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When morning came, surprisingly out of everyone, Nick was the first to wake up around eleven, or at least that's what the clock said on the table. The ravenette let out a small yawn and rubbed his eyes, still a bit tired, but when he's eyes adjusted to the light, he noticed the tan chest in front of his eyes.

He also noticed the arms around him to keep him close, which lead him to chuckle a bit. "Alright Clay, we've had our fun, it's time to get up." Nick said between quiet chuckles and patted the taller, hearing him let out a sigh.

The blonde groaned and pulled the shorter boy closer, not fully awake yet. "Mm, ten more minutes Nick, so shush." The blonde said, obviously tired and nuzzled his face into the shorters hair. Only a few seconds later though his eyes shot open and he sat up quick.

The two stared at eachother for a second before they broke into a fit of wheezes and loud laughter. They didn't mean to, but they ended up waking the other three up, and caused them to come down the hall.

When the three opened the door, they saw Nick on his back laughing his ass off, and Clay sitting up, trying to grasp for air do to his wheezes. "What the hell you two?" George asked, looking between the two of them with an eyebrow raised.

Their laughter died down a bit hearing the angry brunette and they looked up at the three, smiles on their faces. "Whatever do you mean George? We were only laughing." Nick said, his fancy voice back, which caused the brunette to roll his eyes.

"I didn't actually expect you two to sleep in the same bed, me and Alex were so alone." Karl complained, earning a little playful smack on his shoulder from the brunette.

"it's not like you three couldn't have slept in here with both of us, the beds big enough." The blonde stated, offering a dumb smile towards his boyfriend as he held his arms out for him.

George rolled his eyes, but walked over with a smile and leaned down, hugging the taller as he sat down beside him. "pft, weak, at least me and Karl can stand ou- Karl!" Alex started before noticing Karl already hugging Nick tight with a smile. "Maldita sea, todos ustedes son tan débiles." The boy complained, even though he was already making his way to his boyfriends.

All the boys chuckled a bit, all having a rough idea on what the boy had said, but eventually, everyone got up from the bed and made their way downstairs. "Why don't you go put a shirt on Clay." The brunette said as everyone walked into the kitchen.

"What? Am I that distracting Georgie?" The blonde joked, just to like fun at the smaller.

"Yeah you are, so go put one on good sir." Nick answered, before George could even get a word in, and patted the tallers bare chest before pushing him slightly towards the stairs.

Clay chuckled a little and George just rolled his eyes with a smile, and the blonde went back upstairs to his and George's room.

When he returned to the kitchen, he saw George, Karl and Alex making breakfast instead of Nick, and when he tried to help, he was forced to go sit by the ravenette. "They said that they were going to make breakfast for the week as long as we make dinner." The boy said, leading the blonde to nod his head.

"Alright, then what are we making for dinner, Nicky?" The boy asked, looking over at the other who rolled his eyes.

"I was thinking about keeping it easy and just making burgers with a salad we bought." Nick explained, totally ignoring the nickname since he's gotten used to it now.

"Sounds easy enough, then we'll make the chicken tomorrow?" The blonde asked before seeing the boy nod and hear him hum.

The two talked for a little while before a plate of pancakes and eggs were placed in front of them. "Awe, thanks guys, you're always making our favorites." Nick stated before starting to eat.

Clay nodded with a smile towards the three and watched as Karl and Alex took a seat, but before the brunette could, he pulled him by the waist gently and sat him down on his lap. The brunette blushed for a second, but easily got comfortable feeling the blonde wrap one arm around him and rest his head on his shoulder before he started eating.

"Thank you George, it's really good." The blonde mumbled as he took another bite of the pancake, also snuggling a bit closer to his boyfriend.

George hummed with a small nod and stayed as close as he could to the other as he ate his own breakfast, ignoring the small laughs that came from the other three.

"Damn, it was only one night away and now you both are going to be clingy all day aren't you?" Alex groaned as he finished his breakfast.

"Oh shut up, don't act like I didn't hear you complaining to Karl about how much you missed Nick last night, and how much you missed his hugs and his kisses." The brunette bit back before the group, besides Alex yet again, broke out into a fit of laughter.

Alex just shook his head and rested it on the counter with a sigh and listened as Nick teased him about what was said.

Soon enough though, breakfast was finished and the group cleaned up, packed lunches and put on their bathing suits before heading down to the lake where they'd spend the rest of their day there.

The group just swam or floated around, they talked and got into little splashing wars like any other person would. Sometimes either the duo or trio would sneak off and go in a little adventure, or just go a little ways away to talk or make out.

To say the least, the group was glad that they were able to have a vacation before they all graduated and had to grow up. As for right now though, they didn't have a care in the world and just lived in eachothers presence.


Okay, hey again, uhm, I really need help on this one, should I end the book in the next chapter? Or should I finish out their week vacation and end it afterwards?

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