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Once their movie was over, the duo decided to go get lunch since if they were in school, they'd be at lunch. Currently, they were walking aimlessly throughout the mall, well, it was more of Clay walking and holding up the brunette who wanted a piggy back ride.

"So, where's the food court again? Was it on the first or second floor?" The blonde asked, again, the boy was never aloud to go anywhere besides school and home, so he was asking a whole lot of questions on where everything was and how something's worked, or why things were there instead of other things.

"Ugh, I can't believe you never broke from your routine Clay." George whined, laying his head down in the crook of the blondes neck with a peaceful smile. "But, the food court is on the second level, near the center I'd say." He finished and stayed put, enjoying all the physical touch that he's been granted with today and soaked up every second.

The blonde didn't even mind all the touching, it was nice to be shown this type of attention rather than what his parents showed him, but he just pushed those thoughts away.

Several minutes went by before Clay found the food court and set the boy on his back down, but the brunette didn't even mind the extra time since they had nice little conversations. Hand in hand once again, the brunette lead his friend over to his favorite place before ordering himself something and insisted that Clay get something as well.

The blonde wasn't too hungry, so he just got himself something small and tried to pay for it, but the brunette set his money down first. "You paid for the movie and snacks, I'll pay for lunch, and I'll take most of the heat from my parents later." The smaller chuckled out and gave the blondes hand a small squeeze to reassure him it was actually okay.


After the boys received their lunch and ate a good portion of it, they started their journey home, they made small talk, but they mostly just enjoyed eachothers company. Clay was happy for a change, he wasn't worried, he wasn't scared or anything, he was just happy, especially now that he was reunited with his childhood best friend.

Of course though, with new feelings other than scared, worried or frustrated, came more confusion with everything that went through his mind. He wondered for hours now why he got that weird butterfly sensation in his stomach everytime the brunette smiled at him, or why there was some sort of pressure in his chest when the other boy said anything remotely nice to him.

After a little while, Clay walked inside the brunettes house carrying the boy on his back yet again, but he didn't mind it. When the smaller closed the front door behind them, the blonde put him down, a little smile still clearly on his face.

"Man, your so smiley today, are you just that haply to see me?" The brunette teased, walking in front of the other boy. Of course he was being sarcastic, but he just wanted to see some sort of reaction come from the taller male.

Clay was shocked for a second, but out of nowhere there was a boost of confidence within him, so he held onto it and said something he wouldn't say he regretted. The taller leaned down a bit to be eye level with the other boy before he spoke again.

"Of course I'm happy, who wouldn't be after seeing your cute face?" He answered, a smirk as clear as day on his face as he stood straight up again, keeping his eyes glued on the other male.

Slowly though, the boy cracked and started to wheeze at the sight before him, George looked like a tomato at the moment, and that's when the blonde realized the boy got flustered easily.

The brunette opened his mouth, about to fight back this comment, but he heard his mother come into the room. "George, why are you- Clay! Where have you been sweetie?" She asked, rushing over to him to check for any scratches or bumps.

"You had us all worried when you didn't come back! Don't do that again you hear?" She almost yelled, but reframed and just hugged the kid tight before looking at them again.

"Now answer my question, why aren't you boys in school? I got a call you both ran out during first period and didn't come back, care to explain?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

George looked down with a small sigh. "Sorry mom, thats-" The boy started, but the blonde walked in front of him, an apologetic smile on his face.

"This is my fault, I was surprised to see George in class today since he wasn't there yesterday, so I kinda just walked out, he followed me since he wanted to make sure I was okay and all, but after that I pulled him away from school to just hang out around town, I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise." He explained, not fully lying, but rather twisting a few things around to make it sound a bit better.

The brunettes mother gave a skeptical 'mhm' before speaking. "Okay...just make sure it doesn't happen again, and Clay, I'm happy you're safe." She said and left to the living room to just relax.

The blonde sighed in relief and turned slightly to smile at the other boy who looked a bit angry. "Sorry, just couldn't stand by and watch you take the fall for this one, I was technically the one who suggested we leave." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck and George just kept out a sigh.

"I told you I'd take the blame, but whatever floats your boat Clay." The smaller said before grabbing the blondes hand and walking upstairs to his room, or, well, their shared room. The brunette walked in and the first thing that happened was Patches running past him and jumping into her owners arms.

The brunette giggled and gave small head pets to the kitten. "I wish my cat jumped into my arms whenever I got home." He complained, earning a small chuckle from the blonde as he walked into the room, also getting his hair ruffled by the taller.

"To be fair, I haven't been home in a few days." The blonde said, sitting on the bed before laying back slightly. The other boy smiled bright after hearing 'home' and joined the taller on the bed. The two of them sat in a comfortable silence that lasted minutes upon minutes before the brunette decided to turn on a movie, an animated one to be exact.

"You can change the movie if you want, or do something else, but I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap, feel free to take one as well." The brunette said, turning on Pixar's Up as he got under the blankets. The blonde smiled and set his cat on the bed beside him and got under the blankets as well, planning on taking a nap as well since he hasn't had a good night's sleep that past few days. George smiled, relieved that he wouldn't just be leaving his friend to take a nap, and instead they both would be.

For awhile, the laptop was sat in the middle of the two boys as they watched the movie, but, George was starting to get needy for some sort of attention, so he reached over and held the blondes hand. Clay was surprised at first, but he smiled and held his hand back, gently rubbing his thumb over the smaller hands knuckles.

As time went on and a new movie on the screen, George found himself wrapped up in the taller boys arms, his legs tangled in the other boys'. The blonde was asleep already, but George found himself wide awake now, he was just enjoying the cuddles he was receiving.

By the third movie, the brunette was holding the others hand right by his chest, both of them asleep now with their cats sleeping on the other side of the bed. Clay was the bigger spoon currently, so he was holding the brunette very close to him with his head nuzzled into his back.

What the sleeping boys didn't notice was that the brunettes mom had come in to check on them, but stayed quiet seeing them sleep. So she just walked over and turned off the movie, closed the laptop and put it on the charger before giving two quick forehead kisses and leaving the room, letting the boys continue resting.

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