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Today was Tuesday, Clay had skipped Monday like Jenna had asked, and George stayed home as well. The two heard from Nick that the senior prank was put on hold because of what happened, and the fact some people wanted Clay to be there when it started. The blonde dreaded going to school today, he knew people caught the whole fight on camera and shared it around, which meant his personal information was just shared with the whole school and probably other schools too. Alas though, the two boys were already walking to school, they met up with the rest of the feral boys, plus Techno, and they all acted as if nothing happened Sunday night which Clay was thankful for.

"Okay, so this Sunday, all the seniors are going out to the school again, this time we're all going to be divided into groups, there will be the runners for food and drinks, the watch dogs, y'know, looking for teachers and what not, insiders, people who set up everything on the inside of the school since I guess that kid Ranboo wanted to help and he gave an excuse to get us a key, then we have the outsiders, people who setup everything outside." Nick started, having his arm slung across Clay's shoulders, trying to act all tall and mighty. "I also heard that Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, the freshman, are helping with the whole thing, Wilbur already handled everything with his parents, and that kid Schlatt's coming to help us out as well." Nick finished earning a small scoff from the taller blonde.

"Yeah I doubt he's actually going to help, he's probably only coming to eat the snacks and tell people what they're doing wrong." The boy corrected, earning a few laughs from some of the members, but that laughter was almost killed when the teen boys arrived at the school. As Clay started to make his way to the door, people started randomly coming up to him, either apologizing for not checking in on him, calling him a good fighter, some people called him an attention seeker and all sorts of things. All of this was really starting to piss him off, but before he could do or say anything, the rest of his friend group practically made a wall around him, all the way towards the principals office since Jenna informed the blonde that the principal wanted to speak with him when he returned.

Upon arriving in the principals office, Clay was met with the principal and an officer. Sighing ever so slightly, he nodded to the officer, knowing him since he was the one that had his contact information, then sat down. There was a few seconds of awkward silence that also had some tension between all three of them, but eventually, the principal broke it. "Well, good morning Mr. Collins, I assume you know why you're here, yes?" The male asked, earning a nod from the blonde, so he continued. "Alright, well, Sargent Backslinger has a few words then." The principal finished, leaning back in his seat to let the officer talk.

Clay turned to face the officer, who let out a small sigh before speaking. "First and foremost, I would like to offer an apology on behalf of the police department, and the guards at the prison your father was located at for disappointing to keep you safe." The higher stated, and in return, the blonde let out a small, quiet scoff by accident. "Next, I would like to inform you that your father has been transfered to a new prison in a different state, so if he were to break out again, there would be no threat to you, but him escaping is very less likely now." The male continued, just boring the student, but his next words caught his attention. "Lastly, we dug around a bit and found that you have a younger sister, but she was never living under your parents roof? Why is that?" The officer asked, causing Clay to sit up before tensing up.

The blonde sat for a few minute, silence filling the air like usual, but after a small cough from the officer, the boy started his story. "Well, Sargent Backslinger, when Drista was born, my father was drunk to the point the doctors had to get another bed for him, and my mother was severely high on god knows what, so i knew they wouldn't remember this point in time, and I didn't want her experiencing what I was going through, so after all her checkups and cleanups were finished, I took her and ran all the way to my grandmother's, who has been taking care of her this whole time, I sometimes visited, but it was a rare occasion until recently." The boy explained, leaning back in his chair again, and the officer only nodded, taking notes.

"And how come you didn't just take her and come to the police about what was going on at home?" The officer asked, warning a loud sigh from the blonde who rubbed his temples out of annoyance. "Is there a problem Mr. Collins?" The male asked, raising a brow at the blonde.

"Do you really think a four year old boy who was just beaten by his own father he thought loved him would think it would be safe to go to any other adults? Don't you think a young boy like this four year old was traumatized? Don't you realize that this boy thought this is how all adults were to children like him?" The boy said, standing up from his chair and picking up his bag. "Because that's why Backslinger, I was terrified of all adults for years because of my parents, the only people I could trust was my sister, a friend known as Techno and another known as Schlatt, that was until the Davidson's took me under their care, then I branched out day by day to get to know people, to trust people with my traumatic back story, but that was ruined because your guards failed, they failed to keep my father away from me, you failed to protect me Backslinger." Clay explained further more, seeing both the officer and the principal facial expressions go from bored to surprised.

"And before you ask, my grandmother has legal guardianship over Drista so you can't take her away to a foster home, and the Davidson's have already signed papers to declare they would be looking after me till I turn eighteen and beyond." The tall blonde said, and walked over to the door, opening it slightly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a crowd to make my way through to get to my first period, good day." Was all the blonde said before leaving, not even bothering to wait for a response from either of the adults in the room. The boy could tell he looked annoyed and angry since people stopped bothering him and just looked the other way, just like the blonde liked.

When he walked into his first period, maths, the class didn't look his way, but the teacher looked at him and asked why he was late, soon apologizing remembering he got a call saying he would be. The taller finally took his seat next to the window with a small huff and looked out, starting to go into his own world, but before he got too distracted, he was pulled out of his thoughts. "I won't ask what happened, just know I'm here for you if you need to talk okay?" The boy heard a familiar brunette whisper to him as he took hold of his pinky. The blonde looked over at the brunette with a smile, every single emotion leaving him, being replaced by happiness as he nodded. The two boys continued class listening to the teacher, but as they wrote down notes, they held their pinkies together for comfort.

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