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When the duo got home, they snuck back in quietly since it was quite late at night, but before they could even reach the stairs, the living room light turned on and both adults were waiting. The two shared brief looks of worry before walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch, holding their hands. "Care to explain where you both went?" Jenna asked, her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed.

The two let out sighs and George decided to do all the speaking. "Well, I took Clay to a little swimming area I used to go to all the time, and we lost track of time while we were out." The boy said, leaning back into the couch, starting to pick at his cuticles. Clay noticed and reached over, removing one of the brunettes hands and holding it gently, but tight. Both Jenna and Michael looked at eachother, trying to figure out what to do with the boys, but nothing really came to mind besides sending them to shower and go to bed, so that's what they did.

"Alright, well, both of you go clean up, and get some much needed rest, and Clay, the principle called again and told us to tell you to bring something to keep you occupied, you, along with Justin will have in school suspension for the rest of the week, then Justin will have another weeks of detention since the camera footage made its way back to him." Jenna explained before shooing the two teens off, Clay having a little smile since he was glad he didn't get expelled.

Once the duo made it into their room they shared a look with eachother, a look showing they were both extremely happy Clay wasn't the only one getting in trouble. The two boys took turns in the bathroom, George taking his shower first as Clay took care of the cats, then Clay took his shower as George made the bed and got a movie ready. When both boys were ready for bed and snuggling with eachother, the started to get a bit tired. The movie, Pixar's The Good Dinosaur, started to grow more distant and quiet as the brunette fell asleep, his head on the tallers chest with his arms wrapped tightly around him.

The blonde on the other hand laid awake for awhile longer, yes he was tired, but he also loved the view of the sleeping boy, he was also interested in how this movie would end, but he didn't want to admit that. After a little while though, the boy had finished the movie, liking how it ended, so he put on Pixar's Finding Dory next and decided to fall asleep to it.


When morning came the blonde was up first and rather happy to go to school that day. He may have been suspended for a couple days, but he also wasn't going to be the only one. When the boy took notice that it was six thirty, he made his way downstairs quietly and walked into the kitchen, starting to make breakfast for the Davidson's, feeling a bit bad for what all he's put them through. He was making pancakes because, in his opinion, they were the best breakfast food anyone could possibly asked for, and it was one of the things he knew he could make like a five star chief.

When seven fifteen rolled around, the blonde heard everyone's alarms start to go off, so he started to set the table, humming a little tune under his breath. The boy also made coffee and made sure to pick up any messes he made so the adults wouldn't have to do anything besides get ready for work.

After a few minutes, the three came downstairs, smelling something delicious in the air and when they saw the stack of pancakes on the table and a certain blonde washing dishes, they smiled. "Clay, did you make breakfast for us?" Jenna asked, holding her hands to her chest as she smiled at the blonde boy who nodded. "Awe, thanks hun." She said, her smile only widening as she and her husband took their seats, noticing the already made coffee sitting next to their plates.

George smiled a bit and walked over to the blonde, hugging him from the side as he whispered his thanks to the boy, who nodded and leaned over, kissing the brunette on the top of his head. They shared a small conversation before the duo joined the adults at the table where they all began to eat with smiles on their faces. When the clock struck seven thirty, everyone went their separate ways to get ready for work, or school. Today George and Clay dressed up in clothes they wouldn't normally wear, but it was becoming summer, which meant warmer weather.

The brunette wore his black skirt again with black tights and black converse. He also wore a cropped grey shirt with a small jacket over it. The boy did his hair messy, just like how Clay said he liked it awhile back and smiled at himself in the mirror, comfortable with how he looked.

The blonde was also happy with how he looked. He wore white, ankle high Vanz, sweatpant like pants that had chains hanging down each side of them, all different lengths and random leather straps hanging off the sides, and a white tank top that had the sides open. Of course, he had his rings and neck chain on and he did his hair like usual, little poofy curls in the front.

When the two boys looked at eachother, they smiled, and commented on how well the other looked before picking their bags up, Clay picking up a long book before they walked downstairs. The two were about to walk out the door, when they were stopped by Michael talking. "Hey, you almost forgot these dummies." The adult said, tossing the car keys over to the blonde, who caught them and looked confused. "Me and Jenna talked for a bit last night, and we agreed that you can keep driving the car, and slide by all punishments here since you were only protecting George." The male said before getting up and disappearing into a room.

The duo stood there for a second, but soon enough the brunette walked out the house, giggling a little bit as the blonde followed behind. He was glad they didn't have to walk, and he was glad that the blonde didn't get any punishments for what he did. Soon enough, the two got in the car and drove to school where they met up with the rest of the group and engulfed into conversation before the day officially started.

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