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The boys found themselves sitting in a park, on the ground by a pond, a comfortable silence between them as they thought about previous events. George was laying down, his head on the blondes lap, and said blonde was just playing with the smallers hair as they just sat, of course though, one of them had to break the silence. "So uhm...are we going to talk about it...?" The brunette asked, rolling onto his back and looking up at the blonde who was rubbing his neck, looking a bit worried. The smaller smiled and sat up, turning his body to look at the other boy before he spoke again. "We don't have to talk about it right now, but do tell me one thing, do you regret it?" He asked, his smile fading as he looked down slightly.

The blonde quickly shook his head and cupped the brunettes face with both hands before raising his head up gently. "George, of course I don't regret it, it was amazing, I just didn't think I'd get this far." The boy admitted, letting out a small chuckle as he let his hands fall from the boys' cheeks and take hold of the smaller hands. "I honestly thought that you'd push me away, and that's what I braced for, I didn't get to plan this far ahead." He added before feeling the smaller squeeze his hands gently, and smile up at him. The blonde was trying his best not to not freak out in total embarrassment after saying that especially since he liked the other boy so much.

The brunette just let out a small giggle due to his friends' facial expressions he was making to stay calm. "Well, as long as you didn't regret it, that's all I need to hear." The brunette said gently before crawling into the blondes lap and leaning his side against him, resting his head against the tallers shoulder as well. "We can just go with the flow for now okay? I think it's safe to say that all of this is new to you, and all, plus, as long as I can hug you and hold your hand still, that's all I need." The smaller concluded before closing his eyes, a gentle smile on his face as he leaned into the boy, feeling the tallers arms wrap around him.


The duo spent the rest of their school day at the park and when it was time for them to go home, they walked hand in hand with eachother, a new feeling there then what there normally was. When they walked inside, Clay already new there would be some sort of yelling and a punishment, so he gradually pushed the brunette behind him as his mother came into the picture looking angry. "Boys, care to explain why I got a call from your school saying you weren't in your last three classes?" She asked, her tone of course sounding like an angry mother. George did what he tried last time, try to take the blame, but the blonde just spoke before he could get a word out.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Davidson, this was my fault, again, I dragged George outside during lunch to talk to him, and when the bell rang telling us to get to class, I just walked off campus and he followed me I guess, the reason most likely being that I shouldn't be trusted alone putting in perspective of who my parents were, and who they'll be till they pass." The blonde said, looking at the brunettes mother who's expression changed many times, but landed and stayed on a hurt sad one. "So, I'm sorry again, and I'll take all punishments that were going to aim our way." He finished, but instead of getting yelled at or punishments thrown at him, the brunettes mother hugged him tight.

"Sweetie no, you can be trusted alone, your parents made their bad choices, and we know you won't make those ones." She said, and patted the boys arms before looking up at the blonde who was still protecting the brunette since it was just a habit now. "You both will be excused from all punishments, with the exception of you both will be joining one of the clubs offered at your school, and, you both have to watch movies with me and Michael when he gets home, until it's time to go to bed." Jenna said, earning a smiled nod from the blonde and another nod from the brunette who peaked out from behind the taller boy. She smiled at the boys one last time before moving out of the way to let the two teens go to their room for a couple hours till her husband got home.

The boys went upstairs, hand in hand and when they got to the top, Clay walked into their room and George looked down at his mother who was smiling up at him which eased his worries and stress. So, after seeing the smile, the brunette went into the room and closed the door behind him. "Clay, what the hell was that? 'I shouldn't be trusted alone', really? Why did you say that? Why won't you let me take the blame for anything?" The smaller almost yelled, glaring at the taller who just shrugged, but had a nervous smile on his face.

"Sorry George, but it is kinda true, and you know it, I mean, my mom was probably high of her ass while she was pregnant with me, so I'll probably get the craving for some sort of drug sooner or later." The boy admitted, sitting down on the bed before laying back. He sighed, hating the fact that he just said what he said, but deep down, he knew it was true, he knew that at one time or another he'd get a craving for something that starts his down spiral. The brunette on the other hand was having none of this talk, he was upset on how the other boy was talking about himself, he just had to figure out a way to confront him in a nice way.

Soon enough, the brunette got up on the bed, then got up on the taller males lap, straddling his sides, and leaned over slightly. He looked down in emerald eyes, having a soft look on his face. "Clay, don't talk about yourself like this, you're nothing like your parents, and you'll never be, and if you do ever feel any sort of craving, just come to me and we can talk about it." He said gently, right before he was pulled down by the blonde into a hug, in which, the smaller hugged back with a small smile. He heard a small thank you come from the blonde after a few minutes and they separated slightly too look at eachother.

The brunette gave a simple nod to the other boys comment, and they just stared for a few more seconds, having a conversation through silence before the gap was closed by the blonde. The smaller was surprised, but he didn't hesitate to kiss the boy back. He felt hands creep their way to his sides, under his shirt and they were cold which caught him by surprise yet again and made the brunette pull away, slowly though. They looked at eachother briefly before the blonde flipped them over and stared down at the smaller. There wasn't much time wasted before the duo pulled eachother into another kiss, both craving that sort of touch from one another again.


Yo, author here, I just wanted to thank you all for the reads and votes, I started this mostly just because I was board, but I'm happy something's becoming of it.

Until next time, have a good day/night.

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