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In the morning, everyone was awake besides the two boys who were still laying next to eachother on the floor. Of course, Karl, Alex and Nick all got their fair shares of photos of the sleeping boys, Karl and Nick both knowing the meaning of it and Alex just thinking they were being homies. When eleven rolled around though, Nick was bored and wanted to do something, so he woke the boys up, but in a more mean way. He connected his phone to the speaker and turned it up loud before playing a fire alarm noise and started shouting fire. Karl and Alex joined in on the yelling, thinking that this was an amazing wake up alert.

When the peacefully sleeping boys heard the yelling and alarm, they sat up quick and looked around in a panic, George on the verge of yelling as well, and Clay was close to just running out. They were about to do what was going through their heads, but they stopped hearing the other three boys start to laugh like mad men. Clay let out a sigh of relief that there wasn't actually a fire, but George huffed, angry someone woke him up from his much needed sleep. "What the hell guys!? I was sleeping! And I'm still tired!" He half way yelled, still having his sleepy voice which caused Clay to laugh a little bit, "offending" the brunette.

"What? You guys were sleeping long enough, some of us want to do things today y'know?" Nick said with a shrug which only made the brunette even more upset. The three boys who pulled the prank unconnected Nick's phone and sat down with the two boys who were still waking up. They started talking about plans for that day, but George told them him and Clay had to be home before dinner since his mother had something to tell them. They understood, so they just planned things out up until three, which started with them all going out to lunch.

The feral boys decided on going to a burger place, since, well, it's burgers and that was enough of a reason for the teenagers. All of them talked about school, work and just random things, but one thing came up that sparked conversation with everyone besides Clay, and that was prom. The boys never been, nor ever wanted to go to any of the dances his highschool provided, he hated social activities, and a dance was full of social interaction. As the boy stayed quiet, he just listened to his other friends talk about what they were going to wear, what they planned on doing afterwards and who they thought was going to host the after party. An after party was practically tradition at their school, after the dance, a bunch of seniors and juniors would all file into someone's house before getting drunk and high off their minds, not having a care in the world, and of course, there would be some sort of drama that would be talked about for days and days.

"Yeah...If I'm right, I don't think you should go to the after party George, I'm almost one hundred percent certain that Justine's throwing it and who knows what type of stunt he'll pull, especially if he gets into the alcohol." A worried Karl said softly, placing a hand on his friends' shoulder. The shorter brunette however just shrugged and looked slightly up to his friend, trying to figure out what to say and how to say it so he didn't sound rude.

"Thanks for worrying Karl, but it's like an unspoken rule that all seniors that attend prom go to the after party, plus, you guys will be there if anything does happen." The brunette said, earning a head shake from the worried boy, also earning tiny sighs from Nick and Alex who didn't approve of what the boy said. "Look I'll be fine, and I'll stay safe, especially if Clay decides to join us there, I know he won't leave my side." The shorter said, looking over at the blonde who had an almost worried expression on his face.

Of course, the other three still didn't approve all the way, but they approved enough and didn't want to tall even further on the subject since they could see their destination in front of them. The small diner wasn't too full, maybe two or three tables were taken, so they could really sit wherever. "Hey, uhm, go pick a table, we'll meet you inside." The shorter brunette said as he stopped himself and Clay from walking inside. The other three just nodded in response before heading inside while the shorter lead the other boy around the side of the building and held both his hands. "Hey, you alright? You didn't look so good a few minutes ago." The boy asked, looking up into what could be mistaken for actual emeralds instead of eyes.

Clay looked down into the boys' mismatched eyes and just smiled. "I'm fine, don't worry, you just caught me a bit off guard when you said I'll be going to the after part." He said, leaning back against the building and looking up at the sky. "Don't get me wrong, I'll go with you, but, what did this Justin guy do that has everyone worrying?" The blonde asked, looking back down at the brunette who looked like he was ready to cry right then and there. "Shit, I'm so sorry, you don't have to answer that, I'm sorry, please don't cry." Clay said, pulling the boy into a tight hug, having a full on panic he did something wrong. He felt the smaller hug him back tighter than he usually does, and he wasn't crying, but his breathing was a bit shaky so the blonde just rubbed his back, holding him close.

Minutes passed by before the blonde could get the brunette to calm down and slow his breathing back to normal. "I'm sorry...I just, I just don't want to talk about it right now..." The smaller said, looking up at the blonde who was looking down at him, nodding his head. The blonde understood the brunettes mood as clear as day, so he decided not to question it anymore until the boy came to him about the problem. Soon the boys were walking into the dinner, hand in hand with the blonde still making sure the other boy was okay by only reading his facial expressions.

"Finally you guys are back, our waiters been here like four times asking what we want." Nick complained when the two sat down across from the three. George laughed a little which put Clay at ease and end up wrapping his arm around the others waist, pulling him closer. The brunette leaned against the taller with no hesitation as he looked over the menu to find the cheaper food items. He didn't want to cost anyone, including himself a mass amount of money since that was just rude.

"You do realize that you could've ordered without us right? It's not like we couldn't have order something when they came back to fill drinks or bring food." The smaller pointed out, getting small giggles from Alex and Karl, then a drawn out sign from Nick.

"Sorry for trying to be nice, I'll keep in mind what you said next time." The boy replied and looked over at Clay, a devilish smile on his face whe he noticed how close the brunette and blonde were sat next to eachother. He wasn't going to do anything, yet, but he was planning something to call out the odd friends later in the day. "So what're you gonna get Clay? Cheeseburger? Bacon burger? Salad?" He asked, not seeing the boy pick up or glance at the menus.

"Oh, erm- I'm not actually getting anything." The boy said, almost instantly regretting it seeing Nick's mood change from smiles and jokes to serious. It wouldn't be a lie if the blonde said he was actual scared at that moment of his friend, he just looked so intimidating.

"Yeah no, you're getting something, I don't care what you say, but I'll get you a kids meal if I have to, I'll even give you your toy afterwards." The boy half way joked, but he was serious about the boy eating after hearing some of how the blonde used to live.

"That's not necessary Nick, I'll just get a cheeseburger I guess." The blonde said, earning a satisfied smile from the boy sat across from him. He also noticed Alex and Karl relax in their seats instead of being all tense with the tone of the conversation. He also could've sworn he felt the brunette let out a breath of relief, but he wasn't going to question it, rather he just sat there, a goofy smile on his face as he listen to chatter around him.

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