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It was lunch now and the small group emerged into a rather larger one to the point they got two tables. It went from just the feral boys and Techno, to now the feral boys plus Techno, Darryl, Zak, Ant, Velvet, a tall kid who goes by Wilbur and his brother Tommy who was a freshman, along side his friends who went by Tubbo and Ranboo and surprisingly enough a football jock named Sam and his number one fan Ponk. Needless to say, Clay was uncomfortable with all the people there, he had just gotten used to the group consisting of six, but now it's a group consisting of sixteen people, ten of which the blonde didn't really know.

George took noticed of his boyfriend looking at the floor, clenching the fabric of his pants as his knee bounced up and down repeatedly. The brunette knew it was difficult for him to be receiving this much attention from so many people at once, so he took it upon himself to remove one of the blondes hands from his pants and interlock their fingers. "If you want to go outside for the rest of lunch we can." The brunette whispered to the taller with a warm smile, in which the blonde nodded, looking away embarrassed that he couldn't handle this.

The brunette chuckled a little seeing the shyness, but either way, he stood up, bringing the blonde with him and bid everyone a farewell besides Techno since they had their next class together. After the two boys went outside, Sam scoffed before letting out a small laugh. "What's on your mind Sam?" Nick asked looking over at the male.

"Tch, why did you guys start hanging out with that freak? He's obviously a bit fucked up in the head." Sam explained, not even in a joking manner and everyone was a bit upset, but Nick and Techno were the most pissed off since they were the only people aside from the Davidson's that knew what Clay had been through. "I mean seriously, the guy can't even handle sitting still, he's all fidgety and now George has to baby him? God he's su-" Sam explained furthermore, but he was cut off when a very angry pink haired male pulled him up by the collar of his shirt.

Since Techno was a bit taller than Sam, the boy had to look up at rage filled eyes. "Finish that sentence, I dare you." The boy challenged as Ponk came over and so did Nick, trying to pry the two apart, but it didn't work. Sam just laughed with a chuckle.

"Or what pinky?" Sam fought back, noticing the taller clench his fist and raise it slightly. "Oh? Are you going to fight me now? How cute." He taunted, aggravating the taller even more. Techno was done, he snapped, he made the first move and hit Sam's right eye as hard as he could. So thus began a school lunch hall fight, getting the attention of both the boys outside as well, and before George could stop him, Clay was inside making his way over.

The staff and principal were making their way over to the commotion, but before they saw Techno being the one beating Sam up, Clay shoved him off, into the crowd. When the principal showed up, it looked like Clay had done everything considering he was a bit out of breath from running and he was standing above Sam who's face was all bloody. Clay and the principal locked eyes for a second before the blonde muttered a curse under his breath. "My office! Now!" He yelled before returning to his office, Clay following behind.

Techno tried to come clean, but before he said anything, the blonde shot him a glare, if looks could kill, so the pink haired male stayed put, slightly scared of his friend. Once everything calmed down, Nick ran over to Techno and looked at him angry. "Dude! What the hell! Why did you pick a fight with him?! Why didn't you stop Clay?!" He asked, yelling at the male who just glared at him.

"You really think I was going to just sit back and listen to all of that?! You out of all people should've stood up for him too!" Techno yelled back at Nick, both boys getting worked up a bit, but before another fight broke, the taller spat on Nick's shirt and started walking. "Some friend you are, pussy." He stated, grabbing his bag and leaving the lunch hall, Karl and Alex holding Nick back so he didn't pick a fight. On the other hand Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo just watched the male in pure amazement with what he said and what he did, but Wilbur looked at them and shook his head.

"Don't get any funny ideas you three, mom and dad are already upset with you Tommy for your grades, they don't need you picking any fights." The boy said and escorted his brother and his friends to their next class. Zak, Darryl, Ant and Velvet had left already, Ponk nowhere to be seen, so that just left an angry brunette staring at his three friends.

"What the fuck just happened?! Why were those two fighting?!" The smaller shouted even though the bell rang. The three boys didn't even try to sneak away to their classes, they knew the brunette needed an explanation now, otherwise he'd be pissed the whole week.

"Sam was making fun of Clay, and as you know, him and Techno have been friends since elementary school, so he got protective and well, Sam was asking for it." Karl blurted out, scared of the brunette and he just sighed.

"What all did Sam say?" The boy asked, but before the other three answered Clay walked out of the office with a soft sigh and picked up his bag from the table. "Clay! What happened? Are you in trouble?" The worried brunette asked rushing over to the blonde before pulling him into a tight hug.

Clay chuckled a bit and rubbed the boys back. "Surprisingly I was let off with detention for the rest of the week, and as long as I 'don't cause more trouble' I can go to prom still." He said, kissing the top of the brunettes head after he spoke and smiled. The smaller smiled wide and jumped around a bit, happy the blonde could still go. Soon enough, Nick did a small cough, basically saying they needed to go to class, so they grabbed their bags and parted ways.


Currently the duo sat on their bed, dinner had passed and so did the scolding the brunettes parents gave Clay after receiving the call that the boy was involved in a school fight. The blonde also got lectured by Techno and Drista about why it wasn't good for him to take the blame, but all the blonde said was that Techno couldn't afford to get into even more trouble. Today's events didn't get in the way of George's goal of trying to convince the blonde to go with the matching prom suits though, so he closed the laptop in the middle of the movie and Clay looked at the brunette confused.

George smirked a little and got on the blondes lap, wrapping his arms around the boys neck as he straddled him. "Oh? What's this now Georgie." The taller asked, placing his hands on the smallers hips, pulling him closer.

"Oh nothing, I just want some attention." The boy said with a small chuckle as he pulled the blonde into a heated kiss before he had time to say anything back. The taller instantly kissed the brunette back, but before they got too heated, George pulled back and planted small kisses from the blondes cheek down to his neck. The boy continued with this process, knowing that the blonde would practically do anything at this point, so he looked at the boy and cupped his face gently. The blonde had almost hungry eyes as he tried to lean in for another kiss, but the brunette put his hand on the blondes mouth. "Will you please wear the matching suits this weekend?" The boy asked at a whisper, earning a nod from the blonde.

The taller moved the brunettes hand and looked at him. "Yeah I will, whatever you want George." The blonde said and the smaller smiled and gave the other boy a small peck on the lips before getting off the boys lap and laying down with a thank you. This caught Clay of guard and he just sat there, trying to process what just happened before he looked over at the other. "George? What the hell?" He asked, genuinely confused, causing the smaller to giggle a bit.

"Thanks for wearing the suit! Don't forget to tell Techno, night." The boy said, rolling over with a small smile. He started to laugh a bit when the blonde tickled him and smiled even more when the blonde pressed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"You're such a tease Georgie." The blonde started as he laid down by the brunette, wrapping his arm around smaller and pulling him close, being the big spoon. "But I'll convince Techno for you." He finished, nuzzling close to the other male who stayed close to him. They said their final good nights before drifting off to sleep.

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