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A few weeks had gone by, the brunettes grandfather's funeral was set for that weekend, and prom was in a couple weeks as well. The two boys were still the same, going to school, getting good grades, hanging out with the rest of the feral boys, before going home and just laying in bed to watch movies for the rest of the night, aside from homework they sometimes had. Something had changed though, and one of the more noticeable things was how flirtatious the blonde had gotten with the brunette. The brunette never told him to stop though, well, there was the playful saying stop, but it was never serious and in all honesty, he liked a the nice little things he was told.

Currently, the feral boys were sitting at their usual lunch table, just talking and laughing away with one another about all sorts of things. They always got, and probably will continue to get till their done with highschool confused and mean faces being shown to them, since they used to be popular and now they hang around the kid nobody even knew existed. One topic did catch everyone's attention though, and that was prom, including the after party. "Yeah, I've been hearing rumors from everywhere that after prom and like halfway through the party, some seniors are gonna go back to the school and pull the biggest prank our school's seen yet." Nick said at a whisper, not wanting to drag any attention to them as he spoke.

Karl and Alex both looked super excited to see this year's prank, all the previous ones have been okay, but nothing like the one back in the 80s. Back then, one of the seniors got a hold of a masters key to the school and almost all the seniors showed up to turn their entire school into a haunted mansion, were talking gore, props, clown statues and even people dressing up as killer clowns. There were also fake cobwebs everywhere, smoke machines, lazar lights and even more, the whole school, every room was a horror attraction. All of them wondered how in the world this year's seniors were going to top that, but they were excited to come back to see what had been done.

"Yeah, I've actually heard in the halls that they're gonna need all seniors for this one, and they're gonna need people to stock them with energy related things, like drinks, power bars, anything cause this one's going to be an all nighter, and I was thinking we could all actually join in." Someone said from the table, causing surprised eyes on him, no one thought he'd have an opinion in it, but they were proven wrong. Clay actually wanted to do something social without being pushed into it like parties and dances, he said himself that he wanted to be in on the prank. Nick was the first one to brake the silence with a 'lets go!' causing the others to join in.

As they all cheered and chanted at their friends new accomplishment of becoming more social, and Nick taking all the credit obviously, George looked over at the blonde who looked back at him. "Are you sure you want to help? There'll be a lot of people there and I don't want you getting overwhelmed." The concerned brunette said, gently placing his hand on the blondes back. He was worried that something might happen considering that Clay was going to the dance with their friend group, then the party and now the prank, it was all felt so sudden and slightly confusing. The blonde smiled and ruffled the brunettes hair, which resulted in his hand cupping the boys' face.

The taller stared for a moment at the other boy, reading his expression so he could tackle the conversation properly. "Don't worry okay Georgie? I'll be with all of you guys, I'll be with you, and if I need a break, I'll tell you right away." He said, using a new nickname that caught the brunette boy off guard, but made him smile a bit. The smaller placed his hand on top of the one on his face before pulling it off and holding it with both of his hands. He just stared down at it for a few minutes, unable to say anything with all the rushing thoughts in his head, like his grandfather, the funeral, Clay and all his feelings towards him, the party, the prank, and the dance, all of it was just happening so soon.

"Hey Clay, if you don't get overwhelmed, but I do, can I...Can I come to you and talk about it?" The smaller asked, letting go of the blondes hand to pick at his cuticles since he was unsure about the answer he'd receive. The other boy quickly, but gently grabbed a hold of the brunettes hands before holding them and rubbing his thumbs across the tops of his hands. The mismatched eyed boy looked up after a second and noticed a concerned look on his friends' face.

"George, you can tell me anything, you know that, if you start getting the slightest overwhelmed anywhere, if you start getting stressed, anything, just tell me and I'll do everything I can to help you, that is a promise you can hold me up to till the day I die." The blonde said, sounding serious which was a change for the brunette. The smaller boy was almost brought to tears after hearing the blonde, and the taller could tell so he stood up, bringing the other boy with him before waving the rest of the group goodbye and walking outside with the brunette.

Right when the duo stepped outside and the doors closed behind them, George started crying and the blonde almost instantly wrapped his arms around the smaller and held him close. The brunette hugged back, crying into the tallers chest as he thought about his grandfather, the funeral, Clay, and what he said, just everything. The blonde just let the boy cry as he rubbed his back gently, shushing him quietly as they stood against the wall. The lunch bell rang and George tried to stop his tears and he let go of the blonde who only held him still. "If you don't want to cut your class a bit, I understand, but if you're worrying about me not wanting to, its fine, I'm completely okay with staying out here with you." He said, cupping the brunettes face, who looked at him in the eyes.

The two boys just stared at eachother, wanting something from the other, but didn't quite know if the other wanted it as well. Clay was the first one to make a move and he took his chances before leaning forward, stopping centimeters away, but the gap was quickly closed by the brunette. The two only just now realized how much they actually wanted this, how much they craved for the others lips. The brunette was the first to pull away for air, and the two just looked eachother in the eyes, both blushing, George blushing more than Clay however. They both let out a breathy 'wow' before laughing lightly and picking up their bags, deciding to skip the rest of the day without sharing a single word.

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