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By the time dinner had come, neither boys left their room despite being called down multiple times. George insisted that they unpacked all of Clays things and put them back in their rightful places. Of course the blonde protested, saying he could just stay at his old house while they fixed it up even though none of the bills have been paid. "Clay I've already told you, your house is not livable right now, it's so dark and it still gets cold at night, you really think that tiny blanket with stop you from getting sick?" The brunette questioned, looking back at the blonde after he put his hoodie away.

Clay just let out a small sigh and hugged the brunette, feeling the smaller hug back. "I just don't want to be a burden to any of you anymore, I mean, my dad's going to be gone, so why not take his house now, work on it while I stay there and it'll get done sooner." The boy said before resting his head on top of the other boys'. He felt the brunette shake his head no again against his chest, so to retaliate this action, the blonde put more weight on him, slowly becoming limp. "Georgie, I'm going to be suspended anyways, I need something to do throughout the day." The boy whined, hearing small giggles come from the other.

"Clay! Get up, you're heavy!" The brunette whined trying to keep the both of them up, laughing a little in the process. The blonde just smiled and let all his weight lie on the brunette, knowing this would end one way. "Clay! Cmon! I'm gonna fa-" The boy started, but before he could finish, the boy indeed fell, but instead of hitting the floor with a thump, the taller caught him with one arm since he caught himself quickly. The two stared at eachother with smiles before the blonde leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the others lips, pulling him up in the process.

George wrapped his arms around the tallers neck and leaned more into the blonde. He felt the other boys' hands rest gently on top of his hips and pull him closer. The two teens soon pulled apart from one another, looking at eachother with almost needy eyes, but before they could do anything, there was a knock at the door before a voice. "Boys, please come eat something, and Clay, we need to talk to you about today's events." Said the voice, and the brunette knew it belonged to his father, so he let out a sigh and said okay.

The two shared one last quick kiss before pulling apart and walking out of the room, both sighing in the process. When they sat down at the table across from the brunettes parents, Clay kept his head down and his mouth shut, knowing with his little show earlier, that the ice he's standing on was beginning to crack. George on the other hand had his arms crossed with a glare facing his dad, he waited patiently for the male to say something, and so did Jenna. "Well, first of all, I'd like to apologize for what I said to you earlier Clay, it wasn-" The adult started after a few minutes, but the blonde cut it when he looked up finally.

He shook his head with a small sigh, catching both George's and Jenna's attention. "No, you don't have to apologize, I should be the one saying they're sorry, I should be begging for your forgiveness for the way I spoke to you, it wasn't appropriate." The boy stated, feeling the brunettes look on him soften as he scooted his chair closer to him before rubbing his back. The boy also noticed Jenna's look on her face change into a more sorry look. "And before you say I had the right to speak to you like that, please don't, you both have done so much for me, and I know that too, so I should've watched my tone and choice of words." The boy said, before returning his gaze back to the ground, not touching his full plate of food.

Jenna sighed slightly, feeling sorry for the boy and everything that's happened. First he was beat for years, then he lost all contact with his mystery sister, of course Rose dying and Cyrus blaming it on him was painful, and now the whole situation with Justin continuously harassing George, causing Clay to act out and get punished, it was all too much being thrown at him. She didn't know what to do though, Justin always escaped with a week's detention at most, but Clay was always on the verge of getting suspended, or expelled. Michael felt the same way as his wife, he felt for the boy, but he also felt that he shouldn't let this behavior go unpunished, even if all of this happened because of Justin.

Silent minutes passed by, Jenna and Michael both not knowing what to say, so they ate, but the two teens have yet to touch their food. As the loud silence grew louder, the brunette stood up out of nowhere, grabbing the blondes hand as well before making him stand up. The taller looked confused, but the other just looked at his parents, a small glare there. "We're leaving for a few hours, we're taking the car and our phones, but we probably won't answer them until later, so, goodnight, don't wait up." The boy said before walking out of the dining room, taking the keys off the table and walking right out the door after grabbing his shoes.

Clay followed the boy since the brunette still had hold of his hand, but when they got outside, he stopped and looked at the smaller confused. "Where are we going exactly? And don't say it's a surprise, I'm the one who's driving since you don't have a licence." The boy said and held out his hand. The brunette let out a small sigh and put the keys in the others hand before looking up at him.

"You're driving yes, but I'll just tell you the directions okay? I promise I'm not going to murder you or something." The boy joked, earning a little chuckle from the taller before he leaned down and pecked at his cheek. The blonde said okay and the two went into the garage and got into the car, the blonde a bit scared on what would happen when they returned, but before he could say no, he was already driving, following the brunettes directions.

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