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When the duos alarm went off the next day, Friday, they both got up, mumbling mornings to eachother as they walked over to their shared closet. Since it was the end of the week, both boys silently agreed on wearing their usual comfy clothes instead of getting all dressed up considering when they came home, they'd just watch movies all night. George wore comfortable sneakers, black sweatpants and one of Clays Green hoodies that went down to just above his knees. The blonde practically wore the exact same thing, just a darker green hoodie.

The two boys left their hair untouched from when they woke up and left their room to the kitchen. When Jenna saw how the two teens looked, she giggled a little and put two plates of eggs and toast on the table as the males sat down. "You boys not feel like showing off today?" She asked, and both the boys shook their heads, the blonde letting out a small yawn. She smiled and ruffled both of their hairs gently considering there wasn't anything to mess up. "Well I think you both still look adorable." She said, planting to small kisses on each boys head before walking back into the kitchen to get coffee.

The two teens thanked her for both the compliment and the food before they started eating, sharing a silent conversation with one another. Once they were done, they gave their thanks once again before walking to the front door, picking up their bags and Clay picking up the car keys before they left for the day.  They stayed in a comfortable silence the whole way to school since the blonde could see the other was still tired, so all he did was hold his hand, both boys wearing a gentle smile.

When they arrived at school, Clay parked and got out of the car before heading over to the brunettes side and opening the door for him. The smaller looked up at the other with an almost lazy smile when the door was opened. "Carry me?" He asked in the sweetest tone he could muster as he made little grabby hands at the blonde. Clay smiled with a little chuckle and picked his boyfriend up and out of the car, shutting the door behind him and locking the car. "Thank you Clay." The brunette mumbled into the boys neck and he held onto the taller.

Clay nodded letting out another small chuckle as he started his way into the school. "Anything for you Georgie, but, I can only carry you to maths, then you'll have to be on your own for the rest of the day unless the principal lets me eat lunch with all of you guys again." The boy said, walking to their first period, not even caring when people looked their way. The smaller almost instantly shook his head and his grip tightened a bit on the blonde.

"No." The boy whined before continuing. "I don't want to leave you, I missed you yesterday." The boy whined again, but the blonde had already put him down on the ground by the classroom door. George didn't let go at first since he didn't want to leave him, but the blonde cupped the others face, gently making him look up before he placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"You'll see me soon okay George? And like I said last night, we can watch movies and cuddle all night tonight." The boy said in a gentle tone, to which the smaller nodded and gave one last squeeze before letting go, a small sigh leaving him. "Love you Georgie." The male said kissing the smallers cheek quickly before getting ready to go to the office.

"Love you too Clay, see you later." The smaller said, a smile on his face before he waved and walked into his first period, sinking into the blondes hoodie he borrowed the moment he sat down. The blonde walked to the office and thank god he was in his seat in the principals office before the bell went off. Justin was also there, but all he did was glare at the blonde as he started to read the rest of his book, paying no mind to the other boy.


When lunch came, the blonde continued reading, but he was stopped when the principal did a small cough. The boy looked up confused, but his question was soon answered when the male motioned towards the door. Clay mouthed a thank you before putting his things away and walking out the door, right when he stepped foot out, he was immediately wrapped up in a hug from the smaller. "Clay! I missed you!" The brunette said, a smile on his face as he heard the door click behind the other.

The blonde chuckled a little and hugged the smaller back, kissing him on top of his head. "I missed you too Georgie, how long have you been waiting here?" The boy asked, wrapping his arm around the smaller before starting to walk out of the office.

"Well, Mr. Bailey told me that Mr. Mead was going to let you out for lunch again, so right when my class ended, I came to the office, so I'd say a minute or two." The boy answered, staying as close as he could to the other as they walked into the lunch room, seeing their friend group all turn their heads. They all either smiled or did a little victory cheer that their friend could eat lunch with them again.

When the two boys sat down, Karl passed over a boat with George's lunch on it, and the boy happily took the food as the group engulfed in a few different conversations. All of them stayed inside the whole lunch again and just talked amongst themselves. The brunette also made sure to give the blonde some of his lunch to make sure he ate something before he had to go back to the office.

That time soon came though, and the blonde said his farewells to his friends and gave the brunette a small peck before heading back to the office for the rest of the day. Like usual, he was met with a nasty look from Justin, but a little smile from the principal before he looked back down at his papers. For the rest of the day, the blonde sat in his seat and just read his book, ignoring anything Justin did to try and get his attention.

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