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Hours passed by like seconds for the group of teenagers while they were in the mall. They shopped for clothes, shoes, rings, necklaces, movies and snacks for later that night. When six rolled around, the group headed out to their cars, bags pilled on each of their arms. "Did we really have to buy all of these snacks George? And we're not even going to be able to finish all these movies, we have school tomorrow." Nick pointed out, putting bags in his trunk, Karl and Alex doing the same thing.

Clay took the last few bags from the brunette and put them in the back seat as he listened in on the conversation. "Yes we did need all these snacks, I'll eat them all if I have to." The smaller started, almost instantly hearing drawn out no's from Karl and Alex before he continued. "And, we can to watch all these movies, we just have to pull an all night, but I get if you're not up for the task Nick, it isn't that simple after all, me and Clay can just watch them on our own." The brunette teased, causing Nick to get defensive and walk forward, slightly angry.

Nick was about to protest the boy, having a small glare on his face, but he came to a harsh halt when he noticed Clay stand behind the brunette. His hair covered one of his eyes, and since he had to look down at Nick, it casted a shadow over half his face, least to say he looked intimating in Nick's view, not to mention his height helped. Nick's mood completely changed and he rubbed his neck nervously as he looked at George. "Haha, very funny George, but I can definitely stay up all night." The boy said, and when he did so, Clay backed off and closed the trunk before hoping in the driver's seat.

"Let's get going guys, I wanna watch some movies." The blonde whined from his car, easily cutting through the tension in the air. After he spoke George smiled and quickly got in the passenger side as Nick, Karl and Alex all got into Nick's car. Soon both cars were on the rode and heading back to the duo's place where they'd begin to set up the backyard theater. They ended up inviting Techno, Schlatt and Drista over since Clay wanted to introduce the other three to his sister, again, since he knew the group didn't really get to know her that well at prom.


Almost an hour had passed and the theater was set up, Techno and Schlatt were there and Clay was gone, getting his sister from his grandmother's house. When he arrived there, the blonde knocked on the door hesitantly and to his surprise, she answered. "What the hell do you think you're doing here Clay?! I don't want your father knowing you come here, then coming here himself to yell at me!" She half way yelled, causing the blonde to flinch ever so slightly, and when she didn't receive an answer, she raised her hand, getting ready to hit the boy. As she swung her hand down, a loud smack echoed throughout the house and the blonde kept his head down, a familiar stinging sensation on his cheek. "Now get out of here! I never want to see your face again you hear! Drista doesn't need you in her life, you'll just ruin it too!" She full on yelled, and this time she received a nod from the blonde.

The blonde stood there for a second in shock, but he turned around starting to walk away, but he was stopped when someone grabbed his arm tight. "What the hell grams!? You can't just hit Clay like that, then tell him to stay out of my life! If I didn't want to see him, that's my decision, not yours dammit!" The taller heard his little sister yell at their grandmother, and before she could protest anything, Drista slammed the door shut and dragged her brother over to what she figured was his car. "Damn Clay, I'm sorry I didn't get there soon enough, I was still getting ready." The younger said, looking at her brother's cheek, seeing a bright red hand print starting to show.

"No no, it's fine, I should've expected that reaction, it's what the rest of the family does when they see me walking anywhere." The older said, forcing a smile along with a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. "So really, it's nothing, and, don't blame yourself, I'm used to it..." The boy said, a sad tone hidden in his voice, but instead of receiving some sort of verbal answer from his sister, he received a hard punch in the chest, then a tight hug.

"Just shut up about those things Clay, you shouldn't be used to it, so- so, shush!" She mumbled out, still playfully hitting her bothers chest, but the taller blonde hugged her back with a small sigh. He told her that they should get going before the others started to worry, and she agreed so the two got in the car before Clay started driver. They shared small conversations with one another, but eventually they reached the Davidson's residents and walked inside and to the backyard.

Both Techno and Schlatt ran over to the siblings before "bullying" the both of them, acting like they were all four siblings. George came over next and gave Drista a hug before welcoming her to his house, then came Karl, Nick and Alex, all three having confused looks on their faces. They forgot that Clay had a sister for a few minutes before pulling the girl into a hug and laughed a bit, giving their hellos and all that before they all settled down. "Well it's nice seeing all of you guys again, now let's get these movies started." She exclaimed heading over to the blankets that laid on the grass, the rest of the group following after her.


As time and movies passed, the brunettes parents came home, but didn't bother ask what was going on and just went to bed. Currently though, it was around one in the morning, Drista was asleep on one of the blankets, Techno and Schlatt were passed out as well, leaning against one another as they snored, George had fallen asleep awhile ago, so Clay had moved him onto his lap and wrapped a blanket around him. Karl and Alex had fallen asleep as well, leaving Nick and Clay the only two awake as they watched some random movie. Clay let out a small chuckle and turned towards Nick. "I guess you were up to the task Nicky, George fell asleep before you." He whispered, getting the other boys attention before he laughed.

"Of course I was up to the task, I'm just surprised George lasted a little after eleven, the guy used to fall asleep before ten on weekends and wake up in the afternoon still." Nick said and turned back to the screen before speaking again. "Also, don't call me Nicky, it's weird." The boy joked before they both let out a small laugh. After a little while Nick let out a small sigh and scooted down a bit, pulling both his boyfriends closer to him. "Ima head in for the night Clay, I'll see you in the morning, night." The boy said, hearing a goodnight from the other as he laid down. Clay stayed up a bit longer before deciding to go to sleep, setting an alarm before he did so.

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