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Friday morning was the worst day out of the week for Clay, for other people, Friday meant the last day of school, the last day of work than came a relaxing weekend. As for the boy though, he'd earn himself a beating right when he woke up, this is because his father always worked all the way through Thursday night till Friday morning, resulting in even more alcohol intake than normal.

The boys father had no boundaries, no thoughts besides one, that one thought was that he had to find the pettiest thing that Clay did just to beat him. Usually, the fact that Clay even woke up that morning pissed his father off enough to beat the soul he had left out of his body.

So, right when the boy walked out of his room, not even bothering to change his clothes yet, his father death stared him from the bottom of the stairs. "You better get your ass down here boy by the count of three!" His father roared through the house, causing some dust and god knows what to fall from the ceiling in bits, and afterwards, he began his counting.

By number three, Clay was standing, looking down at his father as he waited patiently. He knew saying nothing and just following his father's orders would help himself in the long run.

"So, you're done talking back to me now? Right boy?!" His father yelled once again looking up at his son. All Clay did was just look at him, saying nothing and not really acknowledging his father's words which pissed him off even more. The boy didn't want to be late for school, and with his father's waiting game, it looked like he would be late, so Clay did a dumb thing.

He wanted out, so he shoved his father ever so slightly backwards and stared down at him with a deadly glare. He knew this was an awful idea, he knew he was going to be in a tremendous amount of pain, but it had to be done if he wanted to arrive on time.

"Are you gonna hurry this up, or am I free to go get ready now pops?" Clay asked, being as sarcastic as he could, only to piss his father off more. Within seconds after speaking up, Clay was on the floor, laying motionless as his father beat him without a second thought.

Like usual, the boy did absolutely nothing about it and just took ever single punch and kick that came his way, hearing his mother's yelling start already. Finally, after a long ten or fifteen minutes, Clays father was on his way to the couch where he'd sleep for the rest of the day and his mom was out the door.

Don't doubt it for one second though, Clay has thought about running away, hell, he's tried before even, but alas, somehow his father always found a way to track him down and bring him back.

So, now that his parents were away, Clay struggled, but he got up and made it up to his room where he started the process of cleaning up and getting ready for school. After another long process, Clay was out the door and limping ever so slightly to school, and like usual, he had no lunch money and he skipped breakfast.


At school, George was walking to his first period, maths, and nobody, no one, even took a glance at him, and for some reason, that felt nice to the boy. He felt a lot of relief knowing that all eyes weren't on him, it felt nice knowing he could just be a normal kid, it felt nice knowing he could walk up to the tall boy without a crowd.

So, when the brunette walked into class, almost no one was there yet, but he noticed a tall blob sitting in the very back by the window and that's exactly where he headed. "Hey! Mind if I sit next to you?" The boy asked, earning a slow head turn from the tall boy and a confused look.

George waited for a moment, a smile on his face, but Clay just stared, confused out of his mind why someone was talking to him, especially this certain brunette. After a couple minutes, he spoke up, almost at a whisper. "Uhm, I guess...go ahead." And with that, George sat down, a smile plastered on his face as he looked over at the other male, who was still looking at him.

Clay was still giving him a confused look, which somewhat fainted his smile. "Why are you talking, and smiling? At me?" The blonde asked, more confused than ever at the moment.

"Oh? Well, I just noticed you never seem to talk to people...I'm sorry if that sounded rude, I just wanted to, y'know, see if you were good." George answered, trying to make sure he didn't sound too mean, but he didn't know how to approach it.

The boy wanted to be nice, he wanted to make sure this kid was doing good, and that he actually ate something at lunch, but that wasn't a problem right now. After speaking, the boy earned a nod from the blonde who just looked out the window again, not really giving much thought into this anymore. George found this slightly annoying, but he didn't pry and just waited for the other.

Time started to roll by, class had begun and the classroom was full of people who didn't even look at the duo in the back. The brunette didn't pay much attention during class that day, all his attention was on the blonde sitting next to him, to George, the boy looked oddly familiar.

He couldn't pin point it though, but before he could think too much, the bell had rung and the blonde was already up. "Wait, hey, are-" The brunette started, standing up from his seat to catch up to the boy, but he stopped, seeing a glare from the other.

After a moment, Clay sighed and loosened up before he spoke to the other. "I don't know why you care so much all the sudden, but if you must know, my day has been filled with rainbows and sprinkles, so now, if you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave." With that said, the blond slung his bag over his shoulder and quickly walked out of the room and to his next class.

He hated this new attention he was receiving, and to make matters worse, George, one of the popular kids was talking to him. This was just going to drag even more crowds of people to cause him stress and bring him into the spotlight. Least to say, he hated it.

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