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The whole day the duo constantly got in trouble because they slept during their classes. Nick, Karl and Alex also all slept through their classes, this was because all five boys thought it'd be a good idea to stay up super late each day on their little backyard camping trip and wake up early. Clay and George were way more tired than the trio however because they were used to sleeping in until they felt like getting up, so of course their sleep last night was short lived.

When the day was over, the group shared goodbyes with one another before they all split up. The duo hurried towards the shaded side of the road, remembering that they didn't bring the car that day. They defiantly regretted that decision since summer was nearing, and the boys wore hoodies.


When the boys got home, they said their hellos to the Davidson's before going up to their room. George immediately dropped his bag and took his shoes off before picking his cat up and going to his bed. Clay let out a small chuckle, doing the same as the brunette. When he laid down, he kissed the top of the brunettes head and placed Patches down on his chest as she fell asleep. "I'm gonna set an alarm for ten minutes before dinner, wake me up when it goes off Clay, thank you." The smaller said, setting an alarm before setting his phone off to the side and snuggling close to the blonde, also holding his cat close.

The blonde just hummed in response, knowing that the alarm was meant for him, since the brunette doesn't wake up to them. The boys stayed up for a few more seconds before George fell into a deep sleep, Clay following right after him a couple minutes later.


At around five forty in the evening, the blonde boy woke up, hearing his boyfriends annoying alarm go off. The continuous rapid beeping was soon shut off when the boy clicked a button, then he sat up in bed, shivering at first when the cold air hit his chest, but he brushed it off and did a small stretch. He was amazed to say the least that the brunettes breath didn't even do a little hiccup when the alarm went off, even with the phone so close to his ear.

"George~" The blonde gently said to the sleeping boy, poking him in the side as well. This caused the boy to frown a little and stir a bit, but not wake up, so the blonde decided to test his luck. He leaned down, moving Cat just a little bit before he whispered the brunettes name again and placed a little, gentle kiss on the boys cheek. He got nothing in return, so this time, the boy lowered his voice when he whispered the boys name, this time by his ear before placing a loving kiss on the boys lips.

Not to his surprise though, he felt the brunette return the action before they both smiled a little. "That was a nice wake up call, you should do it more often Clay." The brunette muttered quietly before pulling the blonde into another quick kiss. When they pulled apart, George got a full look of his boyfriend, from his bare chest to his little smirking face.

"So you want me to wake you up with a kiss every morning? 'Cause that can surely be put into action starting tomorrow." The blonde said in a cocky tone, resting his whole weight on his arm as he played with George's hair with his free hand. He noticed the boy blush a little bit, but that was before he was pushed onto the floor by the smaller. After the thump echoed in the room, the blonde sat up quickly and turned his head, green eyes meeting mismatched ones. "George! What the hell?!" The boy asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

The smaller just started laughing, rolling onto his back before looking back over. "Don't say things like that, simp." The boy joked, but he was quickly shut up when the other got back up on the bed, and managed to get on top of the brunette within a few swift seconds. The blonde also had the smallers arms pined down above his head with one hand, while his other free hand made sure the brunettes head faced him. George could feel the massive amount of heat rise to his cheeks and his heart race right out of his chest as the blonde showed off his dominate side, a side that the boy rarely ever showed towards the smaller. 

The taller leaned down so he was inches away from the brunettes and smirked at the blushing mess below him. "Call me a simp once more and you'll regret it." The boy whispered, purposely deepening his voice before placing a little kiss on the tip of the brunettes nose and getting off of him. The blonde slipped a shirt on as he headed towards the door. When he looked back, noticing the smaller in the same exact position he left him in. "I'll meet you downstairs Georgie~" The boy said almost teasingly before letting out a snicker and leaving the room.

The brunette laid there for a few more minutes, trying to calm down, but the image of Clay on top of him continued to play in his memories. The boy knew if he didn't go meet his parents for dinner soon that it would be a little weird, especially since the blonde was already down there, so he got up, trying his best to get rid of the redness in his cheeks as he made his way down. "Ah, speaking of him, here he comes." The smaller boy heard his father say as he took a seat next to his boyfriend.

"What took you so long sweetie? Are you feeling alright?" His mother asked in a gentle tone as she brought out their meals. George shook his head, a small smile forming on his lips as he looked up at his mother.

"No, I'm still just waking up from my nap, you know how I am." He half joked, getting a small chuckle from his mom, but he also heard a tiny scoff come from the boy sitting next to him. The smaller sent a little side glare towards the blonde who only smirked, taking a bite of his food.

Soon enough the silent atmosphere was filled with a light conversion, mostly about how everyones day was, and how they all were doing. After a little while, the boys had finished and cleaned up their mess before heading back to their room. When they entered, Clay was about to just go to the bed and lay down, but the brunette took hold of his hand and pulled him back.

George wrapped his arms around the tallers neck once he was close enough, smiling up at him. The blonde smirked ever so slightly, gently placing his hands on the smallers hips, pulling him even closer. "What's up Georgie? You need something?" The boy asked, watching as the smaller moved out of the blondes hands and jumped up, wrapping his legs around the taller, feeling the other quickly catch him.

"Nothing other than your attention." The boy stated like the blonde already knew that and leaned in before placing his lips against the blondes. Clay chuckled a little before returning the action, walking over to the bed in the process.

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