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It was Tuesday morning today and Clay still hadn't turned up after running out. The brunette was devastated, he just found out the blonde was who he thought he was, but he lost him yet again. On Monday, George had skipped school, but today his mother told him he had to go, so he followed his mother's words and began his morning routine.

First a shower, then teeth and clothes, then came breakfast before he left, but today everything seemed like it took decades to get done, the boy just wanted to see his best friend again and scold him before giving him the tightest hug he could manage to give.

Of course though, the blonde wasn't there, so he couldn't do anything about it. So, after breakfast and after his decade long walk to school, George just ignored everyone that came up to him, asking where he was the day before, asking if he was okay, he even ignored his friends stupid remarks.

When the boy walked into maths class, his hopes were low on seeing the blonde, and just like he expected, the taller was nowhere in sight. When the boy took his seat, which was Clay's seat, he just stared out the window and didn't pay attention.

Near the middle of class, the brunette was snapped out of his trance when he heard his teacher start talking about a certain thing, or, a certain someone. "Ah, late again Clay, what's your excuse this time?" The teacher quizzed the blonde boy who stood in the doorway.

George looked over, not believing what his teacher said, but soon enough, mismatched eyes met emerald green one that were filled with fear. The brunette slowly turned his whole body around to look at the boy and soon enough he was standing up, angry, but also happy.

All Clay got out was an "uhm" before he turned around and walked right out of the class and began speed walking down that hall to the exit. George on the other hand had grabbed his bags and ran out of the classroom to chase after the 'missing' boy who just showed up out of nowhere.

"Clay! What the hell!? Where have you been!?" The brunette semi yelled as he caught up to the other. Soon enough he was in front of the boy and holding him in place so he wouldn't leave, there eyes meeting yet again, this time Georg was furious and Clay was just, eh, you could say.

Clay tried, and successfully wiggled his way free from the brunettes grasp, but instead of just running out the exit, he pulled the other boy close and put their foreheads together. "I'm sorry George, I really am, but I can't stay at your house, so I'm just going to go get Patches, and I'll be out of your hair, promise." The blonde said in a soft tone before moving his head away and looking at the other with a small, sad smile.

The brunette on the other hand was close to crying at that very moment, he just got his friend back and now he wanted to leave for good. Seeing George so close to crying freaked the blonde out, he had no idea on what to do, so he just hugged the boy and rubbed his back.

"Why? Why would you think I wanted you 'out of my hair'? I just got you back dammit, there's nothing more I want to do then catch up! Go see a movie, or-or-" The brunette stopped, and just let his tears fall as he held onto the taller for dear life. Clay felt an enormous amount of guilt fall over him, he didn't know how to handle these situations properly, so he just held the brunette closer and rubbed his back, saying he was sorry about a million times.

After a few minutes of just standing there and gaining weird looks from other students in the hall, both boys pulled apart and just looked at eachother. The blonde cupped the other boys' face with one hand and wiped some of his tears away with a small smile.

"Cmon, lets get out of here, and maybe go see a movie like you want yeah?" The blonde said, also asking and he gained a nod from the brunette almost instantly. Clay nodded as well and moved his hand away from the others face and grabbed his wrist very gently before walking towards the exit, not noticing the small blush that crept onto George's face.


Once the duo made it to the theater, Clay let go of the brunettes hand and pulled out his wallet before paying both their tickets. They already decided on what movie they were going to see, so they weren't in line for long, when Clay got their tickets, he grabbed George's hand gently again before walking to the snack bar.

He figured that holding hands was a normal thing between friends since he sees it all around school, and the brunette never once made any sign indicating he was uncomfortable with it.

"So, we need popcorn right? And sweets? And a soda?" The blonde asked, not sure on what all to get, mind you, this was his first time ever going out, and his first time at a theater. When he looked down at the brunette, he noticed him staring at their hands that were currently intertwined.

Clay thought that was a sign of discomfort, so he let go and rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous, forced chuckle. "Sorry...but uh, what do you want?" The boy asked, trying his best not to ruin anything, but he felt like he already had.

The brunette furrowed his brows in disappointment at the lack of hand holding, so he took it upon himself to hold the boys hand again as he told the worker what they'd be getting. The blonde didn't actually want much, so all he asked for was a little popcorn, but his attention was really on the brunettes hand.

Just seeing it intertwined with his own had a funny affect on the boy, one could even go as far to say there were butterflies flying around in his stomach. For some reason, knowing the brunette actually wanted to hold his hand made this a whole lot different then their previous hand holding session.

"Clay? Did you hear what I said?" The blonde heard which snapped him back into reality and look back up at the other boy who stood with a smile. The blonde shook his head no after a second and heard the brunette let out a sigh.

"I said, let me go to the bathroom real quick, you go pick out our seats and I'll meet you in there, okay?" The brunette repeated himself, but held a smile on his face. The taller nodded, smiling a little and let go of the boys hand after another few seconds and picked up all the snacks.

After one last silent agreement, the boys parted ways and Clay went to the showing room to pick out their seats, unsure on how close the brunette usually sat to the screen. After a minute of decision making, the boy sat in the back, not fully, but just enough so the screen wasn't right in their faces and the speakers weren't blaring in their ears.

After a few minutes, the blonde saw a familiar face in a small crowd of people and waited till he looked up to wave him over. The brunette smiled bright and walked up the stairs to be met with his friend.

The two of them shared a brief hey before the brunette sat down and took some snacks, setting the soda in between then and reaching over for the blondes hand again. The taller happily held the smaller boys hand again and turned his attention over to the screen as the preview started.

The brunette did the same, or at least he tried, but all he could think about was the warmth on his hand, the feeling of butterflies in his stomach and the heat rising in his cheeks as he sat there with the other boy.

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