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When George arrived home, it was already passed supper and he bid his farewells to the boy who walked him home. "I dunno why you tagged along with me, but thank you, I'll text you later stranger." George said, a smile on his face even though he knew the other boys name now.

As he started his journey inside, Clay begun his journey back to his hell hole, that was until he felt small arms wrap around him from behind. "Also, thank you for hanging out with me, I know I can be a bit much sometimes, but I hope we can get to know eachother even more now Clay." The brunette mumbled into the back of the taller, but he still heard what was said.

A soft smile fell onto the blondes face without him realizing as he placed his hand atop of one of the brunettes arms. "That'd be nice George, that'd be nice..." Was all the boy could muster out before the other let go and said his final goodbyes before running inside.

Clay kept his little smile for a few more seconds before he went stone cold again as he walked home, knowing that tonight could be his final night. He knows he's royally screwed up this time, he didn't come home from school, he ate more than dinner that day, and, well, he skipped supper which meant he skipped his father's "wise words".


"What'd I tell you boy?! The first time you disobeyed me?! I'd make sure you'd never do it again! And now look at you! You didn't come home and you skipped supper!" The boys father yelled, looking down at his son who was sat against the wall, already bleeding from his nose with bruises starting to show.

"Where were you huh?! You weren't out there goofing off were ya?!" He asked, gaining no answer from his son which filled him with even more rage. "Answer me when I'm talking to you boy!" His father yelled, pulling Clay up by the rim of his shirt and pinning him against the wall.

Clay looked down at his father, a smug ass look on his face as he decided his next move, it wasn't smart, but he didn't care anymore. With his father waiting for an answer, Clay spat the blood from his mouth onto his father face before he spoke, almost at a whisper, thus, trying to piss the man he had to call his dad off even more.

"For your information, I was out with a boy." The blonde got out before he started laughing, in the process of his laughter, he was getting the living shit beat out of him. He knew this would happen, but in his mind, it was well worth the punishment because now he felt accomplished with something.

Soon enough, all the kicks, punches and yelling took a turn for the worst and Clay had blacked out on the ground where he'd end up staying for the rest of the weekend.


"George sweetie, it's time to get up, we have to go visit grandpa remember?" The brunette heard his mother say from beside him. He sat up, a tired, yet sad look on his face as he remembered why they had to go see his relative.

Not too long ago, George's grandfather had to be hospitalized because he had lung cancer, and because of his age, it wasn't looking too bright for the elder. So, every Sunday, George and his parents go visit his grandfather in the hospital to make sure they don't miss anything when the time comes to pull the plug.

The brunette of course like to visit his grandfather, but seeing him on the hospital bed made it ten times more painful to see.

Today however, was going to be the hardest day for George since his parents explained last week that this would most likely be their last day visiting. "I remember mum, but are they really going to call a quits on him?" The brunette asked, sounding angrier than he meant to as tears started to fill his eyes.

His mother sighed and sat on the side of her son's bed and pulled him into a hug. Rubbing the boys back, she let him get out his sobs as she held back her own.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but you know grandpa started smoking at a very young age and never quit, this was going to happen sooner or later." She said in the most comforting tone she could pull together even though it was hard.

George just nodded in return, not wanting to hear anymore of it and just wanted to go see his grandfather for the last time. George's father stood in the doorway of the bedroom, watching as the commotion went down, he felt the pain everyone was, but he felt it more since he was about to lose his own father.


Once the family had arrived at the hospital, George's parents were the ones mostly talking to his grandpa since the brunette couldn't find any words to say. He ready did want to say his farewells in a secret way, but he couldn't figure out a way without having a breakdown.

Then, when it came time for them to leave, all the brunette did was give the man on the bed a hug and a simple "I love you" before walking out with his parents. All the boy wanted was to see his grandpa up and about all healthy and in tip top shape, but the world had other plans that George couldn't argue against.

"Mum, dad, I think I'm just going to go walk around for a bit and clear my mind if that's alright with you guys?" The boy asked, stopping in the parking garage. He truly couldn't think clearly at the moment and both his parents new that he needed space, so they aloud him to wonder about as long as he'd be back for dinner. The brunette agreed and left his parents, going down each flight of stairs till he was on the sidewalk heading towards who knows where.


Today, Clay was finally able to build up enough strength to leave the house without his father noticing, that was only because he was passed out drunk on the couch though. His mother was already gone for the day, probably going out to by new stock, so Clay didn't have to worry at all about his mother, but he did have to worry about all the bruises a split skin that showed clearly on his face.

From the black eye, to his split lip, cheek and forehead, his nose probably looked the worst since it got hit the hardest. As the blonde walked around, ducking, and hiding from all sorts of people on the street with his hood, he found himself carelessly running into a familiar brunette who looked at him terrified.


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