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Today was Friday, Clay and Techno caved and decided they'd go with the rest of the group in matching suits, the blonde himself even invited Sam and Ponk again to come with the group. He knew what Sam had said about him, but he figured he'd be the bigger person and just ignore it, and it took a lot of convincing, but Ponk and Ant got Sam to go with the group again.

Right now though, all the seniors were at Nick's place since his parents were out of town for the week, and they all decided to spend their night together then all get ready for prom together. Somehow the group had gotten closer, well, besides Sam and Techno, but Clay was getting more and more comfortable with the size of the group. What worried George though, was how the blonde would do at the dance, he did suggest going to the party and helping out with the prank, so he decided not to worry much.

Currently, one boy was in the bathroom, so the rest of the group hurried around the living room to set something up. The group was let in on a secret of Nick's, it was a great secret if they were being honest and none of them could believe how long Nick suppressed some feelings.

When the boy walked down the stairs from the bathroom, he was mumbling something under his breath and he was about to go talk with the group, but he came to a stop seeing the living room. Wilbur, Techno and Clay were each holding up pieces of paper in the back reading 'Will you go' then he noticed Ant, Sam and Darryl holding up more signs that read 'To prom with' then came Nick, he was in the front, holding up a smaller sign that only read 'me'.

After a moment of not saying anything, George, Alex, Zak and Ponk emerged with paper that only said please, causing the boy to giggle. "Yes Nick, I'll go to prom with you." After the boy said yes, Nick smiled and went over hugging the boy and spun him around, Velvet coming out of a hiding spot and throwing confetti into the air.

"And lucky for you Karl, I'll be tagging along with you two." Alex said, coming over and slinging his arms across both Nick and Karl's shoulders, causing them both to start laughing. After some cheers, Velvet, Ant and Ponk were cleaning up the confetti while Wilbur and Clay disposed of the paper signs.

"I can't believe you invited Sam again, what he said was really hurtful Clay." Wilbur said to the other tall male who only shrugged at his comment before speaking.

"I mean yeah, it was kinda douchey, but I mean, I still like Ponk and I want him to be part of the group, and I know him and Sam are a pair, so, it's whatever." The blonde said, facing the other male.

They shared a small conversation before joining the rest of the group, Clay finding out that Wilbur was bringing a girl with red hair named Sally to prom as his date, which he thought was pretty cool. Upon arriving back into the living room, George ran right into Clays arms with a bright smile on his face. "Guess what Clay? Everyone has someone to go to prom with! Even Techno!" The brunette said excitedly, causing the taller to become confused.

"Oh? Who's Techno going with?" The blonde asked, looking down at the brunette with a small smile, still holding him close.

"Well, we actually need your permission first, we want to bring Drista, and they were gonna go together as friends to make fun of all the couples, y'know? But we don-" The smaller started and just couldn't find a proper area to stop talking, so the blonde cut him off with a small peck on the lips.

"Yeah we can sneak Drista in, but there's no way in hell she's going to the after party or helping with the prank." Clay said in a firm tone near the end, and the brunette just nodded turning a little and giving Techno a thumbs up. The blonde and the pink haired male both started to laugh at the same time for the same reason, that being that the brunette was always so persistent.

After awhile, it was now eleven at night and everyone was just watching a movie, but halfway through, the blonde got a message that practical ruined his night. He got a message from the police department that stung him and he just got up and walked out of the house, leaving behind his phone. The brunette was confused and so was Techno, so he came over and sat next to the smaller, asking what was wrong. George answered with an I don't know and picked up the blondes phone before turning it on, both Techno and George shared a worried look after reading the message.

Hello, Clay Collins, we're sorry for the late hour message, but we'd like to inform you, and your current care takers that your mother, Rose Collins was found dead in the women's restroom a few minutes ago, she was able to get her hands on illegal substances and she OD'd, we're not sure what drug nor what time yet, but we'll report back to you when we find out.

Deepest condolences
Sergeant Backslinger

George and Techno both quickly got up and ran outside, but immediately stopped, seeing the blonde sitting on the staircase outside the door, quietly crying into his arms. George was first to go over to Clay and sat next to him, he pulled the fragile boy into a comforting hug and held him close as the boy just sobbed into into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Clay, you don't deserve this amount of pain." The smaller said rubbing his back gently, then looked at Techno and nodded.

The pink haired boy sighed and opened the door, calling Nick, Karl and Alex outside, and they almost instantly came rushing out. When the three were met with the crying boy, they were confused, but Techno filled Nick in and he went over and sat on the other side of Clay. "Man I'm sorry dude, I can drive you and George home if you want your space." The boy said and the blonde sat up, sniffling and shook his head.

"No it's good, I'm just going to sit out here for a bit." The boy said with a forced smile, but noticed Karl and Alex looking confused, so he just decided to tell them about his parents and what happened with his mom. After the longish story, Karl had shoved everyone out of his way, including George and pulled the blonde up and into a tight hug. He gave his condolences, but then when he let go, the boy grabbed his phone and turned on music before dragging Clay out to the yard and just started dancing.

The boy laughed a little, and he noticed the others come over with smiles and joined Karl in his little dance party, even George got Techno to come down and soon enough, all of them were dancing and being their goofy selves. After a minute, Wilbur opened the door and laughed a little bit, before asking if the rest of the group could join, in which Karl said yes with so much excitement he almost yelled it. Now everyone was outside on the front law, dancing with eachother, and without everyone knowing, it was bringing Clay's mood up.

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