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After a little bit, the group all had their food and milkshakes, cause why not. George got himself a bacon burger with a strawberry milkshake, Clay got a fried chicken sandwich with a salted caramel milkshake. The trio opposite them all got something to share among themselves with Karl getting chicken strips, Nick getting a BLT, and Alex getting onion rings and fries. They got one large vanilla milkshake, also to share which sometimes resulted in a fight for the drink.

They were all enjoying themselves and all agreed that the food was definitely delicious that they could come here everyday, but to Nick and Clay's annoyance, they accidentally dressed too much like how a straight boy would. Frequently during their group conversations, girls would come over, blushing and giggling before saying a quick hello and giving one of them their numbers. The only reason Clay was receiving numbers was because the group went out of their way to go somewhere, where they knew their normal school kids wouldn't be hanging around, so instead of being known as the school's weird quiet kid in public, he was known as the local diners hottie.

Of course these actions annoyed him, but he didn't want to upset all the girls by telling them he wasn't interested, he also wasn't experience in this field of rejection, so he didn't know how to let them down. Everyone at the table was annoyed with these actions, but nobody was more annoyed, and jealous, than the smaller brunette who sat next to the tall blonde. He knew Clay had difficulties out in public and with social interactions, but he never thought that him just sitting and eating would drag all sorts of girls to him, and giving him their numbers without saying one single rejection.

So, when another small group of girls came over giggling, that was the brunettes last straw. "Hey, so my friend back at our table thought you looked pretty cute, and she wanted me to give you her number." A girl with black hair said as she extended her arm out with a piece of paper. Clay was obviously uncomfortable, but he rubbed the back of his neck and forced a small chuckle out as he reached over to take the piece of paper, but before he had a chance to take it, George grabbed his wrist and pulled it away. He caught the blondes attention, but before he could say a word, the brunette leaned forward and planted a small, but loving kiss on the others lips.

When the brunette pulled away, he saw that the blonde was blushing lightly, but he had a smirk on his face, then he noticed the trio looking at him, obviously holding back laughs. Finally he noticed the girl standing there with a shocked face, but she apologized for assuming and walked back to her, and her friends table where the other girl sat looking devastated. The blonde kept a little smirk on his face as he wrapped his arm across the brunettes shoulders. "I didn't know you were so jealous Georgie, you could've said something y'know? But I guess a kiss works too." The blonde teased, earning laughs from the trio opposite them.

George blushed bright red and sunk into his seat before hiding within Clay's side, letting out a drawn out groan of embarrassment. "Gogy's in his jealous arc I guess." Alex joked, getting the group to laugh again. This time the brunette looked over at the trio, a look on his face no one could really name.

"At least I did something to get the girls to leave my boyfriend alone, how come neither of you have done something hm?" George quizzed, looking between Alex and Karl who sat speechless with George's little statement.

"Yeah guys, how come you haven't protected me and my phone from all these numbers huh?" Nick chirped in, putting both his arms across the boys' shoulders on either side of him. The boy looked between the two, noticing embarrassed blushes starting to show on their cheeks.

The two just gave out stuttered excuses, causing Nick and Clay to laugh a little bit, and George to feel a bit of sympathy towards them, but not much. Soon enough, all the boys put money on the table, also leaving a large tip since they really enjoyed their stay besides all the girls. As they walked out of the building, they decided they'd meet up at the fountain in the mall since Nick had to stop by the bank to get some money. The duo got into the red car with smiles on their faces, buckling their seatbelts before Clay started the car and drove out of the diner parking lot and headed to the mall. "Hey, I'm sorry for not saying anything to those girls, just know I'm not going to talk to any of them, okay? I'm not interested." The blonde said, moving one of his hands over to the brunettes thigh again.

The brunette smiled a bit looking down at the blondes hand before looking up at the taller, his smile still there. "It's okay, Clay, even if you did contact one of them, I trust you and your choices, even if some of them might be questionable." The smaller said, hinting at the tattoo which Clay got almost instantly and chuckled a little, also giving the smallers a tiny squeeze before removing his hand.

"It wasn't my idea actually, well, it was my idea to drink a little bit, but it was Nick's idea to get the tattoos." The boy said after his laughs died down. He earned a skeptical  hum from the brunette before he continued speaking. "I'm serious Georgie, but, believe what you want." The blonde said, a small smile on his face as he paid attention to the road, making sure not to go too fast since he didnt want to scare the brunette again.


Eventually the duo got to the mall and the blonde received a message from Nick saying that they'd be there in twenty since the line for the bank was stupidly long. So instead of waiting around by the fountain the two boys walked into a clothing shop. "Hey Clay?" The smaller asked, receiving a hum from his boyfriend as a response. "I have a challenge, we both only stay in this store, but we get to pick out one outfit for eachother to wear tomorrow to school, no matter what it is." He continued, turning to face the blonde, who was already looking over at him with excitement in his eyes. "Does that sound like a cool thing? Or does it sound totally stupid?" The boy questioned, starting to feel a bit dumb for coming up with the idea.

Clay quickly shook his head, a smile coming on to his face. "No, no, that sounds like a great idea Georgie, but I have a small twist, how about we don't show the other what we got them until tomorrow morning before school." The boy suggested, earning an eager nod from the brunette. They decided on a budget so they didn't spend too much before splitting up in different directions so they didn't see what the other was getting. They both already knew what they were getting for eachother so the trip was very quick. They paid separately and kept the outfits in bags when they met back up at the fountain, just in time to see the trio walking through the door.

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