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Okay, I've decided to finish off the book in this chapter. Thank you all for the support on this book, it means a lot, and if you haven't seen it yet, I've started a new book called Secrets, the chapters are longer and I'm quite proud of the chapters I've made so far.

This chapter is quite long since I just wanted this all to be in one, so...yeah, also I didn't reread this, so there's probably errors, sorry bout that.

So thank you again, and enjoy.


Their week had ended and the boys mostly just spent it swimming and making jokes. The boys had their last bit of fun before major testing had started, none of them were prepared for the studying they would have to do, especially Nick and Alex since they never paid attention in class.

Throughout the months of April and halfway through May, everyone in their highschool studied. All the sport players played their hearts out during their last games to seal their scholarships, and others made sure their grades were in order.

When testing started, the large group of friends rarely spoke to eachother unless they were at lunch, even George and Clay spoke less due to their tests. Whenever they weren't studying, they were either passed out cuddling, or spending quality time with Michael and Jenna considering the boys would be graduating soon.

Also throughout the months, Clay had convinced Michael to let him spruce up his old house so he could move in there when he was financially stable. George had gotten a job as well, but he didn't bother trying for a drivers license since he decided Clay would be his personal chauffeur.

The two boys were getting enough money for themselves, but they knew the brunettes parents were going to help pay bills at Class house while the boys were at collage. The two were very thankful towards the two adults for this and practically did whatever they asked for the rest if the school year.

Today was finally the day everyone was waiting for, tests were done, classes were practically cancelled, everyone just hung out in the classrooms and did whatever. "So, today's the day before the big one, who's ready Luke's party tonight?" Nick said, sitting in a window sill in the library.

George rolled his eyes, but a smile played in his lips, but Clay and Alex were already hoping around like children. "Dude! Luke throws the best parties! Even better than yours Nick!" Alex practically shouted, earning himself some glared from kids around.

Nick playfully glared at his boyfriend, but before he could say anything, Clay spoke up. "Yeah man, the guys parents are like fucking billionaires aren't they? His house is fucking huge! Not to mention his game room! And his own personal lake in his backyard!" The boy joked. Everyone at the school knew Luke had the biggest pool in the whole school, so this party was probably going to end up as a pool party.

"That's true, so everyone wear a your trucks there, and Clay, language!" Bad whisper yelled, walking up behind the group of five with Zak by his side.

"Oh! Sorry Bad..." The blonde mumbled, always feeling a but bad when he cussed around his friend, but the boy always forgave him with a sweet smile.

The group all talked for awhile about whatever topic, but eventually the school day came to an end and the duo said their goodbyes to their friends, eager to get home.


"Are we staying at Luke's for long? I don't want to have like, a terrible hangover during our graduation ceremony." The brunette complained, flopping down on his and Clay's bed when they walked into their room.

The blonde chuckled a little and walked over. "We don't have to stay long, but at least let me have a few drinks and an awkward drunk dance with you." The boy said before crawling in the bed, on top of the brunette.

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