held him closer, letting out a small sigh. Soon enough the rest of the group was surrounding George, Nick had called the Davidson's and they were on their way there, both pretty upset. Eventually the whole school was vacant and George sat silently in the back seat of his father's car. None of them shared a single word with one another, but when the brunette was picked up, both his parents had disappointed looks.

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