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After hearing what Karl had asked him, the shorter stopped walking momentary and just stared at the boy in front of him for a minute. He was surprised to hear the question even though he knew someone was bound to ask it. "Uhm- well no, but Clay puts it as we both just like our hugs, so I guess that's what it is." George said, a small blush rising to his cheeks as he gave a nervous smile. He wasn't going to flat out tell Karl about his feeling, he just didn't want to admit it yet even if the taller brunette was a trustworthy guy.

Karl just nodded, knowing there was something else, but he wasn't going to pry and just smiled. "Well I think it's cute how close you guys are, and if there is something going on between you two, I think he's a great choice, you need someone great after what Justin did." Karl said and gave his friend a light hug seeing his while mood change and gave a quick sorry before they started walking again. They caught up with their group and just like Karl had said, the brunette walked up to the blonde and hugged his arm, earning a soft smile from the taller.

As the night went on, George's mood changed more times then he could count, sometimes he was sad and angry thinking about his ex, then he was happy and needy around Clay before he became jealous over Nick because him and Clay just clicked so quickly and the blonde would just open up to him with no worries. He felt many other moods towards the other people in the group, he was thankful towards Karl for not saying anything about their earlier conversations and he had much respect towards Alex since he noticed he could do and say whatever was on his mind, it wasn't always the best, but it was still a good thing to have.

When the group was done with all their fun out on the town, they started to head back to Nick's house, with Clay and George in the back of the group holding hands. "When we graduate highschool, are you still going to talk to me? Or are we not going to talk anymore?" The brunette asked after a moment of silence, his tone was soft, but Clay could hear worry behind his words. So, instead of giving a simple answer like most people would've, the blonde stopped walking, causing the other boy to stop as well.

When George looked back at the blonde he was confused, but he was also pulled into a tight hug. The boy hugged his friend back, enjoying the warm embrace as he listen to the green eyed boys' soft words. "Listen to me George, when we graduate, nothing's gonna change, I'm still going to talk to you, I'm still going to hug you, I'm going to listen to you, nothing's going to make me leave you again, you're stuck with me." The boy chuckled out the last bit, but hearing that meant a lot to the brunette.

Instead of just saying okay and joining the group again, the brunette wrapped his arms around the blondes neck and jumped up, wrapping his legs around the boys waist. He felt the blonde catch him a chuckle a little as he held him close and started walking. "Thank you...for staying that." George mumbled into the talkers shoulder and felt him nod and start walking again. In all honesty, the brunette was tired and he's used to the blonde holding him before they fall asleep, so by the time they made it back to Nick's house, the boy was over half asleep, still holding onto the blonde though.

As they walked inside, everyone took their shoes off and Clay helped the tired boy take his off as well. "Man Clay, how did you carry him all the way here? Not to be rude or anything, but, you don't look really muscular." Alex said, earning an elbow nudge in his side from Nick. The blonde laughed a little as he made his way over to Nick's living room, the rest of the group following, before sitting down on the floor, the brunette on his lap fully asleep now.

"You're right, I'm not that strong, but I mean, George is light so it's not really a problem for me." The boy said, holding the smaller close to him, not wanting to let go. All the boys made small conversation for awhile, leading up to Clay opening up a bit more to Karl and Alex about home life, but still not all of it, in which they took it serious and didn't make any joke about it. Thankfully though, that didn't bring the mood down in the room and soon enough they were all playing Mario Kart, besides George who slept peacefully against his friend.

There was slight play fighting between the four boys whenever someone would win and the others would accuse cheating or hacks, something stupid like that. At around one in the morning, Alex and Karl had passed out on the two couches that were in the living room, so now Nick was sitting on the floor besides the blonde and the unconscious brunette. "Clay, can I ask you something? Kinda personal?" The boy asked, and noticed the other nod his way, so he continued. "Be honest with me, do you have a thing for George?" He asked again, noticing a confused expression on the blondes face so he explained further. "Like, do you like George more than a normal friend would? Uhm, does your chest tighten up, or, do you feel weightless sometimes? And stuff like that?" He asked, pausing their game and turning to fully face the blonde.

Clay looked over at Nick after hearing his explanation and chose his words before speaking. "Is having some sort of weird butterfly feeling in my stomach one of those feelings?" He asked and got a nod from the other boy, "Then I guess yeah, I'm pretty sure I like George a lot more than a friend would." He finally answered, not noticing his grip tightening a little on the brunette to hold him closer. When Nick noticed that however, he could tell that the blonde wasn't lying about what he said, and in fact, he had a thing for the shorter male.

"I thought so, and I think he might like you too, he's never been this clingy with anyone besides you, so ask him out already." Nick said, hoping the blonde would actually take his advice. The blonde only nodded, a small smile on his face, and the two began to play their game for a bit longer. Soon though, two thirty came and Nick was passed out on the floor and the blonde was just watching a movie that was on. He couldn't sleep, he was tired yes, but he just had thoughts filling his head about the conversation him and Nick had. Things were starting to make more sense to him now, but all he did was hold the brunette close to him like he was going to lose him.

As the boy was lost in thought, he didn't feel the brunette moving around before he was waking up and looking up. "Clay...? Why are you still awake...?" The blonde heard a soft, but tired voice say which pulled him out of his thoughts and look down. He smiled gently at the tired boy and cupped his face, which lead the brunette to lean on it. "Why aren't you asleep yet Clay? You look so tired, and I can only imagine it's late." He said, starting to fall asleep again, which just made the blonde smile a bit more. Since the boy was falling asleep and Clay knew sitting wasn't a comfortable sleeping position, he laid down on his back and pulled the brunette on top of him.

"I'll go to sleep soon, don't worry, I just need to think of something's before I do." He answered at a whisper as he rubbed the smaller boys back who gave him a nod. After a few minutes, the blonde heard soft snores coming from the brunette, so he sighed and closed his own eyes before falling asleep, holding the boy close to him in a protective way.

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