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When morning came, George and Clay were both rudely woken up by the trio screaming their names from inside the room. The shot up from the bed startled, completely forgetting they were both shirtless, and all the marks on the brunettes neck, collarbone, chest and even some on his lower abdomen, least to say the blonde pushed his limits last night.

When the trio saw the boys current state, they stared in shock for a second, giving the two enough time to realize what the brunette looked like and Clay immediately pulled the blanket over him to hide everything, both boys looking like a tomato. "You...didn't..." Was all Nick said, way too in shock.

The two just sat there at a loss of words and soon enough the trio broke out in laughter as the blonde tried to defend them. "Nothing happened! Er- well that didn't happen, I promise you that, I just- uhm-" The blonde started, looking over at the brunette for some sort of help.

"He was only pushing his limits last night...nothing...below the waist was even touched under clothing..." The smaller mumbled, looking off to the side embarrassed. Hearing that only made the three laugh even harder.

"Doesn't mean he couldn't palm you thro-" Nick started through his laughter, but he was quickly shut up when Karl punched his arm, Alex covering his mouth and Clay shooting him a death glare that looked like he was actually ready to kill. Then he noticed the slight discomfort the brunette showed so he dropped the topic and mumbled a small sorry through Alex's hand.

George just nodded and scooted closer to Clay noticing the boy holding his arms out for him. Right away he was engulfed into a warm hug and listened when Karl spoke up. "Well, since we're leaving today, we figured that we could load up the cars and get breakfast as a group before heading out to the cabin." Karl suggested, earning another nod from the brunette before the trio left the room.

"I can't believe you did this to me, especially the night right before we leave." The smaller boy mumbled, feeling the taller pull him closer.

"What are you talking about, you're the one who let me do everything." The blonde chuckled out before attacking the smallers cheek with small kisses.

The boy smiled and giggled a little before finally pushing the blonde off him. They held smiles with eachother before the blonde gave a gentle kiss to his boyfriends lips then got up. "I suggest you either wear a turtle neck or one of my hoodies while we go eat breakfast." The boy said with a smug look, to which George rolled his eyes at.

"I'll wear one of your hoodies." The boy said, getting up from the bed and watched as the taller took out one of his hoodies from his bag and handed it to him with a small smirk. Yet again, the brunette rolled his eyes, but took the hoodie and put it on with the smallest of smiles he could manage.

The blonde held his little smirk that turned into a smile as he quickly changed, not even caring that he was in front of the brunette, he did notice however, the smaller never took his eyes off him, which only fed into his ego.


Soon both boys were down in the living room, holding their backpacks they packed for their night at Nick's. The group made a small plan for what the day would hold, which was mostly eat, drive, break, then eat again and keep driving. It was a good plan, and it'd get them there on time which is what the blonde really cared about.

"Okay, so let's stop by Ma and Pa's then hit the road for the cabin yeah? They have pancakes there I wanna try." Nick stated as the group headed to the door. They all nodded and walked out, Nick locked the door behind them and they made their way to their cars, all texting their parents that they were leaving now.

- (I'm not going to bore you with the whole trip there, but all I say is, George slept a lot, and Quackity and Karl snuggled in the backseat of Nick's car).

About the fourth pitstop in the trip, the last one, Clay and Nick were the only two awake, so when they got out of the cars, they just shared a little smile. "They passed out too huh?" The blonde said after they walked into a little gas station.

"Yeah, they cuddled for a bit after the second stop, then passed out, how about George?" The ravenette asked, grabbing some snacks while the blonde paid for gas.

"He was passed out right after the first stop." The boy admitted after paying the cashier, also paying for all of Nicks things.

"Y'know I could've paid, I don't want to offend, but you should save your money." The ravenette said after they walked out of the store.

"Actually, I have a pretty good paying job, so it's okay alright? How do you think I pay for all the things I get hm?" The boy quizzed as he took a few things out of the other boys bag for himself.

"Yeah, true, but you're always so touchy with your job, you never tell me what it is." The boy said, stopping by his car.

"Yeah, well I just don't like to talk about it, as long as I get paid, that's fine, and before you ask, no I'm not getting hurt, and no I'm not sucking dick for a penny." Clay said, earning a fit of laughter from his friend.

"Well that's good to know, just don't do anything stupid Clay, but let's get going, my cabin's just a few hours away." The boy said before getting in his car and starting it, the blonde doing the same thing before they drove off.

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