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"You piece of shit, no good son! Why the hell do you even stick around huh?! Just go jump off a cliff already!" Cyrus yelled loud enough for their neighbors to hear as he slammed his fist down harder and harder onto Clays face. It was like he was trying to break every bone in his body in only one beating session. "I never wanted you in the first place! You just had to come along and ruin my life!" He yelled once more, slamming his fist down on Clay's right eye before the boy put his arms up to try and block the fists that came at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your life, I'm sorry!" Clay yelled from under his arms that were starting to get terribly bruised. "Please, just let me go! I'll never be a bother again! I promise! I'll leave and you'll never hear another word from me!" The boy yelled again, this time almost a scream since there was a sharp pain in his left arm followed by a loud crack. He knew his arm was broken, but he couldn't put it down otherwise his face would be broken within a heartbeat.

"Pathetic! Down right pathetic! Beg for mercy all you want but you're not gonna get it you little prick!" Cyrus shouted along side a hard punch to the boys' other arm, this time no crack, and no sharp pain. "And if you ever think about running away, I'll hunt you down myself and beat you till sunrise! Watching as your life slowly fades out of your eyes!" He yelled, causing Clay to flinch and become even more terrified of his father due to the new threat he just gave. The new threat however, gave the blonde just enough of an edge to push his father off him and roll over.

He tried to get up, he really did, but his father just pulled him down yet again before he got up himself. "You trying to run away to your room huh?! Let's see where that gets you!" Cyrus shouted before starting to kick as hard as he could to Clays stomach, chest, side, ribs, hips, anything he could kick really. This caused the boy to spit out blood and gasp for breath constantly, but that only made his father hit even harder. At this point, the blonde thought he was about to die, he thought his own father had finally had enough and he was about to kill him, and he just accepted it.

"I-Im sorry...plea-se stop! You've already broken so many bones!" The blonde pleaded, but alas, his father didn't listen and just shouted whatever insult came first to his mind. At some point, Clay's vision had gone so blurry he couldn't even make out any shapes, the blood coming out of his mouth made a small puddle on the floor that also mixed in with stomach acid. Soon enough though, Cyrus's foot made contact with the blondes face, hard, causing him to blackout right then and there.




"Clay! Wake up, it's just a nightmare. Please."

The blonde woke up by the third time the smaller called out to him, he must've woke him up by accident. When he opened his eyes, it took a second to adjust, but when he could see clearly, he was met with worried filled mismatched eyes, filled with tears. There was also a warm hand pressed against his cheek which he placed his hand onto of. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Was all the boy could muster out since he was also holding back tears of his own. George just shook his head and pulled the other into a tight hug, holding him as close as humanly possible, to which, the blonde hugged back tight.

"Don't you dare apologize for having some sort of nightmare you couldn't control alright? Stop apologizing when it's not your fault kay?" The brunette explained, holding onto the boy for dear life. Clay only nodded in return, feeling he'd say the wrong thing if he even opened his mouth. The boys just held onto eachother for awhile, not wanting to let go of one another, fearing if they did, the other would disappear into thin air, and the blonde didn't want the other to see him like this, currently, his walls were breaking and some tears were escaping his eyes.

Soon enough the boys pulled apart, but they stayed in a very close perimeter of eachother, just looking at one another, studying the others mood and facial expressions. As the two just stared at eachother, Clay subconsciously placed his hand on the brunettes cheek, earning a small blush from the other. The tension in the room started to fill both their heads and they leaned into eachother, centimeters apart before the door opened, revealing George's mother, about to ask what the boys wanted for dinner, but almost instantly stopped in her tracks.

Both boys shot up like complete rockets, scaring the living shit out of their cats that were still sleeping, and looked at the brunettes mother, both as red as a tomato. "God mom, knock!" The brunette yelled out of complete embarrassment and Clay just laid back down, pulling a pillow over his face to hide from the word, and rethink everything that just went down. Jenna just smiled to herself, but didn't question what she just walked in on, instead, she just asked her original question.

"What would you boys like for dinner? We have sandwiches, pasta, salad, or we can go pick something up?" She asked, glancing between her son and the boy who looked like he wanted to disappear at the moment. All she got in return was I don't knows and whatever she wanted, so she just gave her son a smile before walking out. George knew what that smile meant, it meant that she approved of what was going on and with who, it also meant that she would knock next time which caused the brunette to smile a bit.

"She's gone now, you can come out of your little hiding space." The smaller said, reaching down and moving the pillow off of the blondes face. He smiled down at him and the taller smiled back, both of them acting as if noting happened, but the longer they stared the more tension filled the room again. As they stared at eachother, the more thoughts went through Clay's head until he landed on one that made him happy and almost instantly, there was a boost of confidence within him.

The blonde smirked ever so slightly, and took hold of the brunette before pulling him back down and flipping them over. Now, Clay was hovering over the smaller boy, arms pinned down, the brunette blushing like a mad man. The blondes smirk grew slightly at the sight and he slowly leaned down closer to the other male. Only inches away though, he stopped and just took in the whole sight before doing something that got the brunette more flustered. "I think pasta sounds great for dinner, and I also think we should make it to give your mom a break." He said, causing the brunette to break free ever so slightly and get the other boy off him, then sitting up.

The blonde started to wheeze to the point he couldn't breath anymore and the other boy was just a flustered, frustrated mess. He knew what the blonde was doing was all just for fun and games, but everytime he did anything like that, the brunette got butterflies and his heart would pound. The boy mentality cursed himself for these sort of feelings since he knew what they meant. He's had them since the first day of their senior year's, the first time he laid eyes on the quiet boy who stared out the window all day, he knew, he knew he really liked this boy and he wanted to make sure nothing bad ever happened again.

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