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TW: Later on there'll be slight lemon, i'll mark where it starts and ends for anyone who doesn't like this type of stuff :)

The rest of the day went by smoothly, the group just hung around Nick's place, played some video games, watched a few movies, ate snacks, they just did whatever. When night came, the trio of boyfriends said their good nights to the duo before heading up to Nick's room. It was around midnight now, so George and Clay decided to head to the guest bedroom since they all wanted to be up earlyish.

"Clay?" The brunette asked once they walked into the room. He heard a hum from the boy, then the door close so he continued. "Are you sure you want to go on this camping trip?" The boy asked, turning around to look up at the taller.

Clay looked at the other a bit worried and walked over to him. "Yeah I'm sure I wanna go, is everything okay? Do you not want to go?" The boy asked, gently wrapping his arms around the smaller.

George leaned against the blonde, his head on the males chest, but his arms stayed by his sides. "No no, everything's okay, I just..." The boy trailed off, feeling the blonde pull him closer and rest his head on top of his own. He felt safe at the moment, like he could say whatever was on his mind and noting happen to him, so he continued talking after a moment of silence. "I just- won't you get...annoyed with me?" George almost whispered so Clay couldn't hear him, but he did.

The blondes hold on the small boy tightened a little and he kissed the top of his head before nuzzling slightly. "George...I could never get annoyed with you...Why would you think I would?" The boy asked, his voice filled with concern.

The brunette finally moved one of his arms and placed his hand on the tallers chest, clenching his shirt slightly. "Because...there's no school to let you have a break from me...You can't walk to a store with Nick for a break...you're stuck...With me..." The boy stated, his voice sounding sad.

Clay was taken back by this statement, he honestly couldn't believe what he just heard from the smaller. "George..." The boy started, then backed up slightly, hooking his index finger under the brunettes chin before making him look up. When he caught sight of the small boy, he swore he felt pieces of his heart shatter. The smaller had tears in his eyes, they were falling even as he waiting for an answer. "George...School gets in the way, I only go to the store with Nick because Karl and Alex never want to go..." He continued, wiping tears away from the brunettes face.

"George I never want to leave your side, I don't want any breaks from you, if I had to be "stuck" with anyone, I'd hope for you, I love you with all my heart, you know that." The taller said in the most gentle tone he could offer. There was a whole lot more he wanted to say to the boy, but he new he could only handle so much with compliments and feelings. So instead, he leaned down and kissed one of the dried up tear stains before pressing their foreheads together.

George let out a small sigh, now holding a bundle of the blondes shirt with both his hands. He didn't know what he felt at the moment, it was a mixture of so many things, that it was a whole new emotion. He was happy, sad, he felt safe, there was a hint of anger, he didn't know why though, and there was comfort. "I'm sorry...I- I didn-" The brunette started, but the blonde had cut him off.

Clay didn't let the boy finish his sentence since the brunette didn't owe anyone, especially him, an apology. He did noting wrong, said noting wrong, but the blonde couldn't say anything, he feared he'd say the wrong thing to the smaller and accidentally upset him, so he just kissed him.

The kiss didn't last too long before he pulled away and looked at the brunette. He was already looking at him, but he kept close to the taller, mostly at a loss of words. "You don't have to apologize George, you did nothing." The taller said, mostly at a whisper, but he still wore a small smiled that George could only smile back at.

George nodded his head, not fully believing the blonde yet, but he believed him enough to not push the topic anymore, rather he wrapped his arms around the tallers neck and smiled up at him. "How late are you willing to stay up?" The boy asked raising his eyebrow ever so slightly.

The blondes lips slowly turned into a smirk as he placed his hands ever so delicately on the brunettes hips, pulling him close. "How late do you want me to stay up Georgie?" The blonde asked, even though the two were already leaning in towards eachother, changing the entire mood in the air.

I'd say this is where the lemon starts, so please scroll to the next bolded text if you are uncomfortable with this :)

The smaller didn't answer the question, he just kissed the blonde, and almost instantly, the taller returned the action. The two made sure to be very quiet, considering they were one guests in a house, and second, the trio only slept a few doors down the hall.

Within only a few minutes, the brunette found himself on the bed, both his arms pinned down above his head with only one of the tallers hands. His other hand had a tight hold on the smallers hip, keeping him as close as he possibly could. The two currently stayed in a heated make out session with Clay dominating the kiss as much as he possibly could, considering the two didn't dare go any further then taking their shirts off.

At some point, the blonde had pulled away from the kiss, and moved down to the brunettes neck. His hand released the others hands so he could hold himself up better, and the brunettes instantly wrapped his arms around the tallers neck, one of his hands tangled in blonde locks. After a few kisses the blonde new he found the smallers sweet spot when he heard the boys breath get caught in his throat.

"Clay-" The smaller started, but was cut off by his own moan, of course the blonde was quick to react and cover his mouth with a smirk.

"You gotta keep quiet for me baby, we don't want to wake the others." The boy said in an amazingly deep voice in the brunettes opinion.

He nodded his head and when the blonde started to move his hand away from his mouth, he quickly placed his hand on top of the tallers and kept it there. The taller knew why the brunette did this, so all he did was smirk and go back to attacking the smaller boys neck.

Okay, well, turns out that was the last bit of the chapter, nothing serious happened, so yeah :)

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