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"Boys, we should probably explain something to you now that Clay's parents are in custody." Georges mother said gently as his parents sat on his bed, the two teens nodded and sat back on the bed.

The brunettes parents looked at eachother, just for any sign that this may be a bad idea, but there wasn't any, so thus began the mother's explanation.


"Like we told you already god dammit! You two rich pricks keep yourselves and your kid quiet otherwise there'll be serious consequences, got it?!" An angry drunk yelled at two young parents, not noticing two little boys standing in a hallway watching.

One of the boys belong to the young adults getting yelled at, he had poofy chocolaty brown hair, one blue and one brown eye, one from each parent, faint freckles sprinkled on his cheeks, a blue shirt with sweatpants. He was holding tightly onto another boy his age, the yelling causing him to hide behind him, fearing that he'd be yelled at next, just like his parents.

"Please, Cyrus, just let us take the boy! He's not safe with you both! And you know it! We promise not to say anything if you just leave!" The brunettes father yelled at the drunk. The boys still watched the show go down, the brunette still hiding behind the boy, the boy who's parents started the argument in the first place.

He had wavy, dirty blonde hair with emerald colored eyes, freckles scattered all over his face, and a simple sweatshirt on that had a dinosaur print to mach his dark blue jeans. The boy was slightly taller than the brunette, so he took it upon himself to protect him, even though he was scared out of his skin.

This blonde also had a light bruise over his left eye and a split lip that was almost healed, this was caused by his father who had beaten him for the very first time three nights ago. His father had beaten him on a Friday night, so by the time monday came and preschool, some bruises were gone, but his noticeable markings on his face remained.

When he arrived at school, his best friend, the brunette, started to question everything that happened before the blonde broke down in sobs and explained it. Of course, the young brunette ran home after school and told his parents everything which let up to now.

"Rose! Why would you allow this behavior?! He's your son for crying out loud!" The brunettes mother countered, looking at her once best friend.

"That little fuck was an unplanned pregnancy! So when I got the news, my whole fucking life was ruined! I could care less about him!" Rose yelled right back into the brunettes mother's face, angrier than ever.

"That is no way to talk!-" The brunettes father started, but he was stopped by a hard push from Cyrus, who began yelling.

"Don't talk like you know everything Michael! We were living our best lives till the fucker showed up!" Cyrus yelled not noticing his wife and Michael's wife getting into an argument of their own.

"You said it yourself Jenna! When you found out about your boy, you were worried and devastated!" Rose shouted and earned a glare from the brunettes mother, Jenna.

"That was because all I had on my mind back then was no more alcohol and no more parties! But when George was born, my life changed for the better! Yours should've too Rose!" Jenna shouted, causing her son to start crying quietly into the back of the taller boys sweater, who quickly turned around and hugged his best friend, calming him down the best he could.

The blonde suggested they just go back to George's room and stay there, but the brunette didn't want to leave his parents, so the blonde just held his friend close.

"Jenna you gotta be kidding me! You think George saved your life or some shit!? The fucker just caused you stress!" Rose yelled, getting the attention of Michael when he heard his son's name come from her mouth.

"Don't you dare say my son's name ever again! You have no right in saying it! You shouldn't even have one of your own if all you're gonna do is treat him like your punching bag!" Michael yelled over everyone else, catching all of their attention, scaring George even more.

"Oh really? Your gonna tell MY wife what she should and should not have!-" Cyrus started, and he planned on yelling even more, but he was cut off by a new voice, his sons.

"Just shut it all of you! You're really scaring George! He's shaking because of you all, so just go away!" The blonde shouted as loud and as high pitched as he could, getting the attention of all four adults. George didn't even look up and just kept his head buried in the tallers sweater, crying like nobody was there.

The blonde on the other hand kept all his feelings inside, besides his so called kid bravery. He wanted to make sure his best friend stayed safe at all cost, so at the moment, he just held the brunette close to him while glaring at all the adults, even his own father.

"Boy! You better not have interrupted me while I was talking! Cause you're gonna regret that with days to come!" His father yelled as he started to march towards the young lad.

"I did in-inter- what-ever! Just go away!" The four year old tried to say, but failed and moved George back behind him. Michael went after Cyrus and tried to hold him back as the two wives quietly bickered about their pasts.

"Get the hell off me Michael!" Cyrus roared through the house before throwing the brunettes father off himself and grabbing at his own son. George tried to get his friend back, but the blonde pushed him back onto the floor before his father picked him up and covered his mouth so he wouldn't scream.

"Let's go Rose! I got the little screw up! And remember, you say anything, your son gets it Michael! And more!" Cyrus threatened as they started to walk out, the blonde struggling to break free from his father's grip.

Once the young brunette had gotten up, tears streamed down his face as he ran towards the big man, but his mother caught him and held him close as he called out for his best friend. "Clay!"


"And after that, we had to keep George away from you sweetie, we knew he'd say something to someone, so we had to, I'm so so sorry." Jenna said in between sobs, she hated the fact that they didn't search more for him, but they didn't want to risk even more damage upon Clay and George than what had already been done.

She hated herself as a mother, not doing more to protect another child from this sort of harm, in her head, she failed him.

As she sobbed into her husband's chest, Michael trying to calm her down, Clay had let go of George and started walking. "You ruin people's lives Clay! So get the hell away! Now!" His mother's words rang in his head, as he started running, running down the stairs and out the door.

He knew he would ruin their lives by being friends with the brunette again, he just didn't think that he had done it already.

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