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It was Monday now, prom was seven days away including today making all the juniors and seniors go crazy with proposals to go to prom. The brunette was already over all of these stupid stunts going on around him, it's not that he was jealous or anything, they just brought painful memories back to him. Currently though, it was lunch and the feral boys were all sitting with eachother, Clay and George getting bombarded with questions from the other three. Of course their friends were happy about the new relationship, but the three were quizzing the blonde on everything he knew, everything he did, everything he said, they were just trying to make sure he was good for George.

"Guys all this isn't necessary, I live with him for crying out loud, I wouldn't have said yes if I thought he was a bad guy." George said, trying to get his friends to stop with the questions, but they didn't stop, they didn't even pay attention to what George said, their focus was on Clay. After a few minutes though, the blonde stood up out of nowhere and walked to the middle of the lunch room before putting some guy the group has never seen into a playful head lock, then ruffled his hair. The group just watched as the two guys did a little playful fight then start to laugh with eachother and talk a bit, but what George was paying attention to was the fact Clay and this mysterious man were smiling and halfway hugging eachother.

The four boys watched the other, Karl, Nick and Alex were all confused, but jealousy started to show on the brunette face which Nick caught a glimpse of and chuckles a little. "Is Georgie in his jealous arc now?" Nick teased, seeing the other two look George's way and see the jealous face before it disappeared. When the words processed through the brunettes head he looked over at the boy, about to protest what he said but it was true, he had that jealousy type feeling built up in his chest. While they were busy arguing, the four didn't notice the other two males walking over before they were sitting down. "Oh, and here they are now." Nick said, getting their attention as they settled back I'm the table seats.

"Oh, uh, sorry, guys this Techno, we were best friends throughout elementary and middle school, we got separated when highschool came though." Clay said, almost in a sad tone making the male he brought back with him laugh a bit. Karl and Alex almost instantly greeted the boy called Techno, with smiles and hellos, Nick and George on the other hand were skeptical of the new boy in the group. "Speaking of highschool, I thought you went to the one down north? Not here?" The blonde question, getting the attention of everyone at the table since they wanted to hear any story that was there.

"Oh, I just got transferred today, this is my first day here." The boy answered, but in return, he got faces saying to continue and get into the reason why. Sighing, that's what Techno did. "I was the ring leader of an attempted whole school riot, and when I went to see the principal, I guess it was my third strike so they had to transfer me somewhere, and this school was the closes." The boy explained furthermore, he expected the others to tell him to leave, but instead, Clay wrapped his arm around the boy shoulders while the others laughed and cheered for the boy. Techno was secretly glad they didn't push him out of the group, but he did notice that one person, a short brunette to be more specific, didn't look so happy.

Clay noticed Techno looking at the brunette, so he looked over as well seeing the almost upset look on his face. The blonde turned all his attention onto the boy as the rest of the group talked amongst themselves. "Hey what's wrong? You look, angry?" The boy guessed, and when the brunette heard the others voice specifically talking to him, his whole mood changed. The smaller turned towards the other and hugged him with a smile, feeling the other hug him back.

"Nothing's wrong Clay, I was just thinking about things, y'know, mostly just Saturday though." The brunette lied, but he felt the taller nod against his head, then he felt the blonde attack the side of his head down to his cheek with small, quick kisses. Doing this caused the smaller to break out into a small fit of giggles, making the blonde smile a little. Soon enough, the lunch bell rang and everyone got up from the table and threw their trash away and split up, but Clay noticed Techno following him and the brunette so he stopped walking to face him.

"What's your last three classes Techno?" He asked, and waited till the boy was by his other side before continuing to walk, holding the brunettes hand as well. After the blonde asked his question, the other male showed him his class schedule which brought a smile to the blondes face. "Dude we have our last three classes together! And third? How come I didn't see you there?" The boy exclaimed happily, but then questioned the other boy looking back up at him from the paper. He noticed some discomfort type look on the boys face, so he just patted his back and said nevermind. Techno quietly thanked him and the trio walked into their class.


It was the end of the school day and to say the least, the brunette was jealous he wasn't the only one getting attention Clay showed him. He got upset whenever Clay even smiled around Techno, and he still gets upset for how close Nick and Clay are, but he honestly didn't know why. He didn't want to be known as that one partner who was possessive, or controlling, he really didn't, but he also didn't know why these feelings were so promptly there. "Oh, I didn't properly introduce George to you Techno." Clay said, bringing George out of his thoughts confused, the blonde did introduce them though. "Techno, this is George, my boyfriend, and the guy who got me out of my house." The blonde admitted, getting a small blush out of the brunette, and he got a small back smack from Techno who laughed a bit.

"Glad you finally found someone Clay, you were always so anti-relationships back in middle school." The male said after he finished his small laughter, he also gave a small nod to the brunette as a thank you for getting Clay out of his household. Techno knew about Clays living situation, he was the first person Clay was ever truthful about the shit that went on with his parents. Right now though, he could tell that he knew a lot more about it then the brunette did, so he kept his mouth shut about it till the blonde was ready to say anything. Soon enough, the boys parted way, Clay getting Techno's number and adding him to another groupchat the other five boys shared besides the feral boys one, as the couple walked back home.

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