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When the three teens walked into the couples room, they all smiled a bit bigger since they were still passed out. "Karl, you have the nail polish?" Nick asked at a whisper, and he earned himself a nod. "Alex, you have all the markers?" He asked the other boy at a whisper, yet again earning a nod his way. They all silently agreed that this was definitely a good idea before proceeding to walk over to the sleeping boys. Karl started painting both of their nails, Clay getting a neon green color with a white accent nail, and George got neon blue with a red accent nail. As he painted, Alex happily drew things on their faces and arms, along with Nick's help of course.

After a little bit, the blonde started to stir, thankfully Karl was already finished with his final layer of nail polish, and he was also finished with George's, so he wasn't in the cross fire. Alex and Nick however, didn't notice until it was too late. "What the hell are you two doing!?" The blonde whisper yelled, trying not to wake the sleeping brunette, thankfully he didn't. Nick and Alex almost instantly jumped up from the bed and ran, but Clay was able to grab at the back of Nick's shirt and hold it tight. "Explain to me what exactly you were doing, and why the hell you're here this early." Clay asked, his voice a bit deeper and raspy due to just waking up, and it worked in his favor since Nick was a bit intimated by the blonde for the first time.

Nick slowly turned his head to face the blonde, trying to hide his intimation from the other, miserably failing in the process. "U-Uhm, well...You see...We wanted to hangout...but- um, you guys were sleeping..." The boy stuttered out, causing Clay to let go of him, giving him a small shove forward. He noticed Alex hiding behind the door and Karl in the corner, looking up from his phone. Sighing, he knew why the two were uneasy, and that was because him and Nick were both now know as the school's brawlers. At least twice a week they'd start a fight with one another for absolutely no reason and it was always a tie, but the both of them were never left without bloody noses or bruises. So he figured the two smaller boys currently hiding were scared that today was going to end in a fight, however, it didn't.

He also noticed that his nails were painted a nice bright green with white on his ring finger, and if he was being honest, he didn't actually hate it. The blonde gave one last harsh glare at Nick before looking over at Karl, his face instantly softening as he thanked him, already knowing this was his doing. The boy just thanked, smiled and gave a thumbs up in the blondes direction, happy that the boy actually liked it instead of hating it. Then the blonde turned to face Alex and let out a sigh. "What markers did you both use?" He asked, and Alex move his hand and showed they were washable markers, so the blonde untangled himself from the brunette and sat up with a small stretch.

Since the brunette was more comfortable seeing the taller without his shirt on, due to they had gym together and shared a locker room, the blonde was finally able to sleep shirtless. When he stretch, it gave the other three a chance to see how toned the boys abs were starting to get since he took up working out again. Nick was first to move and cover both Alex and Karl's eyes, Alex had moved over to sit next to Karl, he was obviously protective over Karl since they were boyfriends, but he was also protective over Alex for a reason he couldn't tell yet. "Jesus Clay! Put a damn shirt on! You have company!" Nick yelled, forgetting that the brunette was sleeping still.

The blonde started laughing at the others reaction and looked at Nick. "What? Are you jealous they're blushing over someone that's not you?" He asked in a sarcastic tone as he stood up. "And, I didn't invite you guys over, so it's on you." The boy added and leaned down, picking George up who was starting to wake up due to all the commotion. When he was picked up, he clung to Clay like he was a koala and the taller was his tree, completely ignoring all the swears being said from Nick and the blonde.

"Clay~ Shut up~ I'm tired~" The smaller brunette whined into his boyfriends shoulder, not sure why he was picked up yet. After he spoke, he noticed that the blonde had stopped swearing and let out a small chuckle before he felt a kiss being pressed against his forehead. He also heard a small sorry from the blonde before he took them into the bathroom and sat the brunette on the counter. When the smaller rubbed his eyes and looked at Clay for the first time, he burst out laughing seeing marker all over his face, but his laughter soon died when he noticed his own face and began whining about it.

It was Clays turn to start laughing as he heard the smaller start whining. Soon enough though, the blonde wet a small rag and started to clean off the brunettes face, earning a blush in the process. "Hey, your nails are painted, when did you do that? And how are you so good at it?" The smaller asked, taking the blondes free hand into his own as he examined the paint, but soon he noticed his own nails and had a mini freak out. "And when did you paint mine?!" He asked yet again, but became confused when Clay shook his head with a small laugh.

The boy in front of the brunette pointed outside the door to Karl before he spoke. "Actually, while Nick and Alex were busy drawing on our faces, Karl was the only nice one and painted both our nails, so thank him." The blonde said, washing his own face now as the smaller hopped down off the counter and went over to Karl with a smile. The taller heard the other thank Karl about a million times before hearing him scold the other two about what they did and how they could've been way nicer on waking them up. After a few minutes though, Clay walked out of the bathroom getting Karl and Alex's attention and he swore he saw a small blush appear on their faces, and George's, but he definitely heard a small huff and a grumble come from Nick when he walked over to the closet.

Just like Nick had asked, the blonde put on a shirt, but just to get on his nerves, Clay put on a grey tank top with the sides open all the way down to the bottom of the shirt. When he returned from the closet and walked by Nick, he heard him groan in annoyance, but he ignored it and sat down next to George before pulling him on his lap. "So, you guys came over to hang out, what exactly do you want to do? Hm?" George quizzed, feeling the blonde wrap his arms around his waist in an almost protective way. Nick sat down across from them, Alex and Karl both sitting on either side of him as he spat out some ideas, the others joining in as well.

Eventually though, they came up on an idea for what they could do for the whole day, considering the brunettes parents were gone. They'd start by going out to lunch as a group, then go shopping for a bit before returning back here and turning the duo's backyard into an at home movie theater with a white bed sheet and a projector. They all thought it sounded like a good idea, so they started to get ready for their day out.

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