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"Hey Techno, look man I really need you right now, me and Drista are getting food right now, but can she stay with you for tonight? My grandmother is upset with her and I can't take her to the Davidson's yet." Clay said into the phone, outside a small fast food restaurant while he watched his sister from the window to make sure she was okay.

"Clay it's a school night, how are we going to get her to her middle school in time? Then get to our highschool? We both failed our drivers tests so we can't drive." Techno responded into the phone, sounding rather awake for just being woken up by his friend.

"No that's not true, I have my license, you failed, I just don't have a car so I have to walk everywhere, look, I'll owe you big time, just let her stay, I'll see if I can borrow someone's car or if I can convince Nick to drive us all." The blonde answered, just hoping he could get a yes so he could bring his sister over, then go back to the Davidson's to get everything ready.

"Ugh, fine Clay, but next time I want a heads up for when she's staying, and remember, my parents are always going to help you out, they always have, so they'll probably get you borrow our other car of you show them your license." Techno finally said after a few minutes of awkward silence and sighs.

"Thank you Techno! Seriously, I owe you, we'll be there in a few, just unlock your window and we'll climb in, I don't want to wake your dog." Clay said, and in return he just got a 'mhm' from the others before hanging up and walking back inside. He went over to his sister's table and sat down. "Alright, Techno said you can stay over there tonight, and when I come to pick you up, I'll bring one of my smaller hoodies and you can wear those jeans again, if that's okay?" He asked, making sure his sister would be okay and she nodded, so he continued. "Then after you get ready, I'll be driving us and Techno to school, and you can text me at anytime if you need something alright?" He asked again, gaining another nod, but this time she also wore a smile.

"Thanks Clay, really, but when will I be able to meet the Davison's? They seem really nice, and I want to thank them personally for getting you away from dad and mom." Drista said, earning a small sigh from her brother as he scooted over to her and wrapped his arm around her.

"I haven't told them about you yet, they're always so worried about me and checking up on me, and knowing both of us, we'd do something stupid to worry them even more." Clay said, getting a small chuckle out of his sister who nodded in return. "I promise, I'll tell them about you soon, maybe you'll meet one of them tomorrow okay?" The blonde said, taking hold of his sisters shoulders and shaking her slightly till she broke out in a small laughter.


Once Drista was done eating and their bill was paid, they walked to Techno's house and climbed in through the window quietly. Currently, Drista was sitting on Techno's bed as the two taller males made another bed for her to sleep on. "Okay, so I'll be here earlier, probably with George and I'll try to convince your parents to let me drive is all, but-" Clay started but Techno cut in.

"I already talked to my dad, you know he doesn't sleep till later, and he said you can take the car as long as you bring it back after school." Techno cut in as they finished the bed, and stood up, helping Clay up. "Just make sure you're here on time Clay, I can't afford to be late to my classes, I'm already on thin ice with me teachers, and you know that." The male stated, and got a nod from the blonde before he went over to his sister.

"Alright, I'll be back soon, just try and get some sleep, and don't worry about grams, I'll take care of all of that, I'll see you in the morning." The taller blonde said as he pulled his sister up and into a hug, in which, the smaller blonde latched onto him with a tight hug. "Soon we'll be able to see eachother everyday okay, I promise, just give it time." He said as he gave his sister one last squeeze before they parted, Clay saying his goodbyes, then his thank your before climbing out the window and heading back to the Davidson's household.


Soon enough, Clay climbed through the brunettes window instead of using the front door since he was gone a lot longer than he should've been and he didn't want to deal with Michael or Jenna if they were waiting for him. After getting changed into more comfy clothing, the blonde walked over to the bed and crawled in quietly, trying his best not to wake the brunette. After getting situated on the bed, the blonde felt the smaller shuffle around before snuggling up close to him. Clay smiled and held the boy close to him before deciding to fall asleep for the last few hours they had  till morning.


When morning came, Clay was up first and did his new morning routine quickly, first shower, then teeth, dressed and finally doing his hair. He still skipped breakfast, but not because he wasn't allowed to have it or anything, he just wasn't hungry in the morning. After he was finished with everything though, he walked over to the bed and gently kissed the brunettes forehead, causing him to wake up slowly. "Clay...? What time is it? Why are you awake?" The smaller asked, sitting up a little as the blonde sat on the edge of the bed.

"It's a little earlier than when we normally wake up, but I'm going out for a little before we go to school, but when I come back, please be ready." The blonde said, about to stand up to leave, but the brunette stopped him with a tug on the sleeve.

"Wait, let me get dressed and everything, then I can come with you so you don't have to come back here." The smaller suggested, and got a hesitant nod from the blonde, but he didn't want to question it, so he got up, grabbed his clothes and hurried into the bathroom. After about ten minutes, the brunette walked out of the bathroom all ready and smiled at the taller before he slipped his shoes on, the blonde doing the same as they walked out of the room. "So where are we going?" The boy asked, grabbing a granola bar from the kitchen, before heading to the door.

"Oh, well, uhm, we're going to my house...I need to get a few things..." The taller admitted as they walked out the door, waving to the two adults in the living room. The brunette came to a stop and grabbed the blondes hand before looking at him a bit worried. "It's okay, I just need to pick up a few pieces of clothing, that's all, you can stay outside if you're not comfortable coming inside." The taller said, and started walking again, holding the brunettes hand.


When the duo arrived at Clays house, the blonde let go of the others hand and pulled his keys out. He unlocked the door after minute and sighed as he walked inside, the alcohol smell still strongly flowing around in the air. The boy just walked inside, not waiting for the brunette since he figured the boy would stay outside, but he was pleasantly surprised to feel the boy hold his hand again. The taller was a little glad the other came with him, but he also didn't want the smaller to see his old living situation. When the duo walked into Clay's room, it would be an understatement if the brunette said he was just angry at how it looked.

Clay's room was sad, there was alcohol stains on the walls, loose paper everywhere, a few drawers for his clothes that didn't even open or close properly, and as a bed, it was one cushion on the floor with a small thin blanket and no pillow. The only good thing George could see was a small desk and chair in the corner of the room where he only assumed that's where the boy did his school work. The blonde didn't show any emotion to his old room however, he hated it, but then again, there was a little part of him that still called this place home.

The taller sighed, letting go of the smallers hand and going over to the sorry excuse of a dresser and pulled out a shirt and hoodie that looked too small for the boy. George just watched confused, but he knew his questions would be answered at some point, so he didn't bother asking any. "Alright, we have one more stop before we head to school, so let's get going." The taller said, putting the clothes in a bag and walking out, the brunette trailing behind him. When they walked out, the smaller stopped the other and looked at him.

"Can you at least tell me where we're going?" He asked, looking up at the other male who sighed.


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