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The rest of the school week went by like normal, well, almost normal. Everyone at school stopped paying attention to Clay by Wednesday, which he quite enjoyed, but every morning the blonde was pulled into the office to talk about how he was doing, what his problems were, and shit like that, that Clay absolutely hated. The boy always made an exit though, spilling out some thing related to how dumb this school was, how the police failed at their jobs, or something his anarchist friend, Techno, told him that he completely agreed with. Currently, it was Sunday night and all the seniors were at the school, even Schlatt showed his memorable mutton chops too. Some people patted Clay on the back and jokingly said that they'd be picking a fight with him later, but in the end, Clay knew they were just trying to be friendly.

George on the other hand made sure Clay was okay after every "threat", just to make sure he didn't get any awful memories of his father, or his mother even though she had already passed. The tall blonde told the smaller everytime he was fine and not to worry but that's just what the brunette did the whole night while the seniors set everything up. They may have only been copying a prank that's already been done, but they went above and beyond with it. Every single senior, even Schlatt who didn't go to this school was impressed with the whole piece once they finished, and when they finished, it was only three in the morning, so everyone had a chance to get some rest tonight.

Everyone in the friend group of course retreated to Nick's house since he had the biggest house, and his parents were always gone so the big group could do almost anything they wanted. Tonight however once everyone had their shoes off, people were collapsing in guest bedrooms, Nick's room, the living room and even the floor. Clay and George were lucky enough to snatch up one of the guest bedrooms before they were all taken.


After a few hours of sleep, everyone's alarms went off, sending weird sounds all over inside the house, but it woke every single one of the boys up, including Sally since she wanted to stay with Wilbur. Everyone was racing around the house, trying to get ready as quickly as possible. Some people were taking showers, some were brushing their teeth or hair, others were making breakfast, Karl and Alex were stealing some of Nick's clothing, and if the others weren't wearing clothes they could wear again, they either stole from Nick, or the houses lost and found room, or donate room.

Eventually though, everyone was all washed up and fed, so they filed out of Nick's house and started to walk to school as a groups, earning some judgmental looks from nearby people. Soon enough though, they all walked up the hill to be met with a crowd of chattering students, all admiring the work and effort the seniors had put in. On the field, there was a bunch of fake gravestones, some having hands popping up, or being "dug out" with police tape around them. On the outside of the school, fake cobweb was everywhere, there was fake blood splattered in the parking lot, windows with decals to look shattered or cracked. There was horror tracks playing such as screams, chainsaws, and more as smoke came from under the front door.

Some students walked inside, and when you did, you were met with fake spiders everywhere, more cobwebs, LED lights and fog machines. In each classroom there was riddles written in red writing on the white boards. Each chair and desk had something on it, either fake blood that was peel able when it dried to create less mess, or there was jars of fake organs. On lockers there were things written like "help me" or "they're coming" and stuff like that, of course bloody handprints everywhere and blood splatter. There was even more scary sights around the whole school, even the food that was prepped for Monday looked scarier now, but what caught everyone's attention, including staff was different trails of blood, looking as if people were being dragged across the floor.

Upon following these trails, you were met with seniors, who stayed at the school, tied up on the walls, either yelling help me, he's coming, and things like that. Their hair was all matted up and they had of course, fake blood on them. Other seniors made it look like they were sawed in half or decapitated, which freaked some people out, mission accomplished. Going behind the school outside however was a completely different story. The staff expected there to be absolutely nothing, but instead, there was a maze, only made out of cardboard since they couldn't build one, but it was there. Similar to a corn maze, there were people waiting inside to chase and scare the living daylights out of students and staff.

After exploring all of the prank and the maze, the principal called upon all the seniors in the school and told them that they all were excused from their classes that day, and would be instead picking up everything from the maze, to the little stickers of blood till the school looked like normal again. The principle however congratulated all of them for this year's prank and said this one would definitely be making the books before excusing everyone to their classes and cleaning duties.

Once everyone else was inside, the seniors all started cheering out of excitement and victory that they made the books before all splitting up in groups to start taking everything down. George, Clay, Alex, Nick and Karl were all put in charge of upstairs, cleaning the halls, the windows and even the bathrooms that were decorated. All the hard work that was put in was short lived, but it secretly won't be forgotten, rather talked about for a very long time, especially since almost everyone got photos and videos to post on different platforms.

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