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As the day progressed, the group of teenagers did as much as they could with their few hours together before George and Clay had to say their goodbyes and part ways back home. "So, what do you think your mother wants to talk about? She sounded serious when she called." The blonde asked, looking down at the brunette who looked a but worried with a mixture of sadness.

"I have an idea, but I'm still not sure, and I know for a fact I don't want to believe it." Was all the boy said, and the taller got the hint that there was something there that was touchy with the brunette. The rest of their walk home was filled with a comfortable silence, and to the smaller boy, it was nice knowing that Clay could easily tell what he's thinking and say or do the right things to cheer him up. Currently, the blonde wasn't asking anymore questions about the topic, but rather he was just holding the smallers hand, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles.


When the boys walked through the door, they planned on just going up to their shared room, but the brunettes mother called them into the living room, her husband already home from work. They weren't holding hands anymore, so the smaller clenched his own hands tightly as the two walked over and sat on the couch across the adults. Clay sat close to the brunette since he could see he wasn't doing the best and he just wanted to be close just in case. Jenna and Michael both looked like they wanted to say something, but they just couldn't put the right words together, so George spoke up first. "It happened, didn't it?" As all the boy said, and his parents looked down.

Right then and there, George was on the verge of having a mini breakdown, but he just leaned into his friend who could hear quiet sobs, and that's when it clicked in his head. "We're so sorry George, it happened last night, the doctor's said he passed peacefully in his sleep." The brunettes mother said before she collapsed into her husband's arms who was silently crying as well. After hearing that, the smallers grip only tightened on the blondes who sat there, holding him close and rubbing his back.

"We know you only met him twice in the hospital Clay, but will you be alright?" Michael asked after a few minutes, which resulted in the blonde looking his way and nodding before giving his full attention back to the brunette. Michael then looked at his son who's face was still buried in the blondes hoodie, quiet sobs still coming from him. "Will you be alright George? We know how close you were to him." He asked , but didn't get a verbal answer in return, but he got a slight head shake before the boy stood up, looking down at the blonde before he stood up as well.

The taller looked over at the brunettes parents before giving a nod and following the smaller to their shared room. "How're you doing George?" The boy asked, knowing it was a dumb question, but he just wanted to make sure his friend was doing his best. He didn't get an answer from the male until they walked into their room.

The brunettes answer wasn't a verbal one again, but it was a hug, a tight one and he just let out a soft sigh, there was no crying, just a hug. The blonde hugged the boy back in seconds and held him close. "I'll be okay...thank you." Was all the boy could say without sobbing again. After a minute of hugging, the brunette wrapped his arms around the other boys' neck as the blonde picked him up and headed to the bed. He never minded being this close to the brunette, he liked it as a matter of fact, and with his conversation with Nick the previous night, it all made sense now.

Once the taller sat on the bed, sitting the brunette on his lap, both their cats came over and laid next to them, begging for pets and attention, which they received from both boys. As they sat there, Clay couldn't help but think about the boy sitting on his lap, and just how perfect he was in his eyes. From his hair, to his eyes then his smile, he was perfect, and nobody could change his mind, and that was just in looks, his personality was even better to Clay. The boy could probably right a full on essay about the brunette, but he was cut out of his thoughts when the boy looked at him.

"What're you thinking about? And don't say nothing, your thinking face is as clear as day." The brunette said, a smile on his face while looking at the blonde who only just smiled. "cmon tell me." The boy whined, playfully and softly hitting the top of Clays shoulders repeatedly since he was impatient.

The blonde laughed a little bit with how the other was acting, so he gave him an answer, but he forgot to think twice before he spoke. "Just thinking about your pretty face." He said, and it took a few seconds to realize what he said before a small blush started to rise to his cheeks, but it was nothing compared to the redness on the brunettes face. The smaller boy leaned forwards and hid his face in his friends shoulder before playfully hitting his chest gently.

"Don't say things like that Clay!" The brunette said even though there was a smile on his face and he felt the blonde hug him tight and ruffle his hair. Doing that caused the boy to let out a small laugh and hug the blonde back. The boys just let out small laughs for a few minutes, enjoying their presences, especially after previous events.

After awhile, it was dark out and the boys had their lights off, besides the laptop screen that shined brightly. The boys were watching another animated movie, George still sitting on the blondes lap, just now his back was against the talkers bare chest, and he was wearing the taller boys hoodie since he was cold and didn't want to go and grab his own. It was around six thirty when the brunettes mother walked inside their room and turned on the lights, about to say something but just smiled at the sight before her. Both boys had fallen asleep while watching Pixar's Inside Out, Clay had his arms around the smallers waist and his head resting on the brunettes shoulder since he was laying against the blondes chest.

"Michael, come here and see this." Jenna called for her husband at a whisper, not wanting to wake the sleeping boys. When Michael came into the room he looked at his wife confused, then took notice of the sleeping teens and smiled gently. He was glad Clay came back into their lives, and he couldn't imagine how happy his son was to have his best friend back. Of course being parents though, and knowing their son was gay, and seeing how much affection they showed eachother, they assumed there was something going on between the two of them, and they were very supportive.

They decided on letting the boys sleep and just save their dinners in the fridge for when they woke up, so Jenna walked over, turning the movie off and putting it on the charger and Michael pulled the blankets up on the boys and giving the cats quick pets before walking out. Jenna walked out after, closing the door behind her quietly and followed her husband downstairs where they proceeded to wrap up the two teens' dinners and put them in the fridge. Then, they went to the living room to watch a movie quietly to let the boys sleep peacefully.

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